What groups and levels are divided into car seats for newborns

car seats for newborns

Car seats for newborns were called "car seats ". This irreplaceable thing must be purchased before your baby is born. Moreover, the presence of a car does not matter. In any case, you have to use the car, whether it be a taxi or a car of friends. The child will have the first trip by car in the first week of his life, as it so happened that from the hospital you and the baby will be delivered home on this particular type of transport.

child car seats
Car Seat Dimensions

Children's car seats are not only divided into groups. They can also be of different levels:

  1. Car seats for newborns. Such infant carriers are designed for children from birth to 9 months and weighing up to 10 kilograms. These chairs belong to group “0” and level “1”.
  2. 13 18 . «0+» «1».
  3. 9 18  9 4- . 1- 2- .
  4. 15 25  6- «2» «3».
  5. 12 ( , , ) 22 36 . «3» «4».

child seats car Price

13 -, . , . «0+». ? . , - . , , , . () ( 3- ) .


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  • 12- . , «1» «2».


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  • for a child under 3 years of age, the presence of five-point belts is mandatory;
  • simplicity of installation of a car seat in the car.

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