Why does the dog whine: possible causes

What should I do if my beloved pet suddenly becomes anxiously whimpering from time to time? How to help your pet? How to recognize the reason for this behavior? Some dogs are not very sociable, so whining on their part is immediately perceived as a sign of discomfort. Others are more emotional, which means that their whining can turn out to be a behavioral problem.

why does the dog whine

Why does the dog whine?

The reasons for this behavior can be a lot, you should always pay attention to the situation in the house, to the breed and age of the animal, to its condition - both physical and emotional.

dog tongue

If the dog ruined your thing and whined plaintively, hiding its face, this does not mean that it is trying to apologize in this way, contrary to popular belief. By this behavior, she shows that she recognizes your leadership. Dogs are known to be pack animals, and the owner for them is part of the pack.

With the help of whining, a dog can ask for an addition to a meal or just try to beg for something tasty if this happens during the dinner of the owner. In this case, it is better to ignore the vagaries of the pet, since you can not indulge in raising dogs, as well as raising children, thereby encouraging such behavior.

Emotional and physical condition

As mentioned above, it is necessary to pay attention to the physical and emotional state of the pet. Often the owner thinks that the dog whines for no reason, but this is unlikely.

dog whines

If the animal is in pain, he has no other way to notify his master about it than to whine plaintively, asking for help. At the slightest suspicion of the presence of a disease or injury in a pet, you should immediately seek medical attention from a veterinarian. It is easy to understand why the dog whimpers, if at the same time she sits at the front door or even scratches her. If she has already developed a walking mode, it is worth listening to her requests and leading her to a walk.

the dog whines for no reason

A dog can whine from boredom, thereby attracting attention, or, conversely, whine if it is glad to see the owner or other animal, if it was limited in communicating with its own kind. Perhaps she is concerned about the behavior of one of the owners or his condition. Or scared, watching a quarrel.

Some dogs, observing the owner, try to adopt his communication style and begin to whine, wanting to interact with him in the usual way - the voice. Of course, we won’t be able to understand the dog’s language . Therefore, it is recommended in this case to simply ignore such attempts.

Stress is a fairly common reason why a dog whines. Any changes in the usual routine of life can cause feelings for the pet, it can be a recent move, a change of scenery, a long journey, a meeting with an aggressive relative, a visit to a veterinary clinic, etc.

dog whines at night

Why does a dog whine at night

As a rule, there are two main reasons:

  • Dogs also have dreams. Perhaps the dream caused a strong emotional outburst in the animal, joyful or negative experiences, as a result of which the dog whines in a dream.
  • The dog experiences anxiety in the absence of the owner, can not sleep, worries. In this case, it would be advisable to move the bed to the bedroom for a while, after which every night a little move it closer to the usual place, allowing her to get used to sleep alone.

why does the dog whine

How to wean a dog whine

Before taking any measures to eliminate this problem, it is necessary to find out why the dog whines. After all, the reasons do not always lie on the surface, and for their detection it is worth paying attention to the pet and observing its condition.

Parenting methods

Some trainers advise punishing the dog for breaking the silence, saying “fu!” In a terrible tone, and repeat this action until progress is made. Others insist that punishment in this case is ineffective. It will be much more effective, on the contrary, to encourage her good behavior and praise for maintaining silence.

If the dog begins to whine when the owner leaves the line of sight, it is necessary to accustom it to its absence. To do this, let her know that when a person leaves, he will definitely return. The best way would be to close your pet in the room, leaving one for 10 minutes, and praise if during this time he did not begin to whine. Next, you need to increase the time of absence, bringing it up to an hour. The dog will develop a strong understanding: the owner will return.

If the reason lies in the stress of the animal, it is worthwhile to provide support, surround with care and increased attention in order to reassure faster and make it clear that everything is in order. Play with him, give me a treat.

dog whines at night

If in your case we are talking about a young puppy, you need to help him adapt in a new place, get used to new people, often praise for good behavior, be patient with his emotions, fears, spend time with him more often, and take care.


According to popular signs, a dog whining in the house portends the illness of one of the family members or, possibly, even his death. It is believed that they feel the approach of an ailment and thus show their sadness and try to convey their feelings to a person.

The main rule that should be followed: if you want to understand the dog’s language and find out the reason for whining, you should not use aggressive educational measures. Make sure that the dog is not stressed, not upset, do not scold him if you are not sure that he is healthy and well, so you risk losing his confidence. Remember, fear is not respect.

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