At what age is better to take a puppy? How to choose a healthy puppy?

When the issue of acquiring a dog has already been resolved, each future owner of a furry pet is concerned with the question: at what age is it better to take a puppy so that it can adapt more quickly and easily to new living conditions, and this does not negatively affect its health? There are a number of very important points that a puppy buyer should pay attention to.

at what age is better to take a dog


Puppies are not vaccinated until 4 weeks of age, since during this period they have immunity obtained with breast milk. The first vaccination is usually given after they reach 6 weeks of age. Usually it is done in 6-8 weeks. This vaccine protects young puppies from deadly diseases: carnivorous plague, hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis and leptospirosis. Revaccination is done after 3-4 weeks. In addition, puppies at 3 months old are vaccinated against rabies. Before this, deworming is mandatory. Quarantine after the last vaccination lasts 2 weeks.

Thus, it is recommended to buy a dog after all preventive measures, that is, at the age of 3.5 months.

puppy a month and a half

Feeding Features

From the point of view of feeding, there are also a number of recommendations at what age it is better to take a puppy. The first 35 days of life, furry pets are fed only breast milk. In this way, they get the necessary amount of immunoglobulins, vitamins and minerals. No other nutritional formula will replace it. If the puppy is weaned early from the mother, he will subsequently have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, often suffer from various infectious diseases, and also suffer from food allergies.

If for some reason the baby is left without a mother, feeding the owner will bring a lot of trouble. The appropriate mixture that replaces the puppy's mother's milk is best chosen on the advice of a veterinarian. You need to feed the baby every 3-4 hours, including at night.

After 35 days of life, when the puppy eats on its own, it is necessary to gradually begin to accustom him to the food with which the owner plans to feed his pet in the future. It is advisable that the food is not hard, as it will be difficult for the baby to eat it. When choosing food for a puppy, attention should be paid to the quality of the product.

So, when deciding at what age it is better to take a puppy in order to avoid problems with feeding, it is important to consider that this baby is older than 35 days.

when a puppy eats on its own

Features of education

When a puppy falls into the hands of its owner, it is very important that the process of its socialization is completed. Mother-dog gives her cubs important skills and personal care, communication skills. Puppies repeat everything after the mother. Thus, the role of the mother is very important in the life of a small pet, and a person will not be able to fully replace her.

It is good when the breeder accustoms the puppy in time to hygiene procedures - combing the hair, cleaning the ears, eyes, washing, cutting and so on.

At what age is it better to take a puppy, if in the future you plan to make him a highly paid producer, a winner of dog shows? This must be a puppy 8 months of age or older. During this period, he looks like an adult. And if he has health problems, it's easier to track.

when a puppy eats on its own

Physical features of healthy puppies

There are a number of expert tips on how to choose a healthy puppy. First of all, when buying a furry pet, you need to look at the mother, and, if possible, at the father. Thus, the future owner will get an idea of ​​how his dog will look. It is necessary to ask the breeder about the nature, habits and health of the parents. If possible, it is useful to inspect all puppies of the litter. Healthy individuals should be active, curious, playful and moderately well-fed. Their hair is clean, shiny, without dandruff, skin without redness. Abdomen - smooth, without swelling. The eyes of healthy babies are dry, shiny, without pus. Ears - pale pink, without an unpleasant odor. The nose is cool and wet, without discharge. All teeth are in stock, the oral cavity and tongue are free of plaque and odor. The bite is correct.

Features of the behavior of healthy puppies

Healthy babies have a good appetite. They are playful, there is no aggression, although strangers may be wary. A balanced puppy reacts calmly to sharp sounds.

When examining puppies, you can use some tests that will help determine how easy the baby makes contact, is obedient, and obeys a person. The easiest of them is to call the puppies to you. The most curious, courageous and sociable will run up first.

at what age to buy a puppy


The future owner of a fluffy pet should clearly understand what problems he may encounter when choosing a particular breed, because each of them has its own characteristics of content and education.

For example, consider the features of Rottweilers - dogs that belong to the guard category. When choosing a puppy, you should focus on his appearance and the makings of a future guard, which begin to appear closer to two months of age.

First of all, you need to decide: buy a boy or girl. Then you need to visit several nurseries and choose a litter. Having decided on a kennel and litter, you can choose a puppy. The buyer should not take both the largest puppy and the smallest. It is better to choose a medium in size. A healthy Rottweiler puppy is active, curious and agile. If the arrival of a stranger frightened the baby, and he stopped playing with other puppies, then he will make an excellent guard. If the puppy does not play with its brothers and sisters, keeps aloof, then you should not buy it at all. A promising dog is an active dog. A good option when choosing a Rottweiler puppy is to identify the leader and buy him.

rottweiler puppy

Exterior Features of a Healthy Rottweiler

Inspection of the future pet should begin with the teeth. A healthy Rottweiler puppy should have six incisors above and below, as well as a scissor bite: the lower jaw is tightly covered with the upper. Lips and gums are dark in color.

Puppy stance also requires the attention of the future owner. A healthy dog ​​has a straight line of the back and straight powerful legs.

When examining the head of a Rottweiler puppy, attention should be paid to the profile. The chin of the baby should be clearly defined, and the forehead should not protrude above the curve of the nose.

If a show dog is planned, the length and shape of the ears require special attention. They reach the middle of the cheeks, have a triangular shape. The inner edges are pressed to the head.

Rottweilers grow 8-10 months. But the flaws can be seen in a puppy in a month and a half. It is worth making sure that there is no umbilical hernia. Fifth fingers on hind legs should be stopped. There should be no creases on the tail. The ears, eyes, and skin of the little Rottweiler should be clean. The nose is wet and black. The skin is elastic, gray-blue on the back and pink on the stomach, without redness and dandruff. Wool and undercoat are black.

Thus, there are a number of expert recommendations based on which the future owner should decide at what age to buy a puppy. The main thing is that subsequently communication with a fluffy pet should bring only joy.

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