What is the name of the presentation program? PowerPoint Features

Now in our lives, presentations are always and everywhere used. They are used for different purposes and in different forms. Now we will talk about computer software and answer the main question: what is the name of the program for presentation? Let's analyze the features of working with it.

what is the name of the presentation program

But before that, a little about the forms and varieties of presentations. Despite the fact that they have a huge number of forms, in the world of business types are not so diverse:

  • Selling.
  • Introductory.
  • Informative.
  • Motivating.
  • Interview.
  • Instruction
  • Report.
  • Training.
  • Image building.

Presentations, like other types of work, pursue some goals, in our case they are as follows: informing, persuading, challenging the location of the listener. Presentations can also be classified according to the level of preparation: professional and amateur.

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powerpoint presentation program

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free presentation program

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presentation program

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