Actions that accelerate childbirth: a description of the process, effective methods, reviews

In almost every woman, pregnancy raises many questions. How to prevent its interruption? How to make a healthy baby? How to eat? What tests to take? Finally, it is time to ask how to expedite delivery at 39 weeks of gestation or at a longer time. There are many ways. The most popular of them we will consider in our article.


It is a hormone that forms in the brain. Initially, it is produced in the hypothalamus, after which it enters the pituitary gland, where it accumulates. Then it enters the bloodstream. Oxytocin is responsible for the functions associated with lactation and childbirth. It activates the smooth muscles of the uterus, increases its contractility. In addition, it increases the secretion of prolactin, a hormone that “monitors” how milk is produced and has a good effect on lactation. Oxytocin enters the mammary glands and the uterus with a blood stream.

The menstrual cycle does not affect the amount of oxytocin in the body. But its level changes during pregnancy. The most significant amount of oxytocin is produced in the last trimester, especially at night. Therefore, most often, labor begins in the dark.

Artificially synthesized oxytocin is used in medicine. Enter it, as a rule, intravenously or intramuscularly. It is rarely taken orally, since when the drug is taken orally, enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract are more rapidly deactivated.

Since this is one of the ways how to accelerate childbirth during a 39-week pregnancy, it is used to increase the contractile activity of the uterus if it is reduced during labor. After 3-5 minutes, the effect of artificially produced hormone is expressed. It stays active for approximately 3 hours. Very little passes through the placenta of the hormone, so it has practically no effect on the baby.

With the help of oxytocin, the strength and duration of contractions increases, access to the uterus expands significantly more. For the opportunity to enter it, the cervix should be prepared: shortened, softened according to need, with a fairly open channel. After labor begins, the hormone begins to function. This is done if the cervix opens 6 cm or more. In addition, the hormone can be used in cases where it is necessary to rotate the child (with posterior occipital presentation) or when weakening contractions.

If the fetal membranes independently torn or opened artificially, then the hormone oxytocin is administered.

Doctors believe that the drug "Oxytocin" should be used only in medical practice. All obstetricians know how to speed up the opening of the cervix before giving birth. The method using Oxytocin is quite effective.

Activate childbirth so that they end sooner, only with normal pregnancy. When complicated, this is done according to the testimony or at the request of the woman in labor. Of course, there should be no contraindications.

The drug "Oxytocin"


The drug "Oxytocin" can be used in such cases:

  • To stimulate childbirth, if there is a likelihood of complications in the woman in labor or the child. For example, in the absence (termination) of contractions or when amniotic fluid flows earlier than necessary.
  • If a woman has progressive gestosis, which is considered a danger to both her and the child.
  • If a pregnant woman has a Rhesus conflict.
  • To secondarily increase or stimulate labor, if it was reduced for any reason.
  • Also, after the birth, a hormone can be prescribed if the uterus closes after the end of the process very poorly and for a long time, and also with the aim of preventing postnatal uterine bleeding.

However, after giving birth, Oxytocin injections are not often given, since artificial hormone can disrupt the production of natural in the woman’s body. This is able to badly affect lactation. It is preferable not to use "Oxytocin", and often put the baby to the chest. As a result, more milk will be produced, and the uterus will contract faster.


Do not use "Oxytocin" in such cases:

  • Inability to give birth naturally. We are talking about situations when the volumes of the pelvis of the woman in childbirth and the baby's head do not correspond; or the fetus is likely to have hydrocephalus; or problems with the umbilical cord are detected; or incorrect presentation of the fetus.
  • The presence of a scar in the uterus.
  • Suspected uterine rupture.
  • Immaturity of the cervix.
  • With tumors of the cervix, scars, atresia, which may complicate its opening.
  • When a woman has an increased susceptibility to Oxytocin.

They also comprehensively study the question of whether to use the drug for multiple pregnancy and uterine fibroids.

It is necessary to use the medicine in such quantities that the rate of cervical dilatation is as with standard, independent labor, as for a woman in labor and for the baby, a significant activation of labor is too dangerous. The use of the hormone begins with a few drops, then increase the dose to 10 drops per minute in order to achieve intense labor. If it is activated, the hormone is administered in minimal doses. If the portion is selected incorrectly, the condition of the child may worsen, the number of birth injuries increases, the probable premature detachment of the placenta, bleeding after childbirth, and uterine atony. In this case, the baby receives less oxygen, which can negatively affect his entire future life.

Some women believe that healthcare providers abuse Oxytocin during childbirth, and that without it the whole process may not be so painful, although a little longer. However, such opinions are not true.

How to speed up childbirth after


This is a puncture of the fetal bladder. This procedure is performed during pregnancy 40-42 weeks, a sharp aging of the placenta and a significant risk of hypoxia in the baby. In addition, an amniotomy can be performed if a woman is rapidly developing gestosis. The outflow of water stimulates the process and simplifies the state of the woman in labor, preventing birth complications that may form in the event of a protracted process. In some cases, an indication for amniotomy is considered the threat of the formation of a Rhesus conflict.

The procedure is absolutely painless and not dangerous. However, only an experienced doctor should perform it. In the absence of medical indications, an amniotomy is prohibited. A special hook is inserted into the vagina, the fetal bladder is caught and opened, which causes the outflow of amniotic fluid.

Water drainage activates contractions. However, in some cases, even after the described manipulation, they do not begin, and the anhydrous period should not last more than 12 hours. Many women in labor, fearing for the life of the child, require that they be given Oxytocin injections. If an amniotomy is done without significant evidence, the process can only be slowed down. The front water, which is located above the baby’s head in the fetal bladder, occupies a site that delicately reveals the cervix inside. Normally, water is spilled only when the cervix is ​​almost completely open and the baby is ready to be born.

Amniotomy can be performed only after the baby’s head enters the small pelvis by pressing the fetal bladder and arteries that are on its surface. If you do the manipulation earlier, the risk of the formation of bleeding and prolapse of the umbilical cord, as well as infection, increases.

Pregnancy How to Speed ​​Up Birth

Sexual intercourse

The sperm contains natural hormones prostaglandins, which soften the cervix, and the satisfaction of a woman during intercourse contributes to her muscle contractions. Massaging the breast (especially the nipple) increases the content of oxytocin in the blood. It is important that the lady during intercourse was not hurt, comfortable and pleasant.

If the couple does not want anything at all, you will need to abstain from sex. If we talk about massage of the nipples, then it is not so simple. For the method to work, the procedure must be carried out three times a day for 10-20 minutes. Not everyone is able to endure such stimulation.

It is worth saying about when you should not have a sexual life. Contact protected by a condom is practically meaningless as an activator of labor. If a man has any sexually transmitted diseases, this method cannot be used by a couple.

Exercise stress

Another way to speed up childbirth after 36 weeks is to exercise. A long walk on the street, wet cleaning and climbing stairs are methods of natural stimulation of labor that are especially popular among expectant mothers. The most favorable method is walking.

During this process, the child puts pressure on the cervix, which forces it to begin to open. Other active influences also contribute to this. But the expectant mother must beware of extreme loads. They should be affordable and light.

The method works only when the cervix has already begun to prepare for labor, to soften and smooth. It is difficult for a woman who wants to give birth faster to resist intense exercise. However, cleaning the apartment and conquering the upper floors without an elevator do not belong to them. Such effects can provoke an early detachment of the placenta!

With gestosis and other complications of the period of expectation of the child, with indications for surgical intervention, for up to 40 weeks of pregnancy, with chronic diseases not related to pregnancy, this method is prohibited.


How to accelerate the onset of childbirth at home

If you do not want to go to the clinic with the aim of stimulating childbirth, then you can use alternative methods, with the help of which labor activity is also activated. We have already noted that it is possible to stimulate labor by massaging the nipples. Such effects activate the release of the hormone oxytocin, which causes contractions. It is necessary to massage the breast gently and carefully so as not to damage it or cause infection. Here are some more tips:

  • Bowel movements can also help trigger labor.
  • Some odors activate labor, for example, the scent of roses and jasmine.
  • Beets and parsley are food that can also bring birth closer. The currant juice and raspberry have the same property.
  • One of the common folk methods of stimulating childbirth is taking a laxative. This must be done before bedtime.

Let's consider what other products can help a baby to be born faster.

Five pineapples

A pineapple

This overseas fruit is another way to speed delivery during pregnancy. It contains bromelin, which is able to simplify and stimulate childbirth.

Eat fresh pineapples, drink juice, or make a fruit smoothie from this juicy, delicious "cure."


Some people claim that spicy food is a great way to speed up childbirth. Mexican dishes or food seasoned with hot chili peppers have every chance to help a woman in labor get rid of her burden faster. Be careful when using similar products, since in the late stage of pregnancy, such food can provoke indigestion.

However, many doctors believe that the use of spicy foods can complicate the birth due to capsaicin contained in such products. It affects the production of natural endorphins, which can help relieve pain.

How to speed up delivery by 39


This method, how to accelerate childbirth at week 40, is known to many. Look for liquorice (licorice) weed in pharmacies with a low glucose content. Also, this plant is part of many medications. Liquorice can provoke intestinal cramps and diarrhea.


After eating a few cloves of garlic, you can provoke intestinal cramps. After emptying the intestinal tract, the baby may fall below. In this case, the child will provoke contractions of the uterus and its cervix, preparing the woman's body for childbirth.

Cook with garlic if overuse does not cause indigestion.


Fiber-rich foods can help you avoid constipation and is a means of speeding up childbirth. If you have problems with stools, your intestinal tract or rectum will be full, taking the place that your baby needs to go down to the very bottom of your abdomen. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables during the last few weeks of your pregnancy. In addition, the use of prunes and other dried fruits can contribute to the release of the intestines.


A drink from these fragrant berries strengthens and tones the uterus, which can help with the reduction of its muscles. Brew a cup of tea by pouring one bag of product 100 ml of boiling water. Let stand for 3 minutes. Let it cool and drink.

In the summer, use fresh raspberries. For a cup of boiling water, just take 1 tbsp. l berries. It is also useful to eat them fresh.

Caraway Tea

Cumin seeds in a cup

Another way to speed delivery at home is to use the next drink. Brew caraway seeds to provoke childbirth. Enough for a cup of boiling water 1 tsp. funds.

Add a little sugar or honey to the drink to neutralize the bitterness.

Remember: resorting to folk methods that accelerate childbirth, you need to think about their safety for you and your child. Before conducting any stimulation effects, consult your doctor.


Women in their reviews report that the means that accelerate childbirth also affect the psychological state, especially in those cases when the water prematurely departed or the contractions stopped. Many women report experiencing extreme anxiety about the baby when they experienced similar complications during childbirth. Oxytocin caused contractions very quickly and accelerated childbirth. According to women, this is the advantage of the drug. Its disadvantages are that women in labor begin to experience unbearable pain, nausea and sometimes vomiting appear.

Amniotomy reviews are generally positive. Women note that the procedure is almost painless, but only an experienced specialist should carry it out. Otherwise, negative consequences are possible for both mother and baby.

Regarding folk methods, every woman has her own opinion. One was helped by long walks, another by a couple of bars of chocolate, and the third by pineapple.

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