Dog walking rules in the city: leash, muzzle, playground

Of all the pets, a dog is most often called a friend of a person. Being near us, such animals disinterestedly give their owners love and incredible devotion, serving and protecting. Often for many owners, the dog is not just a four-legged companion, but also an indispensable assistant.

It often happens that the dog practically becomes a member of the family. But one should not forget that even the most calm, smart and kind dogs still remain animals, moreover, they are “armed” with strong and sharp teeth. So, hypothetically for strangers, friends of a person can be a threat.

To reduce the likelihood of a dog attacking people or animals, our country has rules for walking dogs in a public place. These rules must be followed by the owner of any four-legged friend, regardless of the size, age, breed and character characteristics of the pet.

The peculiarity of the legislation governing dog walking in the Russian Federation is that there is no single federal law on this subject. The rules for walking dogs and administrative responsibility for their violation are determined by local laws of each subject of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the main advice for the future owner of the animal is to carefully study the legislation in force in the region where he lives permanently. To highlight the basic requirements for dog owners, consider the rules of walking dogs in a public place by the example of laws in force in the Russian capital.

Where to walk a four-legged friend

The answer to this question can be obtained by studying the law "On the maintenance of cats and dogs in the city of Moscow." The article defining the rules for safe walking of dogs contains a specific indication that walking your pet without restricting it with a muzzle and leash is possible only in places officially authorized for this. We are talking about special sites, and a similar rule exists in almost all regional laws similar to the one under consideration.

But in real conditions, unfortunately, special sites for dogs are difficult to find even in large cities, not to mention small towns. How can we get out of this situation?

dog walking rules

Of course, you can’t leave the animal without a walk. Therefore, if there is no special equipped dog platform in the village, then in order to walk the pet and not get a penalty for dog walking in the wrong place, it is enough to comply with all other requirements of article 7 of the above law.

The owner will definitely have to:

  • ensure the safety of others by wearing a muzzle and a leash on the animal;
  • not to create a threat to the sanitary-hygienic condition of the territory, namely not to leave “traces of vital activity” of the pet after the walk;
  • control the behavior of the dog;
  • Avoid places where dog walking is prohibited by regional law.

Places where dogs are not allowed

Despite the relative loyalty regarding dog walking outside special areas, the law strictly indicates public places where you can’t walk with a four-legged friend. These include:

  • playgrounds;
  • the territory of any educational institution;
  • territories of medical institutions of any type;
  • territories assigned to sports or cultural institutions;
  • crowded places.

The last ban does not apply to city parks.

dog law

In addition, according to existing standards, improvised areas for walking dogs should not be less than 30 meters from the entrances of residential buildings. Although even representatives of law enforcement agencies admit that it is simply impossible to fulfill the latter in the conditions of the city. Therefore, in practice, people walking with a pet near an apartment building may not have any complaints if other hygiene standards and requirements for safe walking of dogs are observed.

When a leash is needed

Without a leash and a collar in a public place, dog walking is prohibited. Situations when even the most calm and trained dog just runs close to the point of view of the legislators are unacceptable and will definitely serve as an occasion for administrative punishment of the owner of the four-legged friend. This rule applies equally to owners of both large and very small breeds. Moreover, the rules of walking emphasize that the leash should not only promote control over the pet, but also ensure the safety of the dog itself, for example, when driving along the side of the road.

Dog Leash Requirements

The rules for walking dogs in Moscow, and in many other Russian regions, present only one requirement for a leash - the length must be sufficient to fully control your pet. What does this mean in practice?

dog walking grounds

A single standard, of course, does not exist. The collar and leash are selected taking into account the breed, weight and age of the dog. Experts and experienced dog lovers agree that the so-called short leash about one and a half meters long is optimally safe. Complete with a strict collar and a muzzle, this gives complete control over the actions of the dog. The disadvantage of this kit is that the dog does not have the opportunity to walk, that is, run and stretch. Therefore, as a rule, such control is recommended for fighting pets. Depending on the breed of the dog, the leash length may be increased.

And a little more about the ability to control the animal. In some regions, including Moscow and the region, the rules for walking dogs forbid children and adolescents under the age of 12 (14) years to lead the animal on a leash on their own, as a child may simply not be able to keep a physically strong and large dog. There is also a prohibition for people who are intoxicated.

Why do we need a muzzle

Sometimes in special forums for dog lovers, disputes arise about how humane the use of the muzzle is and whether the dog can be comfortable in it for a walk. The law prescribes the mandatory use of a muzzle for large and (or) restless, aggressive animals, dogs of certain breeds and their hybrids. But is it possible to ignore the wearing of this device when walking dogs that are not prone to aggressive behavior? Professional trainers often warn that it is impossible to foresee all situations. Even the most non-aggressive and kind dogs can unpredictably behave in a public place in relation to both people and other animals.

In addition, the muzzle is designed to ensure safety not only to others, but also to the dog itself. The muzzle primarily prevents the animal from picking up and eating something from the ground. Thus, the owner can protect the pet from accidental poisoning or from the traps of dog hunters.

When to wear a muzzle

In what cases do the rules of dog walking in the city and beyond establish the obligation for the owner to put a muzzle on his pet? Let's look at this issue in more detail. The Moscow rules for walking dogs in a public place prescribe the mandatory wearing of a muzzle for all four-legged animals, which can be dangerous to humans or other animals. This type includes all dogs weighing more than 5 kg.

dog walking rules in a public place

A list of four dozen potentially dangerous breeds is also attached to the metropolitan law. Without a muzzle with such animals you can walk only on the territory of a fenced area for walking dogs.

Muzzle requirements

There are no clear requirements for the material or the size of the muzzle, as is the case with a leash. In order not to harm the animal and not create situations when the dog can simply bite and remove the muzzle, it is better to rely on the following tips when choosing a device:

  • To buy a dog-friendly muzzle is completely breathable and allows the animal in its muzzle to open its mouth completely.
  • Choose the size of the product. The muzzle should not crash into the nose of the animal and not interfere with vision. This condition is a guarantee of the safety of others.

Transportation: public transport

Many people wonder how to transport a dog in public transport. It is clear that transportation of the animal is allowed only with a muzzle and a leash. But are there additional requirements? In accordance with the metropolitan legislation, the owner of the dog, when traveling by public transport along with the pet, must have with him a document on registration in the Moscow Cat and Dog Register. The owner is obliged to present this document to the controller during verification.

Walking requirements for small dog owners

Small breeds include dogs that weigh less than 5 kg. It is assumed that such pets do not pose a threat to humans, although many people, including among dog owners, may not agree with this. Nevertheless, the rules for walking dogs give certain indulgences for small breeds.

For example, a leash for animals less than 5 kg can be replaced by a special carrying. This moment is especially interesting: holding a small dog in your arms, you can visit any public place, even where you can’t go with animals. But at the same time, it is strictly forbidden to lower the pet to the floor and allow it to freely walk around.

dog walking prohibited

For public transport, the baby animal also has a benefit: the law on dogs allows them to be transported without a muzzle, but with a leash. The same exception applies to walking around the city. A dog that belongs to the category of small ones is quite allowed to be lowered from the leash if the walk takes place in a distance from any public places. But you should not forget that if the baby has caused any damage or attacked a person or animal, the owner will have to answer in the same way as for the actions of a large pet.

Is it a duty to clean up after a dog?

A real wave of indignation is caused by the feces left by the dogs. If in many countries cleaning up your pet is common, then our compatriots in most cases ignore this obligation. The result of such a violation we see daily on the streets and in the courtyards of residential buildings.

The Law on Dogs allows representatives of authorities not only to force the owner to clean up after their four-legged friend, but also to draw up a protocol on administrative violation followed by a fine. Therefore, the best advice is to purchase accessories such as a special scoop and bags for walking with your dog.

Owner Responsibility

The Moscow Code of Administrative Violations provides for a number of penalties in the form of a fine for dog owners. For example, a fine for walking dogs in the wrong place, walking without a muzzle and a leash, as well as pollution of public places, that is, uncleaned feces - each of these violations will cost the owner of the animal in the amount of 1 to 2 thousand rubles.

Violation of the rules of public transportation, property damaged by a dog (including municipal) will cost from 500 to 1000 rubles.

good dogs

Cases of aggressive dog behavior are punished more severely. If a friend of a person, due to the inadvertence of the owner, has attacked people or other animals, the size of the fine will be from 4 to 5 thousand. And when the owner himself shows aggression, setting his dog on animals or people, the fine can be from 2 to 5 thousand.

Monetary amounts are indicated for citizens who own dogs. If the offender is an official or legal entity, the amount of the fine increases significantly.

Another animal suffered or died: does the owner of the dog bear any responsibility?

Consider another common situation when, by chance, a dog attacked another animal, wild or domestic. If the dog drove the cat onto a tree, then liability for the owner is not provided for. But if the attacking dog injured or the injured animal died, the owner who committed the attack will have to pay a fine for a decent amount - from 4 to 5 thousand rubles.

Criminal liability: what will have to be held accountable?

The question that often arises in connection with conflict situations between dog owners and opponents of keeping such animals in urban conditions: can a violation of dog walking rules entail not only administrative, but also criminal liability for a malicious violator? Let's see if it is possible to criminally attract the owner of a dog that has bitten a person.

fine for walking dogs in the wrong place

Even if a person regularly violates the rules of dog walking, there will be no criminal prosecution for this. But even in a situation where the dog attacked a person, there may not be criminal liability for the owner of an aggressive animal. A criminal case can be brought up only in one case: if the owner deliberately set his dog up and at the same time serious harm was caused to the health of the victim.

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