Today there are dozens of ratings evaluating the smartest and most powerful, the most evil and kind, the rarest and most common dogs. The beauty of these popular pets is more complicated: how can you evaluate it if one likes large and long-haired breeds, others are touched by smooth-haired, some dog lovers believe that a four-legged friend is beautiful in movement when he rushes after prey, while others appreciate the beauty in depth and expressiveness of clever and devoted eyes.
Once upon a time, dogs were acquired for practical assistance to humans: hunting, draft or shepherd work, and property protection. The smallest species were decorative dogs, which were artificially bred solely in order to please the human eye. Such animals lived in the homes of wealthy people, since the poor could not afford them.
Nowadays, in an age of commodity abundance, owners no longer judge their pets as excess mouths. The vast majority of decorative breeds are miniature dogs that can be worn on hands. Over time, the need for service dogs decreased markedly, and many working breeds turned into companions and pets.
We did not include decorative breeds in our TOP-10 of the most beautiful dogs, because their beauty is not in doubt. Perhaps someone does not agree with the distribution of places in our ranking, but we do not pretend that our opinion is the only true one. We just want to bring to your attention ten very beautiful animals, and you decide which dog is the most beautiful.
10th place - Akita Inu
Our list is opened by the Japanese beauty Akita Inu. One of the most beautiful dogs in the world has an ancient history: scientists proved that these animals lived in the country of the Rising Sun 8 thousand years ago. Outwardly, Akita Inu immediately resembles three wild animals - a bear, a wolf and a fox. This harmoniously built dog has a powerful body and strong long legs.
The coat is double: short, but extremely soft and thick undercoat and hard long integumentary hair. The standard allows for different colors of these animals: white, red, fawn, piebald, tiger, but in any case it should not have stains - the picture should be clean and clear. In the presence of spots they should not blur.
The most beautiful dog in Japan, about which legends make up, is truly unique, because it combines all the best qualities that dogs can have: it is very intelligent, endlessly devoted to the owners, has proven itself in large families with children and single owners.
9th place - chow chow
This dog is one of the top most beautiful dogs in the world. A rather large animal resembles at the same time a teddy bear and a lion. Many people know these dogs by a characteristic feature - an unusual blue language. It is believed that Chow Chow is a relative of the bear. But this is only speculation, without any scientific justification. More realistic is the assertion that these unusual animals came from polar wolves, for which the blue tongue was also typical.
This one of the most beautiful dogs (we posted a photo in this article), resembling a plush toy, has a stubborn, independent and completely non-toy character. This is a dog of one owner. Cream, white, red, blue and black colors are characteristic of Chow Chow. Wool can be both short and long. Today this breed is considered decorative, but its representatives successfully guard the territory and are excellent companions.
8th place - Doberman
This dog takes a well-deserved place in the top of the most beautiful dogs, although it makes a double impression. Undoubtedly, the Doberman fascinates and delights with its graceful beauty, but on the other hand, it seems dangerous. These animals are one of the best in tracing, searching for toxic and chemical substances, protecting the owner and his property.
In addition, these dogs are very dedicated, have a high level of intelligence. One of the most beautiful dog breeds in the world was bred in the mid-19th century by Friedrich Louis Dobermann, in whose honor it was named. He collected taxes to the treasury, and he needed a formidable and stately dog.
Interestingly, initially the Doberman was bred as a guard dog, ready to rush into battle at the first signal. That is why much later, already in the 20th century, people began to scare people from the pages of the media by Dobermans. In fact, one cannot regard this breed so unambiguously. Yes, the Doberman is fearless and decisive, but at the same time he is balanced and smart.
7th place - Leonberger
This animal is not only included in the 10 most beautiful dogs, it is characterized by a high level of intelligence and remarkable strength. Its name is translated into Russian as "mountain lion." And indeed, this dog is very reminiscent of a lion. A large, muscular and harmoniously built animal has a noble appearance and luxurious long hair. The breed standard allows for its various shades: from tan to fawn, but there is always a black mask on the face.
6th place - Bernese Mountain Dog
Considering the most beautiful pictures of dogs in dog breeding publications, you probably noticed this animal. This is the most famous and popular representative of Swiss cattle dogs. There are four varieties of this breed. They are very similar in structure, color, and differ only in size.
This one of the most beautiful dogs has proven itself in the role of guards, companions, nannies. The advantages of this breed are reasonableness and calm. The Bernese Mountain Dog is extremely strong and always ready for a merciless fight. True, such fights happen infrequently, because the Sennenhund will make every possible effort on his part to resolve the conflict without loss: he will cunning, intimidate the enemy, behave as confidently as possible, even if the enemy is bigger and stronger than him. If the battle cannot be avoided, the Sennenhund acts according to the traditional scheme of the wolfhound - it knocks down the enemy and crushes him.
But future owners should not be afraid: the Sennenhund, even in adulthood, perfectly adapts to a new home. The dog easily learns various skills and learns the nuances of behavior in the family. Despite its impressive size, the Sennenhund is suitable for families with children. These dogs are kind and tender to babies.
5th place - Siberian Husky
Surely many of our readers believe that this is the most beautiful dog. The photo that we posted in this article allows us to evaluate the attractiveness of this blue-eyed beauty. At the time of the gold rush, hardy sled dogs that did not require complicated care and nutrition were worth their weight in gold. That is why work was done to cross Alaskan huskies and northern sled dogs.
The result was not the most beautiful dog, but quite functional. Siberian Husky participated in the famous relay of mercy. Her goal was to deliver anti-diphtheria serum to the northern city of Chop . This race was attended not only by huskies, malamutes, but also unclean dogs.
However, only husky got world fame. Later, the entire team of elderly dogs was bought and settled in the zoo, because they could not be separated, because they spent their whole lives in a pack. This sensational story about unique sled dogs forced breeders and breeders to take up serious breeding work. For a long time, Siberian huskies remained sled dogs.
This was until the first black male with blue eyes was received. He was immediately presented at a major international exhibition. The effect of the show exceeded all expectations. Huge queues lined up behind the blue-eyed puppies, prices for representatives of this breed soared to the skies. Many dog breeders consider modern huskies to be the most beautiful dogs in the world.
Today they are smart, attentive, completely non-aggressive companions and pets. When kept at home, these dogs are good-natured and flexible. But this breed has one small drawback - most huskies make regular shoots.
4th place - Samoyed husky
It is impossible not to say about this breed, talking about the most beautiful dogs. A photo of this amazing animal may not fully convey its beauty, but the so-called Eskimo smile is tender. Against the background of snow-white wool, black pigmentation of the nose and lips always look bright and contrast. And not even the smile itself is important, but its combination with the constant positive mood of the animal. Owners of Samoyed huskies describe two conditions of their pets - sleeping or funny.
Samoyed huskies were bred in a small northern territory inhabited by tribes of Samoyeds. Although outwardly these animals are very similar to Spitz, they belong to hunting dogs. Unlike classical decorative dogs, Samoyeds are naturally endowed with pronounced official skills: they guard their master and his property. With proper education, huskies are restrained and calm, rarely conflict with relatives, but in the event of an attack they can repulse the enemy.
3rd place - Great Dane
Undoubtedly, such a pet, weighing almost 90 kg, may well claim the title of the most beautiful dog, but not everyone has the opportunity to contain such a hero. Great Dane is one of the largest breeds in the world. Male growth (minimal) at the withers sometimes exceeds 72 cm. However, many owners consider them to be the most beautiful dogs not because of their size. The beauty of the dog is in greatness and grace. The standard allows a huge number of colors - from blue to brindle. The ears of these dogs are sharply stopped and then extended, or they are left in a natural, refracted form.
We can say that the Great Dane was formed by chance. In ancient times, dogs were called all very large dogs that did not have a specific pedigree. After the enlargement of the middle variety with the participation of pickling dogs, modern mastiffs were obtained, and more sophisticated mastiffs became the offspring of greyhounds. Great Dane - this is a very large dog, with peace and poise.
2nd place - Aussi
One of the most beautiful dogs was bred in the USA, and the first animals for breeding were brought from Australia. But these animals got there with a family that was engaged in cattle breeding in Switzerland. In Australia, breeding continued to breed a special shepherd dog. For this, the mixed breeds of cattle dogs and Australian klepis were crossed. It was these mestizos that came to the United States.
As cynologists put it, breeders and amateur enthusiasts have been working on a raw, but rather promising breed for a long time. As a result, a unique shepherd shepherd was obtained, which has no analogues. Aussi grazes livestock without using physical force. In her care, you can safely leave kittens, chickens, cubs of any size and type.
This breed is famous for its perfect behavior, a hypnotic look and, without a doubt, beauty. Dogs with merle color, multi-colored or blue eyes are especially impressive.
1st place - Afghan Hound
Well, here we come to the leader of our rating of the most beautiful dogs. A tall, graceful, true aristocrat and just an incredibly beautiful dog. It's quite difficult to talk about the age of this breed, but it is known for certain that the image of the Afghans was preserved on the frescoes back in those days when there was no hint of writing.
Representatives of the breed were brought to Europe by the military, who served on the borders of Afghanistan and India. In European countries, by the time the Afghan Hounds appeared, hunting dogs were very much appreciated. Unlike many greyhounds working at short distances, the Afghans are much more resilient, they pursue prey longer.
The dog does not require additional instructions - it independently tracks the prey, waits for it and makes a rapid jump-jerk up to 3 meters long. Naturally, working dogs with such a luxurious coat very soon gave way to their less whimsical cousins. It is interesting that the Afghan hound is mostly covered with down, and only the thin top layer of the cover makes up the outer hair.
Such a beauty needs daily combing and thorough care. Even single cases of missing combing lead to the appearance of tangles. In winter, the fluff is clogged with snow, and in summer, the representatives of the breed are too hot even in the middle lane, and the dogs demonstrate this with their whole appearance. Dog owners who do not participate in the exhibition work are recommended to cut such pets.
True, with the loss of wool, luxury is also lost, but sometimes this is the only and justified price for the comfort of your pet. By nature, Afghan hounds are true aristocrats. They are very cunning and smart. They do not like to get dirty, dabble, compete with someone for the right to own a stick. They proudly watch all this fuss around them. Surprisingly, these dogs are terrible in anger, although many owners of such a spectacle have never seen.
The most beautiful names for dogs
A nickname is a beautiful combination of sounds. It allows your pet to be different from his brothers, to understand when the owner turns to him, and to respond accordingly. Approach your choice responsibly, because the most beautiful dogs need the most beautiful names. Perhaps the lists below will help you choose.
For boys:
- Assar.
- Albuquerque.
- Alvis.
- Adjani.
- Brave
- Berger.
- Buster.
- Williams.
- Gracie.
- Diamond
- Dircy.
- Germon.
- Zord.
- Irvis.
- Cuffy.
For girls:
- Iris.
- Ariba.
- Anabel.
- Beauty.
- Bassey.
- Velga.
- Gabri.
- Daisy
- Jally.
- Yvona.
- Kaina.