Cushion under the neck. DIY Pillow Cushion

Finding a completely healthy person these days is difficult. One has regular backaches, the other has a headache, the third suffers from insomnia, and the fourth worsens vision. Of course, these symptoms can indicate a variety of diseases, but often to get rid of them it is enough to get the right bedding. One of the most convenient accessories for sleeping is a cushion roll. How to choose this accessory and is it possible to sew it with your own hands?

Why is the cushion pillow better than the classic?

Cushion pillow

Quality rest during night sleep is very important for the human body. This is the time to relax all the organs and systems of our body. How often do you manage to wake up in the morning fully restored and alert? If this is very rare, it makes sense to think about purchasing orthopedic bedding. One of the modern solutions for a comfortable sleep is a pillow-roller. This product is cylindrical in shape, with an elastic or rather rigid filler. The classic pillow involves the location of the entire head of the sleeping on its surface. The roller is placed under the neck of a lying person and allows the spine to take the correct position. For greater comfort, you can use two such pillows, placing one of them under the lower back.

The history of cushion rolls and use today

DIY Pillow Cushion

It is believed that initially cylindrical sleep accessories were invented in ancient China and Japan. A popular version of their creation, according to which women wore national clothes and wore beautiful hairstyles with combed hair and lots of jewelry for many days, originally slept on such products. Accordingly, the pillow-roller allowed not to spoil the styling during sleep. In addition, proper support helped to maintain a healthy and beautiful neck, even with regular serious loads in the form of the weight of volume hairstyles. Today, rollers are used not only for sleep, but also in decor. Such pillows are very popular for decorating sofas and armchairs in living rooms and other lounges.

How to sew with your own hands: a simple scheme

Pillow cushion

To make such a pillow is quite easy on your own, without even having any special skills. All you need is a rectangle of sufficient fabric and two decorative ornaments. It can be tassels or large beads. For ease of use, the bottom cover for the product filler and the external decorative pillowcase should be separately sewn , equipped with fasteners. A simple manufacturing scheme for this accessory involves stitching the rectangle along the long side with leaving allowances on the sides. Attention: the fastener is also more convenient to make with a zipper or buttons along the length of the product. Once you complete this task, you can proceed to the assembly of the side parts. Work on the edge of the fabric and gently pull the ends toward the center. At the same time, neat assemblies should be obtained. That’s all, you have a cushion roll. With your own hands, you were able to make a useful accessory for sleeping and an original decor item. It remains to place the selected filler in the lower case and put the upper one on it. You can sew decorative tassels or other jewelry on the sides of the pillowcase.

DIY pillow-roller: we sew an option with sidewalls

Orthopedic pillow cushion

A more complex pattern of a cylindrical sleep accessory involves cutting two additional elements. In addition to the large rectangle, cut out two matching circles. These will be the side parts. Sew the pillow according to the previous instructions. First connect the long sides of the rectangle with each other, and then sew circles into the holes on the sides. Such a cushion roll may be made of fabric repeating other textiles in the room, such as curtains or a bedspread. The original version of the decor is to sew a long part of the accessory from several separate strips of different fabrics. Also, you can additionally decorate the product with braid or some bright elements.

How to choose a pillow roll in the store?

The selection of accessories for sleep should be carried out individually, taking into account the structural features of your body. You can pre-measure the distance from the lower jaw to the shoulder or look for a pillow by trying on in a store. The second option is considered the most reliable, since in addition to the size of the product, the characteristics of its filler are of great importance. Try to lie on several different pillows and choose the one that seems most comfortable. Similarly, you should choose accessories for the back. Be prepared for the fact that the pillow roller at the first use is unlikely to be more convenient than the traditional down. However, over time, your vertebrae will occupy the correct position.

Fillers and Covers

Pillow Neck Cushion

Pillow rolls filled with buckwheat husk are very popular. It is an inexpensive and completely natural filler. Another eco-option for bedding is herbs. Such pillows are not only pleasant to the touch and create the effect of micromassage, but also fill the air with a pleasant aroma that has a beneficial effect on the sleeping body. Synthetic fillers are also popular, in particular polyurethane foam and latex. If the pillow-roll under the neck will be used mainly in the bedroom, you will need a practical pillowcase made of natural fabric, pleasant to the touch. For decorative accessories, covers can be made of any materials, but it is desirable that they are also easily removed if necessary.

Attention: if you have serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it makes sense to ask for help in selecting the pillow of the observing doctor. The correct choice of accessories for sleep can have a significant therapeutic effect in many pathologies and accelerate the improvement of the patient's condition. A worthy example of medical products is an orthopedic pillow-roller, this product is able to adapt to the individual parameters of the body of its owner and provide quality support for its spine. You can use this accessory without special medical indications.

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