At all times, children were very fond of riddles. And this is not surprising. After all, they help to develop thinking, to study various natural phenomena, the properties of things, the connection of one object with another.
There are a lot of riddles in books and on the Internet: about animals, birds, people, about various things and nature, about everything that surrounds us.
Riddles about the world
In books you can find many mysteries about the world. This is no accident. After all, this is one of the most important natural phenomena.
A lot is connected with it. In the morning, when it gets light, children go to kindergarten, to school, adults go to work. When the sun is shining, the street is warm. When light - flowers bloom, the birds rejoice in the new day. In spring, when the day gets longer, all nature comes to life.
In children, light is associated with the sun. And the sun is life. Therefore, children love puzzles about the world. Often they come up with them themselves and make them to other children.
Mysteries such as:
- The bright cat jumped into the window.
- What is impossible to hide and lock in a box?
- Daily in the mornings, he comes to visit us.
- Metu, metu - does not go away. I drive, I drive - does not leave. When the time comes, he himself will leave.
Mysteries for children about a light bulb
Also, light can be associated with a light bulb. Because when it turns on, it becomes light in any room, despite the fact that it is dark outside. On this occasion, you can also pick up puzzles about the light, or rather - about the light bulb:
- With your finger once - the light went out, with your finger two - again light.
- No matches, no kerosene once - and light. What is it?
- Postings to the ceiling, a bubble hangs from the ceiling, as soon as you turn it on - a light appears.
- It looks like a pear, but it is impossible to eat.
In books you can find not only riddles about the world, but also sayings, signs and so on. For instance:
- without a friend, white light is not nice;
- the light always defeats the dark;
- if you study, a bright future awaits, and not learn - a dark future;
- Light stands before darkness, darkness before light;
- if by chance you see a bright illumination in your house - there will be happiness.
And in fairy tales you can find various expressions related to light. For example: “light, my mirror”, “across the world”, “neither light nor dawn”, “light house”, “lit up with light”, “ray of light in darkness” and so on.
This is a phenomenon in our lives.
Mysteries about light for children learn to distinguish between what is meant by light and dark, good and evil, good and bad. Thanks to riddles, children will learn what electricity is and what daylight is. They begin to realize that always after a dark stripe will be followed by a bright one.
And in adults, the expression "believe in a brighter future" is often found.