Caries in dogs: causes and methods of treatment. Veterinarians

Dogs, just like humans, are prone to tooth problems. Caries in dogs is a common occurrence. If it is not detected in time, it can lead to disruption of the internal organs of the animal. With dogs of hunting breeds, where the capture of prey by teeth plays a huge role, the situation is even more aggravated, because caries will cause it to weaken. How to recognize caries and how to treat it?

Symptoms of the disease

Signs of caries in dogs depend on the degree of neglect of the disease. At first, dark spots can be found on the dog’s teeth. An unpleasant putrefactive smell is heard from the mouth. Over time, caverns will appear in which food will begin to clog. The fact that the pet has problems with the teeth is also evidenced by increased salivation, difficult chewing of feed.

If the destruction affects the nerve endings, the dog will experience severe pain, whining, refuse to eat. On examination, veterinarians can detect gum swelling and redness. Caries-affected teeth begin to loosen.

Veterinary Dentistry

cleaning procedure

In most cases, the owner can detect caries in the dog. For this, you do not need the help of a doctor. But if its symptoms have been identified, you need to contact a specialized city veterinary clinic, where, in addition to a visual examination, a radiography will be prescribed. Based on the results, a treatment regimen is prescribed. The prognosis for superficial damage to the teeth, as a rule, is positive. In severe cases, resort to surgery.

Treatment should be carried out in a clinic that offers a wide range of veterinary dental services:

  • treatment of teeth affected by caries;
  • tartar removal by ultrasonic cleaning;
  • removal of milk and molars;
  • teeth cleaning.


If an animal has a tooth that has signs of caries, it should be shown to a veterinarian who will tell you how to treat caries in a dog. Self-medication is unacceptable. With a minor lesion, when the destruction and inflammation did not affect the deep layers and nerve, the tooth will have to be filled. If it is not possible to fix the problem surgically, the cavity must be regularly treated after each feeding of the dog.


As an antibacterial agent, Chlorhexidine, Rotokan, and calendula tincture are suitable. If alcohol infusion is used, it must be diluted with water. The use of Metrogil Denta gel gives good results for treating teeth in dogs. The composition should be applied to the dog’s teeth, which have signs of caries.

how to treat tooth decay under general anesthesia

When a tooth is completely destroyed, it must be removed. Such manipulations are performed under general anesthesia. After the operation, the dog’s mouth should be treated daily with special solutions. If the wound is healed, auxiliary preparations are not required. In case of suppuration, antibiotics are prescribed in injections.

Causes of caries

The exact causes of caries have not yet been studied. Under the influence of organic acids, demineralization of tooth enamel and damage to the hard tissues of the tooth occur. Violation of the protective layer of enamel can be caused by:

  • Mechanical factors. We are talking about injuries that arose as a result of the removal of tartar, with chips and cracks. The latter may appear at the moment when the dog nibbles hard objects.
  • Chemical factors. If the pH level of saliva changes or the amount of organic acids in the feed is exceeded, tooth enamel is destroyed.

Changes in tooth hard tissues in dogs can be caused by the fact that dogs are given thermally processed food, they chew hard foods less, resulting in a violation of the natural process of cleaning teeth from plaque and tartar.

Another reason lies in heredity. In addition, it is worth noting that the incidence of pathology in representatives of small breeds is 15-35% higher than in medium and large dogs.

Improper nutrition can lead to dental problems. If a large amount of carbohydrates prevails in the dog’s diet and a deficiency of minerals is observed, this negatively affects the condition of her teeth.

Caries in a dog can appear against the background of metabolic disorders, after severe past infectious diseases, in case of age-related dystrophic processes.

The consequences of untreated caries

If the pet cannot be cured in time, it may start pulpitis. Pulpitis itself can be acute, purulent, and chronic. In any case, the tooth will have to be removed. Periodontitis is another cause of untreated caries in dogs. What to do in this case, only the veterinarian will tell you.


As you know, the disease is easier to prevent than to deal with its difficult treatment later. This also applies to caries in dogs. In order for the pet’s teeth to remain healthy and strong as long as possible, it is necessary to properly care for them. Not every owner has the opportunity to brush his dog’s teeth after feeding.

dog brushing toy

However, if you treat the animal with raw bones and special biscuits for dogs, caries can be prevented, because this food takes on the role of a toothbrush and removes plaque from the teeth. To clean teeth from plaque, you can also give your pet a nibble on special chewing toys. You can buy them at any pet store.

The diet of the dog should consist of high quality feeds, in which there is a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. It is important to regularly show the animal to the veterinarian. If tartar is found on the dog’s teeth, it is recommended to remove it, without waiting for the situation to worsen.

Dog brushing: what to use and how often to carry out the procedure

puppy teeth care

For brushing the dog’s teeth, it is advisable to use special tools. Toothpastes, which are intended for humans, must be discarded, because they can harm the animal.

For the procedure, special brushes and spray sprays will be required. From brushes, those that have the usual bristles or rubber teeth are suitable. You can also use the devices that are put on the finger.

How often can such a procedure be carried out? It all depends on the breed of the dog. As mentioned above, small breeds are more prone to caries, so they will have to be regularly cared for in their oral cavity.

Brushing teeth is a procedure that will not be very pleasant for the dog, so the animal will have to be accustomed to it from an early age.

dog brushing

Brushing Your Dog's Teeth: Useful Tips

  1. To brush the teeth of the animal, it must be fixed. If the dog is large, the procedure is easier to carry out by sitting it on the floor. A small dog can be placed on the table.
  2. If the animal reacts violently to such manipulations, it needs to be reassured and distracted.
  3. It is advisable to start cleaning with distant teeth.
  4. After the animal gets used to brushing the outer part of the teeth, you can proceed to their inner part.
  5. Do not try to clean all teeth at a time. The animal must be gradually accustomed to such a procedure, each time covering more and more teeth. If the dog does not open its mouth, do not force it, because it will frighten the animal even more.
  6. After the cleaning process is completed, the pet must be encouraged with his favorite treat.


If you follow the rules of prevention, you can avoid the appearance of problems with teeth and gums in your pet. It is extremely important to regularly inspect the veterinarian and monitor the condition of the animal yourself. To prevent more serious diseases, caries must be able to recognize at the initial stage and immediately take measures.

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