What does graduation mean for fourth graders? The next stage in the life of a child. Junior school behind. Ahead of the unknown. And today they are waiting for the beautiful words of teachers and parents, games, fun, contests, a traditional sweet table and wishes to classmates for the graduation party.
We still can’t do it ourselves, mothers will help us again
It will not be easy for kids to write beautiful wishes on their own, so you need to do this task together with your parents and older brothers. Children are an inexhaustible source of energy. They can throw ideas, values relevant to their age. They will need help to beautifully arrange all this in thought, poem.
Wishes to classmates for graduation (4th grade) should be concise, interesting, relevant.
No need to write deep philosophical wishes about creating the conditions for the comprehensive development of the child and his inner world.
It’s simple to say that they were joyful, happy, healthy, life was interesting, understanding teachers, classmates are funny, good friends. I wish them to behave and study well, to be active, cheerful. Holidays, excursions, interesting contests with prizes - this is what is remembered from the life of the school.
All the best for children
Let them remember everything only good: beautiful parting words of teachers and parents, and touching words of classmates. At the ceremonial line, children will say rhymes, sing, dance, show skits, joke. And all for them. Today they are the most beautiful - the heroes of the holiday.
Traditionally, a few blank sheets are left in the graduation album so that the children themselves write wishes to classmates on the graduation with not quite even letters. After a while it will be interesting to read children's thoughts.
Mandatory part of the graduation party will be a sweet table. And from childhood, you need to teach children a culture of behavior at the holiday table. Children hear at home when guests gather at the table, say toasts, beautiful greetings and wishes. Classmates at graduation should also be prepared to pronounce toasts. It can be in your own words, parable, poem. It will look very nice - funny children with serious facial expressions turn to each other.
Toasts can be in the form of short poems.
For all of us, 4th grade,
So we met more than once.
For everyone who is with us today,
So that we all remain friends.
I’ll tell the whole company:
"Raise the juice for all friends."
4 years we were taught
So that we are friends.
We are older and wiser -
This is the merit of teachers.
4 years at school
We spent together.
Wiser, or something.
We have matured.
I want to congratulate everyone.
We are all graduates.
Let the funny laugh ring
And lights burn in the eyes.
I wish you boys
Do not be lazy to read books.
To become smart you
You have to read a lot.
I wish you girls.
Do not be sad for yourself.
Let's play with us.
We have all become friends.
Congratulatory lines
Wishes to classmates at graduation can be in simple words or in verse.
We all went to school together:
Petya, Vasya, Dima, Tolya.
Years passed quickly
And we have matured a little.
Leave childhood behind
And what will be ahead?
This is not known today.
But for some reason it’s interesting.
What items are waiting for us all?
Gym, pool and classrooms?
And who will teach us,
Who will lead us to the people?
Who broke the window in the classroom?
This is our cheerful Vasya.
Who took the sweets from everyone?
This is our hungry Petya.
Who has gum stuck to a chair?
But this is our Cyril.
Who is the most beautiful in the world?
Well, of course, our Light.
Who is grouchy and angry?
This is our baby Rita.
Whom do we love all the most?
Our beloved teachers!
You will forgive our pranks.
Do not be angry. Is that a little.
Ahead will be a lot of new, interesting and unforgettable. But this, as in elementary school, will no longer be. And only written wishes to classmates in the graduation album will remind of the best years of life.