"Antilay" for dogs: reviews and description

Dog barking at an undesirable time worries many dog ​​breeders. The situation can be saved by the Antilay collar for dogs. Responses of the owners of the animals note that after its acquisition they finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the dog became more disciplined.

What is the Antilay Collar?

Anti-collar collars for dogs (reviews say that the product helps to quickly calm the causeless barking of a dog, but not in the most humane way) has one purpose: to wean the animal to give voice without a command. The device only responds to an impulse that occurs when playing voice sounds. With a certain effect on the pet, he warns him that such behavior will be unsafe for him.

Signal strength is adjustable. As a rule, at first the dogs pay attention to the minimum degree of impact, but later on they get used to such signals, and an increase in power is required.

Collar Types

All Antilay devices for dogs (reviews of animal owners claim that a collar that is fully tuned will not cause severe harm to the dog, but only create a moment that is somewhat unpleasant for him) are divided by power sources. Products can run on battery power or on a battery that is charged by the mains. The first ones are cheaper, but they discharge faster, are not suitable for dogs living in the aviary, on the street. The latter hold the charge longer, but their cost is higher than the first. Typically, charging for such devices lasts about 1.5-2 months, but this figure depends on the frequency of operation of the device.

antilay for dogs reviews

Also collars for dogs "Antilay" are classified by the method of exposure, these are:

  • Ultrasonic Their effectiveness is 60%. When barking, the collar begins to reproduce sound waves that only the animal perceives, but the person does not hear. Such a device is not effective enough, as many dogs get used to such signals and continue to bark loudly and for no reason. Not suitable for pets with auricle disease.
  • Spray or gas. They act effectively and do not harm the animal. When the dog gives a sound signal, a sizzling gas stream goes directly into its face. It is hissing that gives the animal a signal of danger. As soon as the inert gas was released, the dog immediately stopped barking.
  • Vibrating . Do not deliver pain to the pet. Only the receiver vibrates. Considered more effective than ultrasound. Suitable for small dogs and animals with a shy nature, as well as pets of those dog breeders who are opposed to electrostatic devices.
  • Electric collar "Antilay" for dogs. Reviews of the owners of the dogs note that he effectively copes with the task set for him. After several influences, the dog stops barking and becomes more disciplined. These devices are considered the most effective. The dog stops barking for no reason by the end of the first week of using the collar.
  • Combined effect. Such models include several methods of exposure: sound, vibration and static discharge. For example, the collar "Antilay" Terminator BT-6. After the first barking, the receiver vibrates on this device, after the second it vibrates even more, with the third attempt to bark, there is a small current charge, and the fourth current is more powerful.

The effect of the Antilay collars on the animal can be adjusted manually or automatically. The first option allows the dog breeder to completely control the entire process, in the second case, the process goes according to the program set by the manufacturer.

What does the device consist of?

dog anti-collar collars reviews

The appearance of the Antilay collar for dogs (dog reviews indicate that some products are equipped with batteries that are difficult to find on sale and because of this they are unclaimed) is indistinguishable from a standard product for a leash. It is made of nylon or PVC. The device is quite easy to place on the neck of the animal, where it is adjustable in volume. The receiver is mounted on a collar. It can weigh between 25-120 grams (depending on the weight of the dog). It is a small box that works on the pet's barking in one way or another. Many receivers are resistant to moisture, so the device can also be used in bad weather.

Product use

antilay for dogs reviews and photos

The Antilay collar for dogs (reviews note that the device helps to quickly calm down the causeless barking of the animal and is a real helper for dog breeders). The first time you should put on the pet not included. The dog must get used to wearing it. As a rule, this process takes from two to three weeks. Then you should turn it on and cause the pet to bark, see how it will respond to the collar. If the dog is frightened, then the product must be removed from it immediately and continue training the next day. And so on until the dog responds correctly to the signals of the device.

As practice has shown, animals after the first signals of the receiver understand that it is impossible to bark, but to consolidate the result, the product should be used for at least six months.

Many brands of collars are manually configured, and here the force of influence is selected individually. For small dog breeds, minimal impulses are used.

The device is placed on the neck higher than a normal collar for everyday wear. He must fit snugly against the body of the animal, otherwise the dog will not feel any effect. Improper use of the device can lead to rubbing the skin of the pet and cause side effects - stress or rage.

The maximum time for wearing a collar should be no more than 8-12 hours, then you should take a break in using the Antilay device for dogs. The description and reviews of this product indicate the simplicity and ease of use.

How to choose an Antilay device for a dog?

Antilay collars for dogs are advised to choose reviews based on the size of the dog. For large breeds, devices with a stronger discharge should be taken, usually these are models with electrostatic effects. "Antilay" for small dogs (reviews here recommend giving preference to devices such as A-101, A-109, they have a small receiver and are made specifically for pets up to 3 kg) should be selected with a vibration or sound signal. Gas collars are considered universal and are suitable for both large and small dogs.

The model of the device with electrostatic effects should be selected based on the length of the contacts. For long-haired breeds, contacts are more authentic, and for shorthair shorter.

Before acquiring the Antilay, the cause of the prolonged barking of the dog should be established and all efforts directed at its elimination. Perhaps, without this device, it will be possible to calm down the causeless barking of the dog.

Browse Popular Models

antilay for small dogs reviews

Before buying a device from a causeless bark, you should decide on the characteristics that the Antilay collar for dogs must comply with. Review and reviews of the most popular models include the following products:

  • Bark Stop. It affects the dog by ultrasound. Harmless. The weight of the receiver with a belt is 33 grams. Does not respond to barking of other animals. Both sound and ultrasound modes are built into the model, which are switched manually. Suitable for all dog breeds. For large and medium dogs choose a low level of sensitivity, for small - a high. The product is powered by AG10 batteries, which are supplied. The price is about 1000 rubles.
  • Terminator BT-6. Powered by battery. Multifunctional. It costs around 1,500 rubles. The model is universal and suitable for dogs from 2 to 100 kg. The collar strap is adjustable and has a length of 30-50 cm, a receiver is mounted on it, the mass of which is 40 g. The device operates in six modes and allows you to combine the response to the dog's barking. It costs 2000 rubles.
  • A-16. Waterproof. Belongs to the category of expensive devices of this kind. Practical and versatile. It costs about 3,000 rubles. It acts by vibration. It has a network of degrees of sensitivity and six levels of exposure intensity, which are manually adjustable. There is protection "from the fool", which works automatically. Designed for dogs of small breeds.
  • VK-208. The price of the device is 1000 rubles. This is an analogue of Terminator III. It is considered one of the most effective. It works on a combined method of exposure: sound - electrostatic charge.
  • "The bone." Has a modern, original bone-shaped receiver design. Differs in excellent quality. The length of the strap is adjustable from 10 cm to 58 cm. Its price ranges from 1300-1500 rubles.
  • "Antilay A-101" for small dogs. Reviews about him note that it is convenient to use and has a very small receiver size (23 g). It operates on the principle: sound - vibration. It costs about 1300 rubles.
  • PET 852. Designed for small dogs small. It is similar in its method of exposure to the A-101 device, only it is affected by ultrasound and statistical current. The price is 1200 rubles.
  • Spray "Antilay". It is the safest device. It does not cause side effects, fear, pain and burns. Designed for dogs weighing from 3 kg. When barking, the device releases essential lemon oil with a characteristic hiss into the animal's face. Enough for 25 sprays. The price is 2500 rubles. It is not recommended to use in the cold season.
  • "Terminator III." One of the most effective collars that affects an animal by electrostatic discharge. It is used for dogs weighing from 10 to 70 kg. When exposed to a pet during the initial bark, it emits an ultrasonic signal, with further attempts to give a voice, the dog beats the dog by electrostatic discharge up to 13 Volts (maximum). Waterproof, battery powered. It costs within 1000 rubles.
  • J-1302. Stationary ultrasound device with built-in microphone. It works from a regular electric network of 220 V. It can be hung on the wall of the house, as well as on the street, near the animal's booth. If the pet begins to bark, the device emits an ultrasound that the dog does not like for a duration of five seconds. As a result, the dog stops barking. Cover an area of ​​up to 80 square meters. m. costs around 1600-2000 rubles. This "Antilay" for dogs is a whistle against neighbors. Reviews say that it can also be used to silence the neighbor's dog unnoticed by others.

Advantages and disadvantages

antilay for dogs whistle against neighbors reviews

The Antilay collar for small dogs (reviews of some people consider such dog training to be inhuman and claim that other methods of influencing the animal should be tried), as for large ones, has its advantages of use, these are:

  • fast learning from unwanted barking;
  • dog discipline;
  • getting rid of the need to punish the animal or cut his vocal chords;
  • Better control over pet behavior
  • safety of use;
  • use for dogs of different sizes;
  • light weight of the product;
  • easy to operate.

The disadvantages of using the Antilay device are:

  • high cost, for some devices it can reach up to 7 thousand rubles;
  • false alarm;
  • fear of the pet;
  • application of electrostatic current discharge;
  • inhumanity of methods;
  • expensive product repair;
  • spray devices cannot be used outdoors in winter.

The use of the Antilay collar has both its advantages and disadvantages. But despite the obvious disadvantages, he fulfills his mission well and helps to cope with the causeless barking of the animal.

Where to buy the Antilay collar?

The Antilay device for small dogs (reviews say that the device does not respond to the barking of other animals) and for large dogs can be purchased at pet stores or online resources. The latter deliver throughout the country. The range of goods offered is huge and each dog breeder can choose for himself a suitable option for his dog.

Device cost

The price of the Antilay device ranges from 450 to 9000 rubles. The cost of goods is influenced by a variety of characteristics, this is the functionality of the device, its controllability, power system, product brand, water permeability and method of exposure.

Collar "Antilay" for dogs: reviews and photos

Many dog ​​breeders are satisfied with such an acquisition as the Antilay collar. It allows you to stop the causeless barking of those pets that are used to behaving noisily, staying alone at home. Effectively affects animals that make noises at night and on the street. The collar also helps on the slabs, when between the animals there is a process of pereugovanie. In all these cases, the device distracts the animal from the stimulus and switches its attention to the sensations caused by the device.

antilay for dogs description and reviews

In addition, Antilay makes the dog more disciplined and calm. As practice shows, at first the device scares the animal, it can cause fear or aggression.

collar electric antilay for dogs reviews

Some dog breeders try the effect of the collar first on themselves, and only then use it on the animal. Dog owners note that the device does not harm the health of the pet, but only causes short-term discomfort, to prevent which you should stop barking. Usually 2-3 impacts are enough for the animal to stop barking.

When using the device on hysterical dogs, you should first consult with a dog handler, since such an effect can only aggravate their condition.

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