We select sedatives for the child: how not to harm the baby?

Of course, childhood forever remains in our memory the happiest and most carefree times. However, we must not forget that, becoming parents, we are directly responsible for the psychological well-being of the child. Surely you know that, like adults, children are subject to stress, emotional overload, and overexcitation. Not all new discoveries in the life of your baby will have a positive color. Yes, and you can get tired of the most good and joyful events - as a result, by the evening the baby can become irritated and capricious. That is why it is extremely important to choose the right sedatives for the child.

sedatives for the baby


The safest in this regard are various herbal teas and fees. They were used hundreds of years ago, do not contain hazardous chemical additives.

Choosing sedatives for a child, you can focus on effective herbal collection. Fennel fruits, chamomile flowers, wheatgrass, licorice and marshmallow roots are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1: 2: 2: 2. Two tablespoons of raw material is enough for 200 milliliters of boiling water. The collection is continued to boil for twenty minutes, and then it is filtered and given to the baby to drink a teaspoon before each meal or just before bedtime.

Such sedatives for the child do not have to be mixed on their own. In specialized stores and pharmacies, you can buy ready-made products designed specifically for the smallest. For example, a good soothing tea with linden blossom, chamomile and lemon balm is easy to find in the HIPP line of baby food.

You can buy herbal sedative phyto-tea with the inclusion of lavender, valerian, rose hip, motherwort, mint, licorice root and birch leaves. Psychologists believe that these ingredients improve the mood of the child and normalize his sleep, reduce moodiness.

With overexcitation, stress, and also bad sleep, the herbal collection is the best fit, among the components of which are thyme, oregano, valerian, fireweed and herb of Kuril tea. A spoonful of raw material is poured with boiling water and allowed to stand for about half an hour, after which it is filtered.

When choosing herbal sedatives for a child, pay attention to his reaction: both adults and children sometimes show individual intolerance to certain ingredients.

sedatives for infants


Probably, many of us, in childhood, were given parents a night to drink a glass of warm milk. This is really very useful, and not only physically, but also psychologically. When a baby drinks milk (of course, if he has no allergies and loves him), as in the first days of his life, he instantly calms down. In addition, this drink creates the effect of satiety, helps the baby relax and prepare for sleep.


In recent years, aromatherapy has been very popular. Very good baby shampoos, oils, bath gels and milk with the scent of lavender. They will help to cope with migraine attacks, insomnia, stress and irritability. Or you can just drop a few drops of essential lavender oil in the bath, where the child bathes, or on his pillow. It is worthwhile to buy a special aroma lamp. In this case, the amount of oil is determined depending on the size of the room: 1 drop per 5 square meters. Do not apply oil to the skin of the child itself, because there is a very high risk of getting a burn.

Aromatherapy can be practiced from the first months of the babyโ€™s life, however, choosing a sedative for babies, you should consult a pediatrician - many children at such a sensitive age are prone to various kinds of allergies.

homeopathic sedative for children

Homeopathic remedies

It also happens that traditional medicine does not bring the desired effect. In this case, you can consult a doctor who will advise a good sedative (homeopathic) for children. Despite the fact that the drugs of this group are considered completely safe, their effect is also individual, and therefore it is better that the pediatrician who has been monitoring your child from the first days of his life recommends you a suitable remedy. Most often, experts prescribe time-tested homeopathic medicines, such as Notta, Valerianachel, Viburkol, Nervokhel, Dormikind, Naughty, Edas, Little Hare, Baby-Sed, Caprice โ€and some others.

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