What are the fluffy cats known for?

Shaggy fluffy cats are no doubt charming creatures. But you need to understand that their coat is not only a matter of pride, but also a source of endless chores for the owners. A luxurious fur coat should be looked after carefully so that it does not fall off and the tail does not look like a peeling brush. Wool requires special attention during molting.

If people who are not afraid of careful care, they believe that they will cope with everything. It is these citizens who have fluffy cats and settle at home. Especially for such brave people, we made a selection of these graceful creations. So, what are the breeds of fluffy cats? Now consider the species in more detail.

fluffy cats


The most furry are Persian. These cats are very popular in Russia. By nature, they are soft, calm. The weight of an adult representative can reach seven kilograms. The chest and back of the Persians are wide, their paws are short, and their heads are large. The coat of these cats is long, quite thick. Needs careful daily care, as it is prone to the formation of tussles. Note that such fluffy cats, photos of which you see in our article, molt year-round, but especially in the summer. It must be ensured that the pet does not swallow its own coat, otherwise a blockage of the intestinal tract or stomach may occur.

breed fluffy cats

In general, keeping such animals is not troublesome and quite convenient. Such fluffy cats become attached to the owners, try to be closer to them (unobtrusively). These pets are not malicious, curious, playful, children are not afraid. Such animals easily get along with people and other representatives of the fauna.

Ragdoll (rag doll)

Describing the breed of fluffy cats, one can not help but recall the ragdolls. Representatives also need to carefully care for the wool, otherwise there will appear tangles that will need to be cut. For some colors, this is unacceptable. For example, in the place of the cut out spot, light hair can grow dark hair. For color points, this is a real disaster.

fluffy cats photo

Representatives of the breed have a unique ability to muscle relaxation. Sometimes taking such a cat in your arms, you can feel the complete relaxation of the muscles. That is, it is completely in the power of the owner. In connection with the peculiarity, you need to be more careful with the cat, do not abandon it, otherwise it can lead to traumatic consequences. She cannot change position in the air and jump on her paws.

By nature, cats are phlegmatic, peaceful. One kitten costs an average of twenty thousand rubles.

Siberian cat

These cats are descendants of wild steppe cats. They have a fairly large body, muscular legs. The weight of representatives reaches twelve kilograms. Their heads are wide, ears are rounded at the ends, medium in size.

The eyes of cats are oval, large enough, can be either green or yellow.

These cats have preserved hunting instincts. They are independent, calm, restrained by nature. Such cats are active, fearless, physically resilient. Well succumb to training, get along with people and animals.

Sacred burma

Such fluffy cats need daily grooming. It is necessary to comb two or three times. They have a very beautiful fluffy tail and a luxurious woolen silk collar. By nature, they are quite sociable, they like to play and communicate with other relatives and people. Moderately active.

Maine Coons

the most furry cats

These are not only fluffy cats, but also the largest. The color is similar to the color of an ordinary raccoon. The weight of representatives reaches fifteen kilograms. The body of such cats is large, muscular, the chest is developed, rectangular in shape. A fairly large head has sharp features, a neck of medium length.

The ears are wide apart, at the ends of the tassel, due to them, these fluffy cats are similar to a trot. Representatives' eyes are beautiful, slanting. They can be golden, green and amber. The tail is wide at the base and pointed towards the end, long, reaches at least shoulders. Its shape is conical, lowered.

The price for one kitten ranges from five to fifty thousand rubles, depending on various features and factors.

Turkish Angora

the most beautiful and most furry cats

The character of cats is flexible, affectionate. They are curious, outgoing and playful. Such pets are attached to the owner. Easy to get along with people, animals.

Care does not require much effort. You need to comb three to four times a week. You can wash it once a month (not more often!).

There are still many interesting breeds of fluffy cats, but all of them can not be listed. We have identified the most interesting representatives.

Little conclusion

Now you know what the most furry cats are. All of them are beautiful in their own way. If you, too, are not afraid of careful leaving, then choose for yourself such beautiful pets. You definitely will not regret it!

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