All feeds are divided into three groups.
1. Cereals (cereals and whole grains), juicy (beets, pumpkin, carrots, potatoes), green (nettle, alfalfa, quinoa, clover, shiritsa, etc.), coarse (hay flour), animal feed (milk and meat) waste, milk). Feeding pigs with such a complex will result in high-quality meat.
2. Corn, bran, buckwheat. The quality of meat will be low, so at least part of the feed from the first group must be introduced into the diet.
3. Oats, soy, cake. The quality of the meat will be very poor as a result. The meat will not be dense and grainy; it is unsuitable for long-term storage; lard quickly turns yellow. Such feed for pigs can be used for fattening bacon and meat, in combination with milk, sugar beet, alfalfa.
The quality of meat products is particularly affected by feeding in the last 2 months before slaughter.
As an addition to the main feed, it is recommended to use vegetables and fruits grown in personal plots.
And now about the preparation of feed and feeding techniques. The most common 2 feeding methods: normalized and free, without restrictions. The uterus is pregnant and unmarried, young growth, fattening, young growth and boars-producers are fed according to the norms. Uterine uterus, like suckling pigs up to 22 kg, should be fed ad libitum.
Often pigs get grain that is not ground. You should know that it is absorbed poorly. Such feeding pigs is quite comparable with the furnace furnace with banknotes.
Pigs must receive grain in crushed form (tart), or coarse flour. dry food is usually given, or wet mixes. Suckling uterus with suckling pigs is desirable to feed with mash mats. If we are talking about pigs of other groups, then dry feed is used, preferably granular. Fattening pigs should receive dry feed from self-feeders. In household farms, where food residues are widely used, mixers are prepared.
What compound feed for pigs is used in practice? Granular, dry, loose, wet, liquid.
Dry loose feed can only be used in well-ventilated rooms. It is fed through a special sealed system to the hopper feeders. Doses of feed should be frequent and small to exclude loss and guarantee complete eating. Even with strict observance of feeding requirements, such a feed affects animals negatively, since it contains about 20% dust, and this affects the state of the respiratory tract. Inexorable statistics show: when using such a feed, the number of diseases is 11% higher than with other feeds, the growth rate and weight gain are 12% lower.
Wet food of homogeneous consistency, with a ratio of dry compound feed and water 1: 1.5. Such food is eaten better. The wet feed form is applicable on small farms when the load on the operator is small. Liquid feed - a homogeneous mass, the moisture content of which is up to 75%.
The most acceptable feed for pigs is granular. During the manufacture of the feed, almost all harmful microorganisms are destroyed. Biopolymers, which are the main part of organic matter, are changing. The thermal and thermal treatment causes the denaturation of proteins, changing the solubility and the ratio of their fractions. Starch is gelatinized, which is very important for young animals. Fat is released from fat cells, viscosity decreases, more evenly distributed throughout the feed. However, low molecular weight components, such as amino acids, vitamins, etc., change, partially breaking down. The content of minerals practically does not change.
Wet form (moisture up to 65%) - especially favorable, since it is optimal for assimilation.
Feeding pigs with talkers (moisture over 76%) reveals many negative aspects. With this diet, the salivary glands do not work well . A large amount of liquid affects the passage of food through the digestive tract, increasing to 10 hours. Digestibility is reduced. It is unacceptable to feed sows with talkers. They are poorly fed up with such food, therefore they try to “catch up” quality with quantity. Overeating is dangerous when there are fruits in the abdominal part. Moreover, the constitution becomes loose, the risk of heart failure increases. Feeding pigs with liquid feeds, of course, gives high gains, but in the end they are the most expensive, costing more than dry.
The main principles when choosing feed should be: cost-effectiveness, ease of maintenance, hygiene and quality.