White pimples on the face of a newborn. Treatment and prevention

A child who has just appeared in the family is both joy and excessive anxiety of parents with and without. First of all, this concerns changes in the appearance of the peanut, in particular, the state of the skin of his face.

Often the smallest changes on the baby’s skin shock young mothers. Indeed, rashes can be the primary symptoms of diseases, and it is very important to recognize them on time and consult a specialist. But there are those about which there is absolutely no need to worry - their occurrence is physiologically determined and does not provide for any treatment.

why white pimples appear on the face

In order not to puzzle yourself with the questions “where did the pimples come from on the newborn’s face” and “what to do now”, you need to be aware of the most likely reasons for their appearance, and act on this. Pimples on the face of a newborn can have a completely different look - be white, red, pustular, bumpy, etc. In this article, we will consider such a phenomenon as white pimples on the face of a newborn.


If on the face of your baby in the first month of life white pimples the size of a pinhead appeared, resembling pearls, without redness around or other signs of the inflammatory process, then you should not worry at all. In front of you is an absolutely normal physiological phenomenon in newborns, called a milium, and these small white pimples themselves are called milia.

white pimples on the face of a newborn

The occurrence of miles is due to the immaturity of the baby's sebaceous glands, leading to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat.

Face care with miles

You probably already guessed that the white pimples in the baby on the face called "milii" are temporary and do not require any special treatment. Moreover, they themselves pass without leaving any consequences on the skin of the newborn. Therefore, even if you really want to rid your beloved acne on your face as quickly as possible, in no case should you resort to traditional cosmetology methods, such as:

  • rubbing the baby's face with an alcohol solution or lotion;
  • extrusion;
  • steaming, etc.

Remember that the baby’s skin is very delicate, and with such actions you can only do harm - cause irritation, dry the skin, cause infection, etc.

The only thing you need to do if you find white pimples on the face of a newborn is to provide him with the correct daily care, including:

  • daily washing at least twice a day with boiled water;
  • bathing in water with a potassium permanganate of pale pink color, it is known to dry the skin;
  • bathing in decoctions of herbs, such as a string, trees or chamomile, but you only need to carefully monitor the behavior and condition of the baby - the children are allergic to grass.

small white pimples

This is the whole treatment of a baby with miles on the skin.

Acne Newborn

If you notice white pimples on the face of a newborn, resembling beads-pustules, sometimes with a red base around them, then it is likely that your child has a hormonal rash, the scientific name of which is acne of newborns. Yes, acne is found not only in adolescents. Such white pimples on the face of a child in the first month of life may appear due to an excess of maternal hormones in his body. Acne is localized in the face, neck and scalp.

white pimples on the face of a child

Baby Skin Care with Acne

As with milium, skin with acne does not require any special treatment. Maintaining her dryness and cleanliness using standard baby care procedures is all that is required of parents as prevention and treatment. As you can guess from the reason why white acne pimples appear on the face, this phenomenon does not indicate insufficient hygiene and is not contagious.

Skin infection

If the white pimples on the face of a child are large, i.e. the size of the white cap of the abscess exceeds the size of the match head, this may indicate a skin infection. For example, about neonatal vesiculopustulosis, in which inflammation of the eccrine sweat glands occurs, usually as a result of untreated sweating.

Vesiculopustulosis is also caused by gram-positive (staphylococcus in 80% of cases, streptococcus), and gram-negative (Proteus, Klebsiella, E. coli) bacteria, as well as some types of fungi.

Symptoms of vesiculopustulosis

The initial manifestation of vesiculopustulosis is a reddish-pink rash, which is very similar to prickly heat.

white acne in a baby on the face

Then, in areas where the mouths of the sweat glands are absent, bubbles appear with a clear liquid, which subsequently becomes cloudy, forming pustules (pustules). After a few days, the pustules either break out on their own, turning into sores, or dry out, covered with a crust. With proper treatment of the disease, the appearance of ulcers and crusts does not lead to scars or depigmented spots, and the disease itself disappears within 7-10 days. It should be borne in mind that during the course of the disease, an increase in body temperature to subfebrile values ​​(37.2-37.3 ° C) is possible.

Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of vesiculopustulosis

Diagnosis of vesiculopustulosis is made by a pediatrician and is not particularly difficult. To determine the type of bacteria that gave rise to white pimples on the face of a newborn, sowing of samples of biological material (contents of pustules, breast milk, etc.) is carried out and the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics is determined. Based on these data, treatment is prescribed.

Treatment also includes:

  • Processing pustules and sores with aniline dyes (methylene blue or brilliant green) and lubricating them with antibacterial ointments (heliomycin, lincomycin).
  • Refusal of bathing in order to prevent the spread of infection to healthy areas of the skin.
  • Areas in which there are no white pimples (on the face of a newborn) should be treated with weak solutions of antiseptics, such as potassium permanganate or furacilin solution.

As you can guess from the cause of the disease, its prevention is to prevent the appearance of sweating on the skin of the baby and hygiene.

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