Archive - what is it? Archive Types

Archiving, or file compression, is a special process that involves reducing the amount of free space on the drive that the file occupies. Today, there is a fairly wide variety of special utilities for data compression. However, many do not even understand what an archive is. What is archive and archiving, we will consider in this article.

It should be noted right away that the article is about computer archives, and not about departmental or any other. A departmental archive is a topic for a separate article, since it has nothing to do with a virtual one.

What is an archive?

archive what is

Many people do not even know what advantages the process in question differs. For those who are wondering: β€œArchive - what is it and why is it needed?” - There is a fairly simple explanation.

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file archive this

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archive of documents is

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, Zip RAR. .

the archive in the computer is

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departmental archive is

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the archive of the organization is

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