PAPP-A during pregnancy - what is it about? Prenatal diagnosis is mandatory for all women who are in position and are registered in the antenatal clinic or at the perinatal center. It allows you to identify abnormalities and pathologies in the development of the fetus, the functioning of the placenta and the state of health of the mother. Among the many studies appears and screening. One important indicator is PAPP-A. It refers to metalloproteinases (zinc-containing enzymes). Most of it is produced in the outer layer of the placenta by fibroblasts.
What is PAPP-A?
The plasma protein associated with pregnancy is how this abbreviation stands for. It plays a key role in complex biochemical processes that affect the growth and development of the fetus, placenta, and the formation of immunity. The longer the term, the higher its level in the mother’s blood. A decrease in the level of PAPP-A during pregnancy may indicate that there is a risk of developing Edwards or Down syndrome in the baby. This fact cannot but alarm and not worry parents.
However, relying only on the results of a blood test is not worth it. Before establishing such a diagnosis, it is necessary to comprehensively evaluate other parameters that are obtained from the results of ultrasound. The optimal time for assessing PAPP-A during pregnancy is the 11th-13th week, the first screening occurs in the 10-14th week. This period was not chosen by chance. It is believed that at such a time you can get the most accurate information regarding the health status of the mother and fetus. After the 14th week, the results obtained even in the presence of deviations in the child will be the same as in a healthy one.
Factors Affecting Level
An experienced specialist should take into account that the following factors influence the level of PAPP-A during pregnancy:
- A way to conceive a child.
- The presence of gestosis in a previous pregnancy and the weight of the newborn.
- Weight, height, the presence of bad habits (in particular smoking).
- The presence of diabetes.
If a woman has at least one of the above factors, then, most likely, in the first trimester, the content of PAPP-A during pregnancy at 12 weeks will be low. In the second and third trimester, on the contrary, its level can be increased. This should be considered before paying attention to the conclusion of a specialist.
Reasons for appointment
For each study during pregnancy, there is a specific purpose or indication. Studies that should indicate the risk of developing an abnormality (genetic or hereditary) are carried out during the next screening. At the end of the first trimester, a woman needs to pass a series of tests. Along with the usual ones, such as a general analysis of blood and urine, both PAPP and hCG are listed. During pregnancy, these indicators indicate a possible risk of having a baby with Down syndrome. However, you should not rely solely on blood results alone and get upset ahead of time if they differ from the norm.
Parents can independently undergo this analysis, for example, if the pregnant woman is not registered or does not attend a antenatal clinic. In this way, they can make sure that their child is healthy, or there is a risk that should be known in advance.
Risk group
There is a certain risk group, which is conditionally such, according to medical practice, which includes women:
- Over 35 years old and minors pregnant.
- Who was previously diagnosed with a threatened miscarriage, regressing or missed pregnancy.
- Abusers of narcotic drugs or alcohol.
- Those who have had an infectious disease or take illegal, potent drugs at the beginning of pregnancy.
- Living in adverse environmental conditions or working in hazardous industries.
- Having a family genetic or hereditary disease.
Do not forget that even if the pregnant woman is not at risk, there remains the possibility of having a child with genetic disorders.
RARR-A and hCG. Necessary analyzes
Together with the analysis of PAPP-A during pregnancy, the level of AFP (alpha-fetoprotein), b-hCG and the content of free estradiol in the blood serum are necessarily measured. Additionally, on an ultrasound, parameters such as:
- Coccyx-parietal size (KTR).
- The thickness of the collar space (collar zone, or another term such as the width of the cervical fold).
- The presence of the nasal bone or its absence.
If PAPP-A during pregnancy at 12 weeks is normal, then other indicators should not lag or exceed established boundaries. From the first days of conception, special attention is paid to the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). It indicates the existing defects in the development of the fetus and the nature of the course of pregnancy.
Analysis preparation
The blood content of PAPP-A during pregnancy is determined by taking a blood serum sample for analysis. Before taking biomaterial, a woman should be prepared. It is necessary to refrain from eating 6 hours before the test, fatty and spicy foods are excluded from the diet. In the morning you can drink pure water, not more than 100 ml, so that taking blood from a vein does not cause difficulties. Blood sampling should be done in the morning. It is advisable to be in a state of physical rest. For example, rest before donating blood, sit at the office for several minutes.
You should also weigh yourself in advance and measure your growth, as these indicators influence the decoding of the results. It is recommended that all screening tests be performed in one clinic or laboratory. This is due to the fact that the decryption of data in each laboratory and the established standards are different.
Explanation of indications
Upon receiving the results, the woman tries to independently determine how her numbers correspond to the RAPP-A norm during pregnancy. Each laboratory has its own equipment. In order for the doctor to determine whether the results obtained correspond to the deadline, it is necessary to determine in advance whether the laboratory can transfer them to MoM. This is a special coefficient that eliminates the error in decoding the results.
When evaluating results, doctors usually pay attention to boundary values. The data obtained as a result of a woman’s poll on identifying factors that may affect deviation from the norm in one direction or another are also taken into account. The limit value of plasma protein-A associated with pregnancy (high molecular weight glycoprotein) is from 0.5 to 2 MoM. With multiple pregnancy, the upper value can reach 3.5 MoM. This indicator is a summary for all laboratories and clinics. If in the institution where the pregnant woman passes the test for prenatal screening, they immediately provide the results in MoM, then it will be easier for the doctor to determine if there are deviations or not.
Deciphering risk
Some laboratories, in addition to numbers, also indicate a comment on whether a positive test result or not. If the result is “positive test”, then this means that the child has a high risk of birth with Down syndrome. In order to verify this, parents may be asked to undergo a specific study. They are associated with the need to take samples of amniotic fluid, umbilical cord blood, or a fetal chorionic biopsy. Undoubtedly, such tests can harm the baby or lead to the threat of termination of pregnancy. However, doctors claim that modern technology can minimize this risk.
A “negative” test, on the contrary, can reassure parents, since the risk of having a baby with genetic abnormalities is minimal. During the second screening, the results are compared with the first. This serves as the basis for the cancellation of unrest, if at the first screening deviations from the norm were revealed.
Pregnancy rate by week
Since the first serious study of the expectant mother takes place after the 10th week of pregnancy, it will be important to know which numbers will be considered normal at this time. At 10-11 weeks, the protein content associated with pregnancy, within normal limits, ranges from 0.46 to 3.73 mU / L. It is this result that indicates that the fetus is not in danger. If we talk about the RARP-A norm during pregnancy, then for a period of 11-13 weeks, the numbers should be in the range of 0.79 - 6.01 mU / l, and at the 13-14th week - already 1.47-8.54 honey / l
Deviations can indicate not only pathologies associated with fetal genetics, but also the risks of premature termination of pregnancy. This may be a threat of miscarriage or fetal death. To eliminate the uncertainty of the obtained data, it is recommended to conduct a study in a strictly specified time period. That is why the first screening at this time includes ultrasound, which helps determine the exact gestational age.
Exceeding the norm: what to do?
If a pregnant woman has an increased protein associated with pregnancy, PAPP-A, and other indicators are normal, then it is necessary to find out how a woman feels during the entire first trimester. In the presence of severe toxicosis or diabetes there is a risk of exceeding the indicators. Also, the level of PAPP-A can be increased with multiple pregnancy. Therefore, do not immediately assume that the child will have genetic abnormalities.
It is important to understand that a deviation from the PAPP-A norm during pregnancy at 13 weeks may be caused by external factors that must be considered when passing the test. This can be stress, overweight mothers, conception of a child by in vitro fertilization. To confirm or refute the diagnosis, a second blood serum may be required to conduct a study. Alternative invasive methods may also be used. The appropriateness of their appointment can only be judged by a geneticist who studies all the data obtained as a result of screening.
If PAPP-A is lowered, is it worth it to panic?
If the results are below normal, PAPP-A during pregnancy at 12 weeks cannot be improved. They may be uninformative if the analysis did not take into account important parameters. For example, weight and height were incorrectly specified. When the level of protein associated with pregnancy is significantly reduced, this may indicate a possible genetic abnormality. In particular, we are talking about:
- Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome, the presence of the 13th chromosome).
- Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome, in which the fetus has abnormalities incompatible with life).
- Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome, in which the fetus does not have 46, but 47 chromosomes; the extra chromosome can be transmitted both from the father and from the mother).
- Monosomy on the X chromosome, triploidy (threatens short stature, oligophrenia, infantilism in the fetus at birth).
In the event of a malfunction of the placenta, the threat of miscarriage, a decrease in PAPP-A during pregnancy at week 13 is a signal for urgent action. Only after consultation with a geneticist can we talk about the advisability of conducting a chorionic biopsy or amniocentesis.
Doctor's decisions
A competent obstetrician-gynecologist will not take the responsibility of claiming that a deviation from the norm is a definite indication for terminating a pregnancy. Even if the risk of having a baby with a genetic disorder is very high, you need to check this conclusion. PAPP-A alone cannot be a prerequisite for diagnosis.
There is a lot of evidence on the network that screening results with obvious deviations were erroneous and were not confirmed by re-analysis. Moreover, to determine how the baby is born, with a probability of 100% no one can. Specialists can only prepare parents for the possibility that a special child will appear in their family. Moreover, if, according to the results of ultrasound, the fetus develops normally, and all the parameters correspond to the gestational age, there are no neural tube defects, there should be no reason for concern.
Errors in Results
During the prenatal diagnosis, some indicators remain conditional. In particular, the PAPP-A level may be unreliable in 5% of cases. Most often false positive, in only 2-4% of cases the diagnosis was confirmed, and a decision was required on which the fate of the unborn child depended. It is also worthwhile to understand that some pathologies may not affect the PAPP-A standards in any way. It may be ideal, while a child is subsequently diagnosed with a syndrome.