Mandarin fish: description, contents in the aquarium, photo

Under natural conditions, this carnivorous fish lives in the southern hemisphere in Indonesia, Australia, and the Philippines. Mandarin fish (Synchiropus splendidus) does not sail far from the coastal reefs, she likes hidden sheltered lagoons. Synchiropus splendidus spends most of its time at the bottom, since there are many small crustaceans that feed on tangerines.

These bright representatives of the perch-like squad received their unusual name for their outstanding color, which resembles the clothes of Chinese imperial tangerines. Probably, the motley robes of officials from China were so impressed by researchers from Europe that bright animals became associated with the mysterious East. For example, small ducks from East Asia were also called tangerines.

The distribution of tangerines

External features

Externally, a mandarin fish resembles a well-known goby (it is often called that). But this is wrong. In fact, this bright baby belongs to the Lirov family and the percussion squad. This fish cannot be confused with any other - it has a unique color. Yellow, azure blue, violet, orange, green - and these are far from all the colors that can be seen on the body of a mandarin fish. All colors are bright, saturated, with stripes and spots that develop into unique patterns. As a rule, the basis of this lively picture is blue. Interestingly, the color exists due to special cells chromatophores. They have a pigment that refracts light.

This small fish is no more than six centimeters. Its body resembles a torpedo in shape, two large convex eyes are located on its head. Rounded ventral fins are located near the throat, two dorsal fins. The mouth is almost invisible. Interestingly, he is able to move forward. The body of a mandarin fish is covered with thick mucus.

External features


Mandarin ducks slowly explore corals for food. Due to their small size, they are almost invisible to larger relatives, so it is extremely rare that they become prey of predators. Tangerines prefer to lead a solitary lifestyle. In pairs, they get off only during the mating season. They are active in the daytime, at night they rest.

Aquarium Maintenance

Immediately I would like to warn beginners in the aquarium industry - only professional breeders can successfully keep this baby. Aquarium mandarin fish needs not only special care, but also special nutrition. It is important to know that in the aquarium this fish can grow up to 10 cm in length. If you think that you can create an exotic pet the necessary conditions for home maintenance, then check out the basic rules of content:

  • Water temperature must be at least +24 ° C.
  • Keep the mandarin duck in the species aquarium so that there are no other fish in it, since they can get ahead of the motley beauty and deprive her of food.
  • For one individual, at least 300 liters of water will be required.

Aquarium arrangement

If you decide to have a mandarin fish at home, the aquarium should be large. Try to create in it the natural habitat of your pet - coral reefs. Moreover, there should be a lot of corals. Before starting fish in the aquarium, it is necessary to insist on coral reefs for a month, at least.

Aquarium Maintenance

The rainbow beauty loves various shelters, so do not spare the decorative snags, castles and other elements. The aquarium should be equipped with aeration and water filtration. Pay attention to its acidity - it should not exceed 8.4 pH. Aquarium lighting should be moderate. Use fine pebbles for flooring. Experienced aquarists recommend adding trace elements to the water. Change 25% of the water volume weekly. For cleaning aquariums and decorative elements, use the Malachite Green, Sidex, and Methylene Blue products.


It is practically impossible to provide the mandarin fish with the kind of food that it receives in natural conditions, so you have to accustom it to other foods. For this, a small worm, bloodworm and other live food are most often used. In addition, you should find out from the breeder how he fed the mandarin duck, since there is a possibility that the fish is already used to some kind of food, and it may not perceive the other at all.


Since the mandarin fish is rather slow, breeders do not recommend planting it with more nimble brothers. These include barbs, zebrafish, neonnakara neon, catfish, thorns, surgeon fish. They will eat mandarin ducks.

The situation can be corrected as follows: make a small feeding trough, into which larger neighbors will not fit and put it on the bottom. Thus, you will create your own tangerine tangerine. But in general, mandarin fish are peace-loving creatures, they can only fight with their relatives, but, as a rule, it doesn’t reach serious injuries. Therefore, put them one at a time in the aquarium or a maximum of a pair.

Propagation of tangerines


Often, breeders sell tangerines, not only caught in their natural environment, but also bred at home. To do this, create comfortable conditions for the life of your pets. With the beginning of the mating season, tangerines perform a special dance, swirling rapidly in the water. At this time, they throw eggs. There are from 12 to several dozen. Beginner aquarists should be aware that strong and large males have an advantage over females. This must be taken into account if you have placed several males in the aquarium.

Undoubtedly, a rainbow fish can decorate any aquarium. Before you get a mandarin duck, you need to prepare for caring for it. With proper maintenance, such a fish can live in an aquarium for up to 12 years.

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