How to do gymnastics for a newborn from the first month of life?

From the very first month of life gymnastics for newborns is allowed . From the first days, she develops the baby’s muscle apparatus, motor skills, motor coordination, balance, and also has a good effect on the circulatory, respiratory, nervous, cardiovascular system of the baby. Exercises should be carried out only in a playful way, while gently talking with the baby.

Gymnastics for newborns from the first days

Before starting the procedure, you should make sure that the child is not hungry, healthy, and also in a good mood. It is better for the baby to completely undress and do charging at a comfortable temperature. It is important to remember that in the crumbs the ligamentous apparatus is elastic and tender. All movements during massage, gymnastics of the newborn should be gentle and soft.

Charging for newborns

You need to understand how gymnastics for newborns is carried out from the first days of life, whether it is needed. This question should be asked by the mother, in whom the baby was born completely healthy. A child begins a difficult period of adaptation to the environment from the very first days. At this age, most of the time, the crumbs sleep and eat in breaks. In addition to maternal care and warmth, the child does not need anything else. Therefore, one can hear the following opinion: one should not rush with massage and gymnastics. But you decide.

Gymnastics in 1 month

What does gymnastics for newborns in 1 month include? Exercises in this case are aimed at the development of stabilization and balance in the body, muscle training. There should not be any active movements. Exercises are performed without pressure in a smooth, gentle mode.

  1. This exercise from gymnastics for newborns from a month trains the muscles of the neck and back, forms the ability to hold the head. The baby is on his stomach. The adult is at the back, bends over and clasps the shoulders of the baby with his hands. So it helps the child stay on his elbows. This posture is mastered independently in about three months. You can slightly raise the shoulders of the crumbs to the sides, which will lead to a certain reaction - the baby will begin to independently raise its head.
  2. The child is on his back, his pelvis is in a free position, you do not need to lift it or hold it down. An adult stands on the side of the baby’s legs and bends them at right angles to the pelvis. The legs should also be bent at the knees at right angles. In this position, it is necessary to fix them. It is important to ensure that the baby’s knees are in line with the shoulders. It is necessary to grasp the child’s knees with his hands in such a way that the thumbs are located on the inner surface of the knee and lower leg. In this position, you must hold your legs for 3 minutes. In this period, you should act on your knees for 7 seconds, then reduce the effect by 10 seconds, then again hold your legs tightly.
  3. The breast is located on the back, the adult is to his left. It is necessary to put a palm under the baby's head in such a way as to fix it. And with the second hand, the child’s right knee is held in the same way as in the previous exercise. The baby also needs to be held for 3 minutes, with alternate relaxation and exposure. Then you should go to the second side and do the same exercises.
    Gymnastics for newborns from the first days of life

Second month

How to do gymnastics for a newborn in 2 months? At this age, charging begins with a gentle stroking, while it should alternate with light massage movements. All of the exercises listed below are universal. They can be carried out at any age of the child up to a year. In this case, only the intensity and duration of movements changes.

  1. Kid on the back. It is necessary to grab it by the forearm, and raise the handles up to the area of ​​the shoulder girdle, and then lower it down, slightly pressing it to the body.
  2. The child is on his back. It is necessary to take him by the wrists and spread his arms to the sides, and then cross them on his chest, as if the baby is hugging himself, and then return to the starting position. This exercise can be done up to 8 times.
  3. The baby is in the same position. You should grasp the child by the forearms and make several alternating movements up and down with your hands.
  4. Breast on the back. You need to grab his wrists and make his hands forward a few circular movements, then in the opposite direction.
  5. The kid is in the same position. Make circular movements of the hip joints with dilution in the knees.
  6. The child lies on the back. You need to grab him by the forearms and wrists and perform several boxing, shock movements with his hands forward.
  7. The kid is in the same position. It is necessary to touch the heel of the left foot on the right knee, then change the legs and perform the exercise in the same way.
  8. The situation does not change. Legs should be raised and lowered alternately, while pressing them gently to the tummy.
  9. The same situation. It is necessary to straighten the baby's legs and connect them in the feet and knees, then lift them up and down.
    Gymnastics for newborns 1 month

Gymnastics of newborns at 3 months

Gymnastics for a baby in 3 months is aimed at the formation of such a skill as turning over on his stomach. In this case, it will be necessary to strengthen the muscles of the press, back and neck, to develop balance. At this age, you can do gymnastics, as at two months of age, complicating it with new exercises.

  1. Turns with your hands on your stomach. The child is on his back. You need to take it by the handle and throw it in the opposite direction through the body. Then this movement should be repeated with the second hand. The body of the baby reflexively begins to reach for the hand. Therefore, the skill of the coup is practiced.
  2. Lifting from the abdomen. To do this, put the thumbs in the baby’s hands and hold the baby by the forearm. Next, you need to raise the baby carefully, seating it, then lower it to its initial position. You can do 3-4 lifts.
  3. Extension of the spine. To perform this exercise, the baby must be taken carefully under the stomach and slightly raised. The child reflexively extends his back and raises his head.
  4. Turns with legs on the stomach. The baby is on his back. It is necessary to bend the leg and gently rotate it in the direction of rotation of the body, throwing it on the second. The body will begin to reflexively move in the direction of rotation of the leg.
    Massage gymnastics newborns

Fourth month

In four months, gymnastics for newborns is repeated from the first months, but new exercises are also added. What is especially useful for children at this age that they enthusiastically perceive?

  1. Charging for hands. “Ladushki” is an exercise that perfectly develops fine motor skills and also brings a lot of positive emotions. You can make cross movements with your hands, “swim”, “box” - the same exercises that were done in the first months.
  2. Charge for legs. The kid at this age begins to perceive all the actions of adults as a game. For the crumbs, the exercise “bike” will become interesting. In addition, children love to clap their feet. You can fold the legs into the “frog” position, and then swing the child, reach the nose with the toes, etc. In addition, stretching can be done in the following way: the left leg and right arm must be pulled towards each other, after which the arm and leg should be changed.
  3. Exercises for the abs. Kids of this age are already trying to pull themselves up in their hands if they put their thumbs in their hands. You can arrange such lifts several times during the day for the baby. They perfectly train the muscles of the abs, back, neck and arms.

Gymnastics in 5 months

What is most useful and interesting in him at this age? Gymnastics for a newborn at 5 months of age does not bring discomfort, since by this time the hypertonicity passes. During extension and bending of the limbs, turns of the head and body, the baby feels more free and relaxed in movement.

  1. Bending at the knees of the feet and sliding on the surface of the movement of the feet in the supine position.
  2. Lifting from a prone position by the handles.
  3. "Flight" with the deflection of the spine on the abdomen (by weight).
  4. Stepping movements in a vertical position while supporting the legs on a hard surface (the baby must be kept under the armpits).
  5. Flip from the abdomen to the back and back.
  6. “Flight” on the back - the child strains the abs and tries to keep the body on weight.

Sixth month

Gymnastics for a newborn at this age is aimed at the formation of crawling and sitting skills. At 6 months and later, the baby can make its first attempts to get on all fours. In this case, it is necessary to fully encourage his desire to take this pose. If the child is not sitting at this age, this is completely normal. No need to sit him too often and speed up the development of skills.

  1. The crawling skill is laid down by nature, it is not necessary to specifically develop it. But the baby can be encouraged to crawl, motivating him with toys, bright, attractive household items, etc. When the baby is on his tummy, you can put a bright toy in front of him, which will be a great incentive to move forward. In addition, you can slightly help the child, stimulating the movement of the legs. To do this, bend them alternately at the knees.
  2. The rise of the body. This exercise should be done while lying on your stomach. It is necessary to raise the baby's arms, part it a little to the sides and pull the body slightly towards you. In this position, the child holds his head well, trying to get to his knees. If it does not work out, the baby is uncomfortable, do not repeat it. You can return to it later.
  3. Fine motor skills. For kids of this age, gymnastics develops large and fine motor skills. You need to massage your palms and do finger gymnastics, while telling nursery rhymes. Finger games all children like, in addition, activate the brain. When raising the arms to the sides in the palm of the child, you can put toys in the form of rings.
    Gymnastics for newborns from a month

Gymnastics in the second half of life

For babies up to a year, gymnastics is divided into 2 stages: active and passive. After six months, active gymnastics for the newborn begins, when the baby already understands a lot and can independently perform a number of exercises while playing.

  1. Strengthening the muscles of the abdomen and back. You can lay the baby belly down on her knees so that the head, shoulders and chest sag. From this position, it is necessary to ask the child to pick up the toy from the floor. This task is good to perform and
  2. when the baby lies in this position on his back. The baby will begin to bend, making a bridge, and then rise to its initial position.
  3. Encouragement of crawling. Well, if the child is in no hurry to get up. It takes time for the muscles of the back to form and strengthen. Crawling can be stimulated by various toys, all kinds of bright objects. The baby from this position will try to get on her feet over time.
  4. Walking skill. After 10-11 months, children rise on their own, try to stand without support, and also take their first steps, relying on the hand of their father or mother. At this age, it is already worth encouraging the child’s desire to walk, get up, squat.
  5. Sport equipment. You need to understand the older the baby becomes, the more skills he has. In exercises, you can already use sports equipment and improvised means: balls, jump ropes, skittles, hoops.

The basics of dynamic gymnastics

Dynamic gymnastics for a newborn is a complex of active motor exercises that are always performed in the air, on weight. And this is a controversial topic. You can find fair positive reviews about her. Which ones?

  1. The muscle tone of the baby is adjusted.
  2. The muscular system, skeleton, vestibular apparatus develops perfectly.
  3. In most cases, children are positive about aerial exercises.
  4. Dynamic gymnastics creates self-confidence, persistent character.
    How to do gymnastics for a newborn

The negative view is primarily associated with the opinion that such gymnastics can harm a child, lead to the extinction of natural motor reflexes, joint lability, stress. What you should know

Yes, if the exercises are performed incorrectly and ineptly, the baby can be injured - damage to cartilage, joints, ligaments. Therefore, parents who decide to engage in dynamic gymnastics with their child are required to undergo training from an experienced instructor.


It is necessary to learn how to make reliable and correct captures of the limbs of a child. You should start with simple exercises, gradually increasing the intensity and time. It is impossible to carry out complex exercises right away - scrolls, overthrows, torsions, etc.

With such gymnastics, the risk of falling a child is increased. The possibility of getting injured by the baby increases if you start practicing immediately after 6 months, since the ligaments of the crumbs are not trained, and body weight has increased significantly.


Contraindications are:

  • hypotension or hypertonicity associated with neurological diseases;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • joint mobility;
  • other orthopedic disorders.
    Gymnastics for newborns from the first months

Parents cannot always see these deviations. Therefore, before starting classes, you must always consult with an orthopedist and a neurologist.

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