Any breed of dogs, no matter what their character and habits, does not differ, has its fans. Someone is crazy about small indoor doggies, someone prefers to keep medium-sized pets. But there are people who like only very large, strong dogs. And there is nothing surprising in such addiction. After all, the natural potential of the representatives of most of these breeds with proper training allows you to get not just a loyal friend, but also an invincible fighter and protector.
To start a large dog, of course, is only for those dog breeders who have enough money to maintain it. In addition, most of these breeds require the owner to have certain skills regarding care and training. Below we present to the reader the top 10 most powerful dogs in the world.
Mastiff English
This breed is worth choosing for those who want to see their pet not only bold and decisive, but also aristocratic. The first place in our top 10 most powerful dogs in the world is the English mastiff, a noble animal with a phlegmatic character.
The breed is pretty old. Its breeding began a long time ago - around 1400. Later, it several times almost completely disappeared and was restored again by enthusiasts.
Exterior Features of English Mastiffs
The sizes of these dogs are truly enormous. At the withers they can reach a height of 76 cm. The weight of English mastiffs, according to standards, should not be less than 80 kg. The exterior features of these dogs also include:
- rectangular weighty head;
- high set triangular ears;
- powerful body and limbs;
- massive high tail.
The color of the English mastiff can only be dark. A black mask is required on the face.
Mastiff Behavior
A characteristic feature of the breed is a truly titanic calm. Outwardly, such a dog may even seem too lethargic. However, English mastiffs are still capable of displaying emotions, albeit not too violent. In addition, these large dogs are deeply attached to their owners, loyal and yet extraordinarily brave.
And we continue to consider the top 10 most powerful dogs in the world.
Alabai breed
These large dogs are also greatly appreciated by pet lovers all over the world. This breed has been bred for a very long time. According to experts, the Alabai were kept by peasants 3-6 thousand years ago. Moreover, the exterior of these dogs to this day has been preserved almost unchanged. In ancient times, these dogs were mainly engaged in grazing sheep and goats.
We placed Alabai in second place in the top 10 most powerful dogs in the world, because it is inferior to the English mastiff in height as much as six centimeters (70 cm). But at the same time, his weight is almost the same - 80 kg.
Exterior Features
These dogs look very impressive. The main features of the breed are:
- massive head and voluminous muzzle;
- coarse coat with thick undercoat.
Alabai ears and tail usually stop at an early age. This tradition has been going on since ancient times. This is exactly what the shepherds did so that the dogs did not freeze these parts of the body during long transitions with herds.
The color of Alabaev can be different. Standards allow black, white, gray, fawn, brindle, brown, piebald and spotted.
Character Features
It is not too difficult to take care of Alabai, which are in the top 10 most powerful dogs in the world. But some caution in the maintenance of such a large dog to observe, of course, follows. The main features of the character of the Alabaev are:
- restraint in the manifestation of feelings;
- aggressiveness towards "strangers";
- the ability to get along well with other pets.
The puppy needs to be shown immediately who is the leader in the house. Otherwise, in the future, various kinds of problems will arise with his upbringing. When walking with a representative of this breed on the street, you should definitely use a leash.
In the world there are large breeds, well known to everyone without exception. In third place in the top 10 most powerful dogs in the world we represent are the Rottweiler. These dark large dogs with characteristic tan marks have long been loved by domestic breeders. This breed is very old. She was known in ancient Egypt.
Rottweilers can be used both for the protection of houses and courtyards, and for hunting. Their maximum height is 69 cm, and weight - 60 kg.
Rottweiler Exterior Standards
The main distinguishing features of this breed are:
- proportions of growth and body length 1: 2;
- short paws;
- wide head.
The tan marks on Rottweilers can be located in different places - on the eyes, cheeks, underside of the neck, under the tail, on the front legs, etc.
The nature of the breed
Rottweilers do not differ with special calmness, despite their large sizes. Their character is very energetic and somewhat hysterical. Many dog breeders consider these animals very smart and cunning, but at the same time quite rude and clumsy. In any case, starting a rottweiler in a family with young children is not worth it. The dog can, without noticing it, catch and dump even a large child, not to mention the kids.
American bulldog
In fourth place in our top 10 most powerful dogs in the world is the American Bulldog. Its growth can reach up to 69 cm, and weight - up to 58 kg. This breed appeared in the form in which it is presented now, not so long ago - in the 19th century. Its main purpose has always been considered participation in battles with large animals, mainly with bulls.
The features of the exterior of American bulldogs include:
- athletic build;
- strong compact case;
- wide square muzzle;
- strong limbs.
The coat color of American Bulldogs should be white (or with white marks).
Features of character and behavior
The American bulldog, fourth in the top 10 most powerful dogs in the world, is a very stubborn, suspicious and wayward animal. In addition, these dogs are not too friendly with strangers. The puppy must be made to understand that not everyone around is trying to harm him and his owner. Otherwise, having matured, he will bite everyone in a row.
These dogs also require training in relation to contacts with other animals. A cat, chicken, sheep or goat, appearing in the field of view, such a dog can easily cripple or even kill.
Who can be put in fifth place in our top 10 most powerful dogs in the world? Turkish Kangal is a shepherd breed that has fully deserved the right to do so. In terms of growth, these dogs are superior even to Alabaev and English mastiffs. But at the same time they differ in a more refined constitution and weigh much less. The growth of these dogs can reach 77 cm at the withers, while the weight is 50 kg.
Kangal appearance
The main features of the exterior of these dogs are:
- powerful neck;
- tail bent backwards;
- short thick coat.
The hair of the Turkish kangal is never white, like other shepherd dogs. Standards allow only reddish, brown, gray or yellow shades. A black mask must be present on the face of a real kangal.
Dog Character Features
Kangals are quite friendly to people and animals around. But only outside its territory. To strangers, these dogs always show aggression. Among the features of the behavior of the Kangals, among other things, include tirelessness and vigor. Previously, shepherds could use only one such dog to guard a herd of at least 200 animals.
Brazilian mastiff
The growth at the withers of these dogs can reach 68 cm, and they weigh up to 50 kg. That is why we placed in sixth place in the Top 10 most powerful dogs in the world, the Brazilian mastiff. This breed was bred in South America around the 17th century. Used it mainly for the protection of hacienda and plantations. Also, this breed often participated in the search for runaway slaves.
Dog Exterior
Despite the fact that these dogs are massive, their body is harmonious and absolutely symmetrical. The features of the exterior of the Brazilian mastiffs in the first place include:
- large heavy head;
- wide muzzle with saggy lips;
- the presence of folds forming a suspension in the neck;
- short dense glossy coat.
The body color of dogs of this breed can be any. Standards exclude only mouse and white.
Brazilian Mastiff Character
The dog is very brave and also quick-tempered and decisive. Many consider these dogs even too self-confident. However, with all this, Brazilian mastiffs are quite obedient and patient dogs (including with respect to children).
Great Dane of Argentina
In seventh place of our top 10 most powerful dogs in the world is the Argentinean dog. This breed belongs to the group of hunting. It was bred in the 20s in Argentina. Hence its name. Breeding during the breeding was primarily aimed at getting a good big game hunter - wild boars, cougars, jaguars, etc. These dogs once chased wild animals in their entire packs. The weight of the Argentinean dogs can reach 45 kg, and the height at the withers - 68 cm.
Breed description
The main features of the exterior of these dogs include:
- short hair that does not require special care;
- powerful neck, strong legs, impressive body;
- long drooping tail;
- drooping ears.
The color of the Argentinean dogs, according to the standard, can only be white, walnut or cream.
Characteristics of the breed
Dogo Argentina, one of the top 10 most powerful dogs in the world (the photo presented below, the splendor of this breed is clear), is brave, energetic and at the same time quite peaceful. But pet lovers who decide to buy such a puppy should keep in mind that he will in any case try to become a leader in the family. Making a representative of this breed unconditionally obey the owner is extremely difficult. The necessary hierarchy can be built only by properly raising a puppy from an early age.
The mood of its owner, the Argentinean dogs feel very well. And so much so that even for no apparent reason they can attack people who are the alleged source of anxiety of the owner. Therefore, Argentinean dogs must be taught to control their emotions.
Rhodesian Ridgeback
The standards of this hunting breed were approved in the 90s. It was bred by the Kennel Club of South Africa. Growth at the withers can reach 66 cm, and weight - 37 kg. That is why the eighth place of our top 10 most powerful dogs in the world is the Rhodesian Ridgeback.
Breed exterior
The original feature of the ridgeback is the presence on the back of a spectacular woolen comb. You can also distinguish this breed from others by:
- high ears;
- strong muscles;
- rather light body;
- gradually tapering, slightly curved tail.
Standards allowed only warm, fairly light coat color.
Behavior features
The character of this dog is dominated by authority and indefatigability. Keeping these animals in the apartment is highly discouraged. For such conditions, she is too active and energetic. Animals are proud and masterful, but they attach to their master very quickly. One of the features of Ridgebacks is that they are not at all afraid of heat and drought.
German boxer
Despite the rather frightening appearance, the dogs of this breed are considered calm, kind and peaceful. Their dimensions are quite large - 63 cm, 32 kg. Therefore, we put them in ninth place in the top 10 most powerful dogs in the world. The German boxer was bred in the 19th century. The breed belongs to the group of guard and hunting.
Standards for Appearance
The German boxer looks very fit, neat and impressive. Particularly impressive are its jaws, the distortions of which, according to standards, are not allowed. Among other things, the German boxer is distinguished by:
- smooth deep chest;
- well developed muscles;
- sinewy limbs.
It used to be that a German boxer should be exclusively white. Currently, standards allow only tiger or red coat color for this dog.
Character boxers
Representatives of the breed are very curious, intelligent, trusting and attached to their owners. German boxers have a strong psyche and good-naturedly behave with the weak. This breed is by no means related to sofas. Boxers are very active and love to get new experiences. Therefore, it is worth getting them only to those pet lovers who live outside the city. In the room, the unused energy of a German boxer necessarily spills into gnawed furniture, broken appliances and scratched parquet.
Siberian Husky
What other large breeds are found on earth? In tenth place of our top 10 most powerful dogs in the world, the Siberian Husky is also a pretty big dog. These animals were bred several thousand years ago by the Chukchi. Unfortunately, in Soviet times, the Siberian Husky was recognized as an unpromising breed. It was possible to save it only due to the fact that even before the revolution, several such dogs were taken by the Americans. In our country, this breed was re-bred only in the 90s.
At the withers, Siberian husky can reach 60 cm. The maximum weight of these animals is 28 kg. The breed standards provide for:
- erect ears;
- fluffy tail;
- well developed muscles;
- curved neck;
- straight back with shoulder blades clearly directed back;
- good, but not obscured pubescence.
The color of these dogs, in appearance somewhat reminiscent of wolves, can be anything from white to black.
Features of behavior and character
The main distinguishing feature of the Siberian husky is a very energetic character. Dogs of this breed are born leaders. Therefore, only experienced dog breeders should start such an animal. Siberian Husky, closes the top 10 most powerful dogs in the world (the photo above clearly shows how effective this breed is), should receive sufficient physical activity. Otherwise, his temperament will be directed at pranks and aggression, although by themselves these handsome men are quite peaceful and even affectionate. Professionals assure that the dog is more likely to lick to death than to bite.