Biggest Great Dane: breed description, maximum sizes, photo

Great Dane is called the king among dogs. Given its size, this can be agreed. Can you call the largest dog in the world of mastiff? Undoubtedly, it belongs to giant breeds, there are very few of them. The noble disposition makes the breed one of the most beloved among dog lovers.


A few millennia ago, enormous ferocious dogs were brought into the territory of modern Great Britain. We are talking about the Molossian mastiffs, famous for their size and cruelty, bred in ancient Rome. They came to Great Britain with the Roman warriors during long conquests.

The Romans left, but the dogs remained. After several centuries, there were several types of dogs: hunting, Danish, boars and German. The main breeding work aimed at breeding the latter began to be carried out in the middle of the XIX century. Otto von Bismarck, then Chancellor of Germany, put his hand to the appearance of the breed. The count was famous for his love of the breed, with its filing in 1880 its first standard was approved.

Want to learn about the largest German Great Dane in the world? Be patient, a separate subsection is dedicated to him.

Great Blue Great Dane

Breed standard

As described above, the dog belongs to the giant dog breeds. According to FCI, its representatives look like this:

  • General view: a very large, well-built, muscular dog.
  • The head is long, narrow, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced. The muzzle is long, square.
  • The eyes are small, dark in color.
  • The nose is large, the color depends on the color of the dog.
  • The jaws are powerful, the lips are dry, tight to them.
  • The body is muscular, somewhat elongated, with a strong back and a convex lower back.
  • The chest of the dogs is round, well developed.
  • The limbs are high, thin.
  • The tail is set high, thick at the base, tapering towards the tip.
  • The coat is short, shiny. Representatives of the breed do not have undercoat.
  • Acceptable colors: marble, black with white marks, blue, brindle, fawn.
  • Minimum male height is 80 cm, bitches 74 cm. Weight varies from 50 to 80 kg.
Great Tiger


Great Dane is the largest dog among numerous breeds. King among the dogs, he has a noble disposition.

Puppies are restless and curious, their charming nose will visit wherever it fits. It is advisable to remove the wires, adapters, Internet cable from the puppy’s field of vision, because the baby will taste everything that meets its path. The same problem with clothes and shoes, puppies of the Great Dane must know their taste.

The largest dog willingly makes contact, what can we say about a puppy that knows the world. He will not demand every minute affection, because the representatives of the breed have a sense of dignity. In order to show his disposition to the owner, a small pet follows on his heels, tries not to let him out of sight, at the first opportunity he lies at his feet. Such is the matured dog, who realized that the owner is a leader in the pack.

How to raise a dog? First of all, you need to know about her mental abilities. Great Dane are well trained, they do not have an inborn stubbornness, as in other large breeds. However, there is one caveat: the dog requires respect for his person. An attempt to subjugate him with the help of physical force will end in complete collapse. The dog will cease to perceive the sadistic master, or he will even fight back for himself.

People starting their first steps in the world of dogs, it is advisable to get a different breed. Dog is the largest dog among other representatives of a particular breed, it is quite difficult to cope with it. Having no experience in raising dogs, you can get a huge phlegmatic machine, which at the moment of danger becomes an enraged monster. About the number of crippled people and animals caught in the heat of a dog, it is more appropriate to remain silent.

Fawn dog

Breed advantages

Dogs are the largest and most beautiful dogs. The appearance of the representative of the breed makes delighted freeze, admiring the noble animals. The exterior is the main advantage of the dog, and the positive aspects of his character look like this:

  • With proper upbringing, the Great Dane will be a great friend.
  • Very gentle and sensitive dog.
  • Dogs adore children, allowing them various pranks. But to leave a small child alone with a pet is not worth it, because a dog breached can knock him down.
  • Patiently treat pets.
  • Devoted to the owner, they will fight for him to death.
  • They attack in the most extreme cases when they realize that one of the family members is in danger.
Dog hugs

Negative sides

Is there a biggest English mastiff? More likely no than yes. But German exists, it is written below. In this section, the minuses of the breed are described in detail:

  • Great Dane - phlegmatic. Because of this, it seems that they are stupid and can not be trained. Giant dogs are smart, but patience is required to teach them.
  • Representatives of the breed often have health problems. Hip dysplasia, eyelid twisting, brittleness and fragility of bones are the minimum diseases that the animal suffers from.
  • When a charming puppy appears in the house, it is important to let him know who holds the leading position in the hierarchy. It is worth missing this moment, as the baby takes advantage of the current situation. Phlegmatic and cute giants masterfully know how to manipulate the owners.

Maintenance and care

The largest dog, like the smallest, needs a place to rest. There are no representatives of the breed on the street, because they are short-haired and easily catch a cold. It is clear that the Great Dane and the standard apartment are incompatible concepts, the dog needs a separate room.

The ideal option would be to keep in a private house or a large apartment, where the dog will live in its own room. On the floor there must be a blanket on which the pet is sleeping or just lying. The reason is indicated above - colds, noble giants are subject to them.

The breed loves long walks, the owner will have to devote six hours a day to them. Three hours in the morning, three in the evening. In the cold season, the dog is dressed in a special jumpsuit, walking in the summer without clothes. A place for walking is chosen with a minimum of asphalt so that the dog does not damage the soft pads of the paws.

As for the grooming, comb out the pet daily. You can buy a rubber massage brush, worn on the arm, and comb out the dog with it. Dogs have a negative attitude to swimming; two or three times a year is enough for them. Once a month, they cut their claws, they teach them to operate from childhood, because it is very problematic to keep a large dog, afraid and breaking out. To perform manipulations, they are sent to a veterinary clinic or claws of a pet are cut on their own. Special scissors are sold in any pet store, the purchase will not be a problem.

Dog in the classroom


A very serious issue that requires close attention from the owners of the largest dogs (in the photo you can see the representatives of the breed).

When a person acquires a puppy, the breeder gives the necessary recommendations for feeding him. Please strictly adhere to them, dogs must not be overfed or underfed. Overfeeding threatens obesity, negatively affecting the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

There are two diet options - natural food or dry food. Adhering to the first, it is important to exclude porridge from the puppy's nutrition, they lead to the appearance of rickets in dogs.

Great Dane puppy

Representatives of the breed are meat eaters. Low-fat beef or veal, turkey, rabbit meat will be an excellent menu for a small and adult dog. Chicken is excluded because it is an allergen. Dogs are prone to allergic reactions, which is why the meat of the specified bird is unacceptable in their menu.

Vegetables and dairy products are an essential component of the diet. Adult dogs are fed twice a day, dividing the daily portion in two equal parts. Puppies, depending on age, more often.

Dry food is the best menu for the Great Dane. It has everything that is necessary for the normal functioning of the body of a large dog. The breeder will tell you about choosing the right product, the article will tell you what to look for when buying feed:

  • Quality. Superpremium class, or holistic, other feeds for the handsome dog are not suitable.
  • Choose food for large and giant dog breeds. There is always a mark on the packaging indicating the purpose of the product.

If the dog eats dry food, fresh water should be in her free access.

The biggest dogs living in the world

So, which representatives of the breed are the largest? In the photo - the largest dog in the world. His name was George, the blue dog lived in America, along with his masters. The giant's weight reached 111 kg, height - 110 cm at the withers. The growth of George, standing on his hind legs, exceeded all conceivable and unimaginable limits. He was 213 cm.

Great Dane George

The dog died in 2013, not having lived a few days before his 8th birthday.

He was replaced by the Great Dane by the name of Zeus. This male is 1 cm higher than its predecessor; its height is 111 cm.

Life expectancy of Great Dane

Most sites that talk about dogs have similar opinions on the life span of a dog. Large, beautiful dogs live 8-10 years, this is due to their size. Often, representatives of the breed die, barely reaching 6-7 years.

Where to buy a puppy?

What the largest German Great Dane looks like is written above, as well as about the breed standard. We kindly ask those who wish to have such a pet: buy it only in a specialized nursery. When acquiring a puppy without documents, there is a risk of running into a sick baby or with an unstable psyche. In urban conditions, the last option is the most frightening.

The price for a good puppy with a pedigree, vaccinations and tests for dysplasia starts from 50 000 rubles.

When choosing a future pet, pay attention to its appearance:

  • Clean and shiny eyes indicate the health of the crumbs.
  • The coat should be soft, without greasy coating. The presence of dandruff on the baby's hair is not allowed.
  • The skin color is pale pink without any spots, dots or stripes. Having noticed red dots on the skin, forget about buying a puppy in this kennel. He is allergic, and the owner is not very bothered with the selection of high-quality food for small dogs.


German dogs are rarely found in the city; the breed representatives are too large to live in standard apartments. When planning to have such a pet, consider its size and needs.

Unfortunately, many dogs are quite painful, large amounts are spent on treatment, it is not always effective.

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