Decorative rabbit breeds are becoming increasingly popular. But unfortunately, many people who decide to have such a pet do not have the slightest idea of what care this fluffy requires. And some mistakenly believe that the conditions of their maintenance are similar to those needed by animals living on farms. From this article you will learn whether it is possible to bathe a decorative rabbit and how to feed it.
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This furry creature does not need any extra complicated care. But to make him comfortable in your home, you must adhere to certain rules. To create the proper conditions for keeping decorative rabbits, it is important to take care of acquiring a spacious cage in advance. These animals grow quite quickly, so it is advisable to immediately acquire a large house. Its size should allow an adult animal not only to rise on its hind legs, but also to stretch in full length.
It will be useful for those who want to figure out whether it is possible to bathe a decorative rabbit to find out that in a cage designed for a fluffy pet, there should be an auto-drinker, a tray and a manger for hay. It is advisable to choose a dwelling with a plastic pallet so that the animal is comfortable in it.
Despite the fact that these animals tolerate twenty-degree frost, they must be protected from stuffiness, overheating and direct sunlight. They feel most comfortable at 18-20 degrees Celsius.
How to feed a decorative rabbit at home?
The basis of the diet of these herbivores should be hay. In summer they enjoy fresh grass with pleasure. However, it is important to ensure that your pet does not come across a poisonous plant. Fluffy pets do not refuse from root crops.
In addition, in any specialized store you can buy industrial feed containing all the necessary vitamins and minerals. At the same time, you should not purchase the cheapest options. Good nutrition for the most part should consist of herbal granules. Therefore, you should not have a question how to feed a decorative rabbit at home. It is important to provide your pet with constant access to hay.
As additional additives, you can give the animal willow, apple or birch branches. And to replenish the supply of necessary minerals, a special stone is placed in the rabbit cage , which is sold in all pet stores.
Do I need to wash my hairy pet?
Those who want to understand whether it is possible to bathe a decorative rabbit need to remember that this is a very neat little animal. Like an ordinary cat, he is able to lick his own body for a long time, trying to clean his contaminated coat on his own.
The washing process is a big stress for the animal. Therefore, it is advisable to completely bathe a pet only in case of emergency. For example, when fighting fleas or if he knocked something over himself. Frequent washing is not very beneficial for rabbit hair, as it loses its natural grease. Due to frequent bathing, your pet’s fur coat becomes dull, and sometimes even starts to fall out.
Full wash
Having figured out whether it is possible to bathe a decorative rabbit, we will try to understand how to do this correctly. First of all, you need to make sure that a special shampoo, basin, towel and hairdryer are at hand. You should also get rid of drafts by closing all windows and windows.
Before starting the procedure, you need to trim his claws so that the animal does not accidentally hurt itself. If your pet has thick hair, then it is better to comb it first with a small brush.
The rabbit should be bathed in water heated to room temperature. It is important that it does not get into the ears of the animal. Shampoo should be diluted in containers with water and put the animal there. In the process of washing, care must be taken to ensure that water does not get into the eyes or nose of the pet. Otherwise, it may choke. At the end of the procedure, you need to rinse the coat with warm clean water and wrap the fluff in a soft terry towel.
Partial wash
Having figured out how to properly bathe a decorative rabbit, you need to understand what to do in case of minor pollution. It should be noted that this method is suitable only when the animal has dirty a separate area of its body.
To wash, you need a basin or bathtub filled with a small amount of water. Having picked up the animal, lower it into the container. Then thoroughly lather the contaminated area and rinse with plenty of clean, warm water. At this time, you can keep the rabbit in weight. At the end of the procedure, pat the pet's hair with a towel and dry it with a hairdryer. After that, you need to thoroughly comb the animal with a soft brush.