Pregnancy ozone therapy: reviews

To ensure the best human life, which primarily depends on the state of his health, a huge variety of medical and preventive methods are used. Modern man gives increasing preference to natural and natural methods. Especially if it is not about treatment, but about the prevention and prevention of diseases, as well as the general improvement of the body.

Oxygen is life

One of the rather popular drug-free options for healing the entire human body, as well as a proven and effective way to treat many diseases, including chronic ones, is ozone therapy. Its essence is to use a mixture of oxygen and ozone in a certain proportion to saturate the tissues of certain organs. Entering the bloodstream and saturating the organs with oxygen, saline solution saturated with ozone helps to avoid medical intervention, improve the body, make it more resistant to various colds and viral diseases. It also provides a quick recovery and almost completely eliminates possible complications after the illness.

pregnancy ozone therapy

It is known that for good health and normal functioning, a person needs 21% oxygen in the atmosphere. However, in large megacities and industrial centers, this percentage is much lower. Of course, a person gets used to breathing air saturated with exhaust gases and toxic emissions from improperly disposed residues and industrial waste, but this clearly affects his health very negatively. For comparison: in an average-populated city (approximately 1,000,000–2,000,000 people), in which two or three factories or one large plant are active, oxygen retention is not more than 16%, provided that the city has a sufficient number of plants.

pregnancy ozone therapy reviews

In addition to reducing life expectancy, there is a general violation of the state of health, as well as chronic diseases that sometimes even are inherited.

Pregnancy - time to take care not only about yourself

Most of all, girls who expect a baby are worried about their health status . This care is quite justified, because the future mother is responsible not only for herself, but also for the baby. From the very first day, when the good news became known that a new life was born, a woman begins to take vitamins and tries to lead a healthy lifestyle that is allowed to in the surrounding environment as much as possible. However, often these methods are unsuccessful.

Try it, it will help you

Very well proven ozone therapy during pregnancy. After diagnosing and identifying organs that need improvement due to their saturation with oxygen and ozone, as well as to prevent impaired fetal development after a woman’s stress, somatic and infectious diseases, after taking medications, especially in early pregnancy, the course and regularity of the procedure.

pregnancy ozone therapy reviews

Ozone therapy during pregnancy is the introduction into the body of a woman, most often intravenously, of a physiological solution saturated with ozone. Mostly, droppers are used for this, but there are cases when the solution is administered subcutaneously, for example, to anesthetize joints or the lumbar spine.

be careful

It is worth noting that any, even the most, at first glance, harmless and absolutely contraindicated product, if used and used incorrectly, can have a negative effect on the body, especially for girls in an interesting position. Therefore, ozone therapy during pregnancy is carried out only after examination and prescribing by the attending physician.

Most often, if it is not about treatment, but about a general improvement in health status or about getting rid of minor problems, such as insomnia, fatigue, irritability, the standard form of this procedure is used. It takes place at the twentieth and thirtieth weeks of pregnancy, a course of five droppers intravenously. If it is a violation of the condition of the fetus or the need to treat a woman, the course in each individual case is individual and is prescribed only after consultation with an obstetrician and an ozone therapist.

Indications for

Ozone therapy during pregnancy is prescribed if necessary:

  • General strengthening of the body, prevention of colds and somatic diseases.
  • Treatment or reduction of overt symptoms of gestosis.
  • Embryo fixation in the uterine cavity with the threat of abortion;
  • Treatment of the fetus in case of intrauterine infection.
  • In the complex treatment of infectious diseases.
  • Improvement of labor.
  • Increased lactation and accelerated recovery of the body after childbirth.
    intravenous ozone therapy during pregnancy reviews

The main contraindications

If a woman has the following diseases, then ozone therapy during pregnancy is intravenously categorically contraindicated:

  • Allergy to medical ozone.
  • Violation of the thyroid gland.
  • Seizures, epilepsy.
  • Violation of blood coagulation processes .
  • The risk of bleeding.
  • Mental health problems.

Pregnancy ozone therapy or medications?

In addition to improving overall health, increasing the protective functions of the body, as well as resistance to infections, this procedure allows you to avoid taking harmful drugs or significantly reduce their number.

intravenous pregnancy ozone therapy

When planning pregnancy, ozone therapy will not harm any woman. It is worth carrying out this procedure inexpensively, given that it must be carried out with a certain frequency, and not constantly. Prevention is always better than treatment, therefore, in preparation for the conception of a child, a woman should undergo a complete examination of the body and take the necessary measures to ensure that the baby is born healthy.

Trust the professionals

For those who doubt the positive result of this procedure, you can get acquainted with the opinion of the girls who were recommended ozone therapy during pregnancy. Reviews may be different, but still more women respond positively to this procedure. Most often, girls undergo a course of ozone therapy as prescribed by a doctor if, for example, the fetus is at risk of hypoxia or there is a risk of premature birth and so on. Pregnant women note that their general condition after a course of ozone therapy becomes better, the child does not behave so actively, and the tone of the uterus decreases markedly. Some women indicate unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen and a slight burning sensation in this area, as if from the inside. Many of these sensations are frightening, but, as doctors say, this is an absolutely normal reaction of the body to ozone entering the tissues.

If everything was done in strict accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician, then the result will definitely be positive.

Ozone therapy during pregnancy, of course, can cause certain unpleasant sensations, but in most cases this is a normal reaction of the body and passes very soon. An ozone therapist will surely warn the patient about how she can feel after the procedure, and will tell you which sensations are normal and which should immediately seek help.

intravenous ozone therapy during pregnancy

Health is the most valuable thing a person has, so only professionals can trust him. Even intravenous ozone therapy during pregnancy, reviews of which are mostly positive, in comparison with other analogues of the effect of non-medication on the body, has indications and contraindications. In no case should you self-medicate, you must carefully follow all the requirements and recommendations of your doctor.

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