The mighty rottweiler, reviews of which are the best

People who once had a rottweiler will never have a different breed of dog. They will remember their friend’s loyalty for life. Therefore, the next animal in their house will also be a Rottweiler. Reviews about him from loving hosts are always enthusiastic.

rottweiler reviews

The history of this breed has more than 2000 years. According to experts, these dogs were constant companions of the Roman legions during their military campaigns. They played the role of shepherds, guarded the herds that provided meat to the Roman armies.

In 1921, the German Rottweiler Club appeared. He approved the breed standard. There was a regulated procedure for obtaining pedigrees, which were supported by recording in a special Stud Book.

Rottweiler dog belongs to service breeds. This is a powerful and strong animal - the growth of dogs at the withers reaches 68 cm, and the weight can exceed 50 kg. Females are slightly smaller - 63 cm and 42 kg, respectively.

The character of the Rottweiler is reliable, balanced and extremely strong. He has a firm and calm disposition. He is able to get along wonderfully with children. The Rottweiler is a brave, selfless dog. Such successfully used in the police and military service.

A bold, unusually strong animal that is capable of making independent decisions in extreme situations is a rottweiler. The reviews of the military and police indicate that this dog is able to learn any command instantly.

rottweiler dog

But this amazing creature is not just a fearless fighter and reliable guard. A powerful and strong Rottweiler, whose character reviews are always laudable, is a reliable companion, a loyal defender, a neat guide.

If you need not just a reliable dog, but a member of your family who, without hesitation for a second, will give his life for you, then the right choice is the dog of this breed. A very beautiful and proud Rottweiler (the reviews of the hosts indicate this) has a very strong character. It is passed down from generation to generation. The Rottweiler is an individualist - he has only one master.

It is not in his character to fawn and wag his tail, wanting to make a favorable impression. The Rottweiler knows its worth, it never gives in to panic, fear is not known to it. This is a real silent person - he gives a voice only in the case. He has a calm disposition, he is not subject to mood swings, but if he feels a threat in relation to the owner, then the reaction will follow immediately. Not everyone can withstand the attack of this dog.

Faithful and endlessly devoted to his master, the Rottweiler, reviews of which are always enthusiastic, requires proper education. Otherwise, he may get out of control.

Such a large dog can be kept in an ordinary city apartment, but it must be remembered that it needs frequent and long walks in the fresh air. But it’s not enough just to walk with him along the park alley. Rottweiler needs physical activity: running, jumping, etc.

rottweiler Price

Today you learned a little about a great Rottweiler dog. The price of these handsome men depends on several factors: the presence of a pedigree, titled ancestors, and the prospects of exhibition activity. On average, it is 25-30 thousand rubles.

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