Every day we use ballpoint pens, there are printers on the desktops that work almost without interruption. We are already so used to it that we don’t think about how it works. And the first step to the invention of all these convenient devices was a recipe of an amazing composition that can leave permanent marks on paper and fabric. However, today we want to talk about what ink is made of. A brief digression into history and modern technology will be interesting for adults and children.
Vintage Tomes
The finest parchment, lines printed on dressed leather, ancient manuscripts are always striking in that it is still possible to easily read the written. The first ink was made very simply - mixed soot with something sticky. It was essentially mascara that dried and cracked. In addition, she was viscous enough, she had to be skilled in order to get a beautiful line. Then the recipe was strictly classified. What ink is made of, knew only the clergy. By the way, there were many variations. Honey was taken as a base and gold powder was added to it. Widely used composition of elderberry and walnut. But all this has sunk into oblivion. Today, ink production has become simple and affordable. Let's follow the chain further.
Gall Nut Ink
Continuing to consider what ink is made of, one cannot forget the famous discovery, namely, special growths on oak leaves. They are called galls, and insect larvae live in them - nut growers. That is why growths are called ink nuts. Juice was squeezed out of them, then mixed with iron sulfate and glue was added. It turned out a persistent composition with a beautiful sheen. Even today, the preserved manuscripts look very fresh. However, there was one important nuance. This ink was colorless, it was possible to read the written only when the letters dried.
The revolution in history
In the 19th century, people became more educated, many already knew what ink was made of. In 1885, another coup was made. Teacher invented alizarin ink. They were also gallic, but had an intense color due to a unique additive. Blue-green in a bottle, they turned black when applied to paper. This was achieved by adding krappa, that is, extracts from the roots of madder.
Now the technical revolution was in full swing, and they had already learned to replace krapp with artificial dyes, and ink nuts with gallic acid. But progress did not stop there. The easiest way was found to produce aniline inks, that is, to obtain a synthetic dye diluted in water. Using this technology, it has become possible to synthesize compositions of various shades. However, it remains a mystery how the ancient monks performed inscriptions with ruby, pearl and sapphire inks. These compositions are still known in some monasteries, but this art has never left their walls.
From antiquity to modernity
Since ink is produced today on a huge, industrial scale, it is easy to guess that humanity no longer turns to nature. Now all produced compounds can be divided into several types. The first group remains the most popular, cheap and simple. This is essentially the manufacture of gallic acid inks.
The second option is to get the composition using tannin. It is found on sale in the form of a yellowish powder. As thickeners use glycerin and gelatin. In this way, a small amount of ink can be made that will be relatively safe even if accidentally ingested. Of course, this is best avoided.
How to make them do it yourself
If you really want to try yourself in the role of a medieval monk, then we will tell you how to make ink with your own hands. All components are quite simple. You will need to collect three grams of ink nuts, two grams of iron sulfate and the same amount of gum arabic. Ink galls need to be crushed into powder and put into a vessel. Pour 30 ml of water into it. Pour a similar amount of water into another vessel and add all other components. After two days, you can mix both liquids, mix and leave for another 48 hours, then strain. However, writing with this composition will still need to learn. But since it is quite difficult to make real ink with your own hands, you will have to be content with something that very reminds them.
Alizarin Inks
They are also prepared from ink nuts, but they are distinguished by the fact that vinegar is included in them. For cooking, you need to take 10 g of ink nuts, 6 g of copper sulfate, 1 g of gum arabic, 100 ml of vinegar. Cooking will take a lot of time, so immediately tune in to a lengthy process. Crushed galls insist in vinegar for at least 6 days. The remaining components are separately dissolved in acid. On the fifth day, you need to boil the second composition.
After both solutions are ready, it is necessary to merge them together. Shake the mixture vigorously. The process is almost complete. Wood-acetic acid is best suited as a solvent. Alizarin ink has a big drawback - they do not flow around the pen evenly, but remain on it with a dense mass.
Many options
Today, the manufacture of ink is an important production that is only accelerating. In Russia, they were prepared from iron sulfate, which was added to a decoction of oak nuts. Today, ordinary ballpoint ink is a mixture of 50 or more components. Black color is achieved thanks to dyes, but triphenylmethane, copper phthalocyanine are the most popular, they give a blue tint, so popular in modern writing.
Ink production is not complete without ferrous sulfate and tannic acids. Dyes and additives are necessarily mixed with a solvent, they are necessary to make the formula more stable. Synthetic polymers are needed to help regulate surface tension.
Colorize the glass
Ink for a smooth surface is prepared from two working solutions. The first is 100 ml of water and 1 g of potassium sulfide and 7 g of sodium sulfide dissolved in it . Prepared by simple mixing. The second contains similarly 100 g of water, 3 g of zinc chloride and 13 ml of hydrochloric acid. The mixture can immediately be used as ink. You can safely apply it to glass and get frosted inscriptions after drying.
Compositions for metal
They can be called ink only conditionally. Writing on metal should be a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid. To do this, the surface is covered with wax, then an inscription is made with a sharp object, and then the composition is applied on top. After five minutes, you can lower the vessel into warm water. To get an analogue of the blue ink, you need to prepare another composition.
It is prepared by mixing 3.5 g of borax with 15 ml of ethyl alcohol, 2 g of rosin powder and 25 ml of methylene blue solution. The result is an inscription in blue.
Fabric Ink
We have already examined the compositions and are guided by what ink is made of. However, all these compounds are not very resistant to washing and repeated boiling. To do this, slightly change the recipe. To do this, 42 g of aniline and 2.5 g of bertoletova salt and 13 ml of water are heated in a flask. Then add 15 ml of hydrochloric acid (25%) and continue to heat the mixture until it darkens. It remains the case for small. Copper chloride is poured into the flask; on this process can be considered almost complete.
The resulting solution is heated to a red-violet color. After that, under the influence of a dye, an oxidizing agent and a reaction catalyst, we can get the final result. Ink made using this recipe is very persistent. They do not fade during the washing process and can be used in light industry.
Instead of a conclusion
As you can see, there are many ways to make ink. Modern industry allows you to produce from black and ending with colorful inks. Recently developed technology to prevent mold. There are special compounds that, when added to ink, completely neutralize the role of the fungus. These are creosote and formalin, salicylic acid.
As you can see, the composition of the ink is not at all complicated. If you are fond of chemistry, then you can quite repeat it at home. However, the big question is whether this is time-consuming, especially considering the cost of the product in the office supply store and its expense.