- , , . . Linux. , . Linux, .
Linux . , «». , , , Postfix.
SendMail —
SendMail Linux. 1983 . SendMail . . , .
Postfix — ,
IBM. SendMail. , , . Linux, MacOS, Solaris.
. Linux Web- . SMTP, POP3 IMAP. 10 , .
Linux- iRedMail . , . Linux-.
. , , . . , 200. IndiMail.
Linux web-, C++. API . « ». . . — , .
, Linux-. . Linux Ubuntu. . , - .
, . -, . , , , CSV.
-. — .
, Windows. .
CommuniGate Pro
, . -. . .
Linux .
, Postfix Ubuntu. , .
, — . Ubuntu, :
root. . , . , — some.server.ru.
. :
mysqladmin -u root -p create mail.
mysql -u root. , .
, :
, :
mysql .
, , . . /etc/postfix. :
, query :
user = , ;
password = < >;
dbname = ;
query = , ;
hosts = 127.0.01.
query :
, - . , , .
Postfix. , , , some.server.ru .
, .
mkdir ~/CA_new
. :
- C — , , — RU;
- ST — ;
- L — ;
- O — ;
- CN — , ;
- .
sudo openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 4096
, .
openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha1 -days 3650 -key ca.key -out ca.crt -config ca.conf
openssl pkcs12 -export -in ca.cer -inkey ca.key -out ca.pfx
, . .
mkdir SERV
mkdir SERV/some.domen.ru
nano SERV/some.domen.ru/openssl.conf
, . , .
sudo openssl genrsa -passout pass:1234 -des3 -out SERV/some.server.ru/server.key.1 2048
1234. .
openssl rsa -passin pass:1234 -in SERV/some.server.ru/server.key.1 -out SERV/ some.server.ru/server.key
openssl req -config SERV/some.server.ru/openssl.conf -new -key SERV/some.server.ru/server.key -out SERV/some.server.ru/server.csr
: rm -f SERV/ some.server.ru/server.key.1
, . , , . Linux .
, , "" .
- Horde. - . , . .
- Amavisd-new. . Amavisd-new , , , , .
- SpamAssassin. , , . , .
- ClamAV. Linux- . . , « ».
- Razor. - Postfix.
- Pyzor — , .
- Fail2ban. , . IP- - .
- Mailman. -.
- Munin. . , . .
, — . , , . . , . « », , .
However, in the event of a server failure, you will have to delve into and understand the system’s device for a long time. The article, using the Postfix mail server as an example, showed the basic configuration methods for initial work. Together with a large number of modules, plugins and add-ons, this will create a powerful and reliable tool for sending and receiving messages.