When filling out a page on the VKontakte social network, a question may arise about what is better to write. The sections to be filled in by a new user are many. But not everything needs to be entered immediately. If you have difficulties with any of them, then you can postpone it for later. So, what to write “VKontakte” about yourself?What is meant by this?
In the column under the talking title "About Me" you need to indicate information relating specifically to you. Write whatever you see fit. But remember:
- listing hobbies in this paragraph is not necessary;
- the same applies to music, books and all that for which separate sections are allocated;
- try not to write too much so that other users do not have the opinion that you have megalomania.
What to write "VKontakte" about yourself?
Let's imagine that you were asked to briefly talk about yourself. Here is what you
answer, and you need to write in this column. Except for all of the above. Write about what you are proud of in yourself, what qualities you value. You can also insert excerpts from various literary works, if, of course, they are in place. You can write “VKontakte” about yourself in poetry. When filling out the Interests section, we recommend that you use the following tips:
- indicate only what really can be called a “hobby”, “hobby”;
- “I like to wear branded clothes” is not interest, but “collecting”, “cosmetology”, “drawing” - yes;
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If you like to quote smart people, then use your status to record them. You can take sayings from books, the Internet, and even from the VKontakte site itself. You can also record everything that happens to you in status. Share with friends
information that you’re leaving for a vacation and will miss everyone, or that your page has been hacked and you apologize for spam, and so on. Important: write only what really exists.More tips
- Filling in the “Music” section of “VKontakte”. What to write? Indicate either specific groups, or artists whose work you admire, or simply the style of music you prefer. No need to be limited to one genre, you can specify several.
- Finally, we return to the question of what to write “VKontakte” about yourself, and we will make one clarification. No need to upload 20 quotes, choose what is really close and consonant to you. Otherwise, other users will bypass your page and refuse to read so much “information” about you.