Dance school for a child: by what criteria should I choose?

Dance training has become a prestigious occupation in the modern world. Everyone wants to dance, from small to large. And dance schools and choreography studios will be able to satisfy this desire. You can start dancing, of course, on your own, having studied the video tutorials on DVDs or posted on the Internet. But getting competent instructions from professionals, it is much easier to master the technique of a dance.

When a person dances, he automatically forgets about his problems, because he listens to music and thinks about what kind of movement should be made. In dance, an adult learns himself anew, opens up new possibilities.

Such independent classes are not at all suitable for kids, although it is best to start practicing from childhood. A fragile organism is much more flexible than an adult. Therefore, children are better able to comprehend complex dance movements, kids simply copy the actions of the teacher.

dance school for a child

Why dance classes?

What kind of dance school will it be for a child? Why learn to dance? Dance is a kind of hobby, although it is worth talking about its health benefits. The person involved in dancing has a slim figure and incredible flexibility. With each movement he gains self-confidence. Oddly enough, the memory training takes place in the dance. Dancing people get sick less, and during pair lessons they gain experience of communication with the opposite sex.

Currently, a person becomes inactive, hence health problems. Researchers were able to prove that children who study dance movements study well, develop faster. Sport is the destiny of the strong in spirit. Why not strengthen your health not through sport, but through dancing? You need to start with the wishes of the children. What does the child want, can he master the entire course of the dance school program?

dance school for children from 4 years old


You need to choose which particular dance school for the child will fit all the criteria. First of all, it is important to remember that the baby should go to classes with pleasure so that he is as comfortable as possible in the place in which he has to spend a lot of time. This is part of the success of the child in the future, so his victories, joys and take-offs add up.

modern dance school for children

It is worth considering why a child needs dancing classes? What do adults want and what does the baby want? Goals can be very different.

If the child is a little angular and awkward, perhaps dancing will help him become more plastic and flexible. Or maybe parents are thinking about a graduation party where their grown-up son should look spectacular? In these cases, you should not go to a dance school with a professional bias. You should choose an inexpensive and small dance studio.

If you decide to take it seriously, then you need to start with the search for a teacher, not a school. When such a teacher is found, a decision with the school will come by itself. But in this case, the baby will participate in competitions, speak to the public, he will have to cope with many difficulties. If parents are ready to become a reliable support to their child, then a positive result will not be long in coming.

Where to do

Each dance school for a child specializes in a certain direction, which also needs to be chosen. In addition, you can start practicing with three, four and five years old.

The smallest

Dance school for children from 3 years old is a more professional institution. They are undergoing serious preparation. Before the child begins to attend classes, parents will need to get a number of documents from the doctor. If the baby has no contraindications to classes, he can be enrolled in the group.

Mom and dad definitely need to watch the dance training room, locker room. Children are still too small, so parents should be there. One should inquire whether places for adults to wait for their children are equipped.

dance school for children from 3 years

The program does not have to be complicated; at a young age, only basic knowledge is laid. Dancing classes will be useful for the child. Physical, spiritual and emotional development together with discipline and the ability to live and work in a team will give a lot to the overall development. Dance is not as traumatic as any sport. This is an art form that disciplines.

Activities for children from 4 years

A dance school for children from 4 years old can also be purely professional. But in any case, thanks to such activities, the child will acquire a beautiful correct posture and strong immunity. It is not necessary to become a great dancer or prima ballerina. It is important to enjoy the work you are doing.

A dance school for children from 4 years old is not very different from an institution where three-year-olds are trained. Four-year-olds also form and develop a sense of rhythm. They learn the simplest movements. All classes are held in the form of a game. Children learn to understand music, to feel the change in its mood. All exercises are gradually becoming more complicated. It is from the age of four that schools begin to teach ballet.


In addition to the usual choreographic studios, there is such an institution - a school of modern dances for children. Her program considers the types that young people like. The types of dances studied here are wider and more diverse.

Dance school for children from 5 years old has its own characteristics. All dance lessons with children of this age become dynamic. Guys are already physically more resilient than young children. Dancing contains new complex elements. Children do not just copy and repeat all these movements in the process of training, but they must remember the dance steps that he has proposed.

dance school for children from 5 years old

Dance Sport

How many directions, so many can be found in special schools in which children will receive not only general development, but also musical literacy. For example, a sports dance school for children. It is proposed to study sports from childhood. The children who entered this educational institution participate in professional competitions. They are working on getting ranks and ranks. At the end of school, they can receive recommendations and continue training and improve their skills in this profile.

Ballroom dancing

dance school for children

Another wonderful dance direction offers a ballroom school for children. The classics of the genre provide training in the correct execution of the slow and Viennese waltz, tango, foxtrot and quickstep. Latin American classical dances have been added for study: samba, cha-cha-cha, rumba. This is only an incomplete list of what you will encounter when teaching children. But, as a rule, guys with great success master the proposed knowledge. They enjoy music, socializing and the dance itself.

No need to think that the curriculum at a children's dance school is easy. It is no easier than in adult school. Therefore, the child should be treated with care, monitor timely and nutritious nutrition, give the opportunity for outdoor activities, not to create stressful situations.

ballroom school for children

Little conclusion

We found out what a dance school for a child could be. What parents and children will choose from the proposed options is unknown. Yes, this is not the main thing. It is important that while dancing, the child grows in a harmoniously developed personality. At an early age he knows how to appreciate the beautiful. He understands what smoothness of movement is, grace.

The baby will grow up healthy and strong. And most importantly, it will be in demand in society, which means it will feel like a self-sufficient person. Dance will help to understand and reveal the creative and inner world of the baby. And yet no stress will be terrible to his body. Dance is not a simple entertainment, it is the correct work of the heart, oxygenation of body tissues, it is a lot of pleasure.

If you run a little ahead, I want to imagine that the baby has grown. Companies are gathering, and not a single evening is complete without dance breaks. It is not difficult for a self-confident person to go out in front of everyone and enjoy what he has been taught for many years.

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