Папка Windows old: что это, благо или проклятие?

When reinstalling the OS for the first time, a novice user usually does not format the PC system drive. After a successful installation of the distribution, after some time, the owner of the new Windows suddenly discovers an incomprehensible folder on his computer - Windows old. What is it and how to delete this file? Why is it needed and why does it take up so much space on the HDD? In general, many questions arise. Well, let's shed some light on such a "mysterious" Windows phenomenon. Moreover, the topic promises to be incredibly interesting and no less useful.

Everything old can become new!

Windows old - what is it?

, — . , : «Windows old — ?», , «». , — .

«», - . - . , . , …

Windows old

, , . . — DVD/CD . , « », , , , , . , , «» , …


Windows 8 - Windows old

« », , .

  • , Windows old.

: , , «» .


«System Recovery Options», « ».


Windows folder old

. Microsoft. .

  • .
  • .
  • .
  • .

, «enter».

  • «User».
  • .
  • «ProgramData».
  • "Documents and Settings".

№4: Windows old

Windows 7 ( ) . «move». Windows old :

  • Windows.
  • Program!Files.
  • ProgramData.
  • Users.
  • Documents and Settings.


Windows old - Windows 7


  • D:\boot\bootsect /nt60 c:

«Enter» «exit», .

Windows 8

Windows old , . , 28- «» , .

: Windows old . , , , . , , .

Delete Windows old folder

  • «».
  • « ».
  • «», «».
  • « ».
  • - (:). «».
  • , « Windows».
  • «» , .

Windows old .

, . , , . , , Windows old , . , , , . : «» «cmd», : Rd/s/q %systemdrive%\Windows.old. «Enter» , . , .

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