How to feed the chicks that the children picked up on the street

Very often, children bring nestlings from the street, supposedly dropped out of the nest, and begin to take care of them with tears. They arrange a nest in a box, put it on cotton or rags and ask adults about how to feed the chicks that have fallen from the nest?

what to feed the chicks

Not every parent is able to force the baby to take the chick to where he brought it from, although he understands that he will have to take care of the foundling.

Chick Mode

Food for the chicks is often required, every 15-20 minutes. It will be possible to interrupt only at night's sleep and resume feeding should be no later than the sun rises.

How to feed the chicks depends on the type of bird to which they belong. There is a possibility at home to feed a chick of a swallow, songbird, sparrow, shear, crownel or dove. Almost all chicks can be returned to where they were found, and their parents will probably take care of them.

Do not return to the place of only small swifts. Swifts cannot help the fallen bird from the nest; they cannot take off from the ground. You can distinguish a swift from a swallow by its paws - at the swifts all fingers look forward.

what to feed titmouse chick

Chick menu

Children found a sparrow chick. How to feed a bird?

Despite the fact that adult birds with pleasure peck grains, nestlings are fed with protein food. Mealworms and live bloodworms, which can be purchased at pet stores, earthworms — you can dig them out yourself, flies — also caught with your own hands, are suitable for food.

Ideally, feeding is carried out once every 20 minutes - if it does not work, at least once an hour. In the beak of the chick you need to push a piece of food, revealing it by force. If you can’t get live food, you need to mix pieces of egg yolk, cottage cheese and minced meat and make tiny balls. The chick itself does not know how to bite, but by 3-4 feeding it understands that it is necessary to open the "mouth".

How to feed titmouse chick? His diet is not different from the diet of a sparrow. The only thing is that the tit chick may need mineral supplements and vitamins, which will have to be introduced along with the feed. Tit birds are less likely to find, these birds hide their nests from people. It often happens that parents, frightened by people, lose their chick, and when the children find him, he is rather weak.

Swallows in the wild do not return

Often, children bring little swallows home. These birds make nests on the last floors of human dwellings and under balconies. How to feed the chicks of these birds? Swallows always feed on protein foods, and therefore feeding the swallows is no different from nursing sparrow chicks. But you need to remember: if birds of other species, during growing up, are gradually transferred to cereal feed and can leave hospitable hosts, the swallow, raised in captivity, does not return to freedom. True, it will be possible to replace live food as a bird grows up with a substitute - transfer it to minced meat. Feed the swallow chick enough once an hour.

When it is clear how to feed the chicks, you need to clarify how to water them and how? And most importantly - is it necessary? You can drip a couple of drops of water, introducing it further into the beak, from a pipette, but the birds in the wild do not drink their chicks - they have enough moisture from live food.

found a sparrow chick than to feed

In order for the children not to bring small birds home, the parents must explain to the child that the fledgling - most often the children bring the chicks, which themselves flew out of the nest, still not fully resting - flew out of the nest themselves and waited for the mother to feed and take care of him. And you do not need to bring such chicks home, it is better to return to the same place for parents to find. At home, feeding a chick is difficult enough.

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