How is Dota deciphered? The story of the legendary game

Currently, a huge number of video games have been released that have different directions and are aimed at their audience. Some projects take their roots in the distant 2000s. And in general, directions were born precisely at this time, and now we have a number of criteria that determine the popularity of the game. An interesting story is precisely those projects that are giants and turned the industry. Such a game can be considered DotA 2. In fact, this is really a unique story. Even how “Dota 2” is deciphered, many do not know, although everywhere it is customary to write the name with the acronym.

Game history

The direction of the project appeared in the days of Warcraft 3 as a separate amateur modification for the game. DotA was just a map that used Warcraft mechanics. At that time, the goal of the gameplay was to destroy the enemy throne with his team when other players stood in the way of the user. The map was developed by several people who released update after update in order to bring balance. The composition of the developers periodically underwent changes. After several years, similar ideas appeared that began to influence the popularity of this project.

Dota boot screen

One of the compilers of the IceFrog card decided to release a fully independent program, moving from Blizzard to Valve. After that, the game was released as a separate product. This was followed by a lawsuit in the copyright court between the two companies. Surprisingly, the trial gave Valve all the rights over the project.

How "Dota" stands for

The name DotA is an abbreviation of the full name of the game - Defense of the Ancients 2. Translated into Russian, it means "Defense of the fortress", "Defense of the throne." This implies the main goal of the gameplay.

The essence of the game

Dota 2 Gameplay

Players are divided into two teams of five people, each of which selects a hero from the list. After choosing a character, players get to their base. Here you can buy items to improve the characteristics and much more. The map has two bases and three roads. Between the roads there is a forest in which monsters of varying complexity live, for the killing of which gold and experience are given. Boss Roshan is in the middle of the map, defeating him will provide a large influx of money and experience for the team (as well as Aegis and Cheese).

Between the conflicting parties (Light and Darkness) flows a river on which you can find bonus runes. Using a competent strategy and the strengths of the hero, it is necessary to coordinate with the team against the enemy group and reach their base.

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