Exercise therapy during pregnancy: useful exercises for pregnant women

Preparation for the appearance of the child consists not only in the study of various books, video lessons, visits to the gynecologist, but also in the correct lifestyle. If the expectant mother will lead a fairly sedentary lifestyle almost all of her pregnancy, then the fact is proved that this will not completely positively affect both her condition and the baby’s health. Therefore, exercise therapy during pregnancy is extremely necessary.

Existing phases of pregnancy

Existing phases of pregnancy

  • First phase. It lasts from conception to the 16th week. At this time, the process of egg division and the birth of the organs of the child. Due to the fact that the fetal egg is not very firmly connected with the uterus during this period, it is necessary to protect the expectant mother from physical exertion, since there is a risk of losing the baby.
  • Second phase. It lasts from the 16th to the 24th week. During this phase, the formation of the muscular system of the fetus is completed. Due to this, at about the 18th week of pregnancy, sometimes the fetus moves, and with the onset of the 20th week, you can even hear its heartbeat. Also in this phase, the body of the expectant mother adapts to the situation, and all the symptoms of early toxicosis disappear.
  • Third phase. Lasts from the 24th to the 32nd week. During this period, the fetus begins to grow rapidly, and the uterus - to increase. Over time, the center of gravity is replaced, and there is a risk of acquiring flat feet, the total mass of the woman begins to increase. Also, because of the growth of the uterus, all internal organs are under pressure, in particular this applies to the bladder. Therefore, in this phase, very frequent urination can be observed.
  • Fourth phase. Lasts from the 32nd to the 36th week. The fruit continues to grow and develop. Closer to the 35-36th week, the uterus due to its size will reach the level of the ribs. For this reason, breathing may be somewhat difficult.
  • The fifth phase. It lasts from the 36th week until the baby is born. The fetus continues to develop in the same way. The body is already completely ready for childbirth.

The right approach to preparing for childbirth

The right approach to preparing for childbirth

Any preparation for childbirth includes physical exercise. Now there are many diverse courses for expectant mothers, which involve not only psychological preparation, but also physical. It is generally recommended that you visit them with your dad, as moral support during this period is extremely necessary for a woman. Also, if there is a desire to have a partner birth, then the presence of the husband is mandatory, since in such classes the couple gets closer and both will feel support during the birth of the baby.

The purpose of such classes is also to facilitate the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Teachers of such courses individually select exercises, as all criteria are very important. The phase, period, state of health, various diseases, level of physical fitness are taken into account. But in order to make it easier to complete the groups, they mainly share exercise therapy during pregnancy by trimester. For each of them, more neutral and necessary exercises are selected.

  • The first segment. 1-16 weeks. During this period, it is necessary to instill a habit of regular exercise, learn proper breathing and exercise. In this phase of pregnancy, due to physical exertion, the development of pregnancy improves, the respiratory and cardiovascular system is strengthened. Also, the musculoskeletal system does not go unnoticed, since over time its good condition is very useful.
  • The second segment. 17-32 week. Thanks to the lessons, the conditions for the development and growth of the fetus improve, the endurance of the expectant mother increases. The muscles of the perineum and abdominal muscles are also strengthened. Thanks to regular exercises in this period, you can avoid venous stagnation and improve posture.
  • The third period. 32-40 week. In this period, the main task is to preserve the functional systems that are responsible for the development of the fetus and childbirth.

What is exercise therapy?

What is exercise therapy?

Since all pregnant women suffer from pain in the muscles and joints over time, first of all exercise therapy during pregnancy involves exercises for the legs, arms, abs, back and feet. There are also special classes that will help increase the extensibility of the perineum, so that childbirth will be more easy.


Contraindications for exercise therapy during pregnancy

No matter how useful the exercise during pregnancy may seem, they also have their contraindications. Exercise therapy during pregnancy should never be used for expectant mothers who have any chronic diseases, diseases of the kidneys or liver, cardiovascular system and others. Be sure to consult your gynecologist about classes. These contraindications for exercise therapy during pregnancy must be taken into account so that no complications arise during childbirth.

But despite this, minimal physical exercise should still be performed.

The benefits of exercise therapy

The benefits of exercise therapy

The advantages of exercise therapy are many. Classes are necessary not only for the future mother, but also for the child, since his health completely depends on her lifestyle.

As for the benefits:

  • Delivery will be faster, easier and without any complications.
  • The body will recover faster after experiencing stress.
  • Malaise, fatigue and nausea will no longer bother the expectant mother.
  • Thanks to exercises that involve strengthening the legs, abs, arms, a woman will feel much more confident and easier, not afraid to get a fracture or dislocation.
  • Good posture and the disappearance of back pain will be guaranteed.
  • Prepares the pelvic muscles. Thanks to this, the birth will pass quickly enough.
  • Partial or complete avoidance of varicose veins, swelling of the extremities, high blood pressure and shortness of breath.
  • Good dream.
  • Quick return to previous shape after childbirth.

Consequences of Inadequate Activity During Pregnancy

If some people think that excessive activity is harmful during pregnancy, as the expectant mother should be at rest, then this is a very erroneous opinion. Inadequate activity is fraught with:

  • Indigestion.
  • Complications of childbirth.
  • Obese.

Exercise therapy. First trimester

I would like to immediately draw attention to the fact that if a woman has never been a fan of physical exercise, then starting to exercise in the first trimester of pregnancy will be quite dangerous. Under the influence of the hormone, the relaxin ligamentous apparatus relaxes and you can very easily hurt if you do not know how to properly perform the exercises.

Thanks to exercise therapy during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, you can avoid fatigue, heartburn and many other symptoms of early pregnancy.

For those who were foreign to sports, it is recommended to start small: swimming and walking. In the second trimester, it is necessary to apply more moderate physical activity.

In order to properly prepare your body for the course of pregnancy, you must first do the strengthening of the transverse abdominal muscles. You need to breathe very deeply and slowly so that you can control it. Repeat approximately 40-60 times a day, regardless of the phase of pregnancy.

The muscles of the pelvis are also of great importance, since it is from him that the process of childbirth, as well as the postpartum state of the ureter, will depend. After childbirth, they very often weaken. In this case, it will be difficult to control the bladder. But to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to strengthen these muscles with very light exercises: put one hand on the buttocks and the other on the stomach. In this case, you need to completely relax and try to strain and relax the muscles. This exercise is universal and easy, as it can be performed absolutely everywhere.

First trimester exercises

Each phase of pregnancy includes certain types of physical activity. Thanks to this, classes will be completely safe for mom and baby. Exercise therapy during pregnancy in the complex of exercises for the first trimester includes:

  • Squats

You need to stand up straight and take 1-3 kg dumbbells. Then bend your elbows so that the dumbbells are at chest level. After this, it is necessary to strain the abdominal muscles a little and sit down, while taking the pelvis back. The chin should be kept straight and the shoulder blades are flattened. Slowly get up and make a U-turn. Repeat this exercise is necessary 15-30 times in two sets.

If this exercise is very difficult, it can be facilitated by placing a chair in the back and not using dumbbells.

  • Hand exercise.

Expectant mother really needs strong hands, since the baby will grow and it will be very difficult to keep him in her arms all the time. But pains in the arms and shoulders can be avoided by performing a light exercise that can easily strengthen them.

Get up with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms to the sides, but with your elbows pointing up. Lower them very slowly, but do not bend your back. All movements should be as smooth as possible. It is necessary to do this exercise 15-20 times in two sets.

  • Press.

Press training should be performed on all fours and the transverse muscle and pelvis should be involved. The palms should be under the shoulders, and the knees should be under the joints in the pelvic area. Keep your back straight. In the process, it is necessary to take a deep breath, while expanding the chest, and at this time to reduce the shoulder blades. And as you exhale, tighten your abdominal and pelvic muscles a little. Stay in this position for 10-20 seconds, while the back should remain as flat. Repeat the exercise 15-25 times in two sets.

Exercise therapy during pregnancy. 2 trimester

The second trimester is the most convenient and enjoyable, as toxicosis and all other symptoms go away, and the size of the fetus is still too small to impede convenient movement.

During this period, you can do walking, swimming, special yoga for pregnant women. It is necessary to work out the back muscles and muscle corset. But at the same time exclude any deflections and inclinations.

Exercise exercises during pregnancy. 2 trimester:

  • "Superman".

During this exercise, the transverse abdominal muscle and pelvis will be activated. You need to perform it with a neutral straight back, while pulling the buttocks, and reduce the shoulder blades to the spine. It is necessary to extend the right hand forward and the left foot parallel to the floor, alternating them, while tearing them off the surface. During execution, you need to maintain balance and not reject the pelvis. This exercise needs to be done 15-20 times.

  • Rise.

Exercise is physical exercise on the pelvis. You need to sit on the floor, bending your knees, and rest on the floor with your feet. Palms should be at the back. Throughout the exercise, you need to raise the pelvis until the back and back of the thigh form a straight line. In this case, you need to strain the buttocks. Perform 15-20 times in two sets.

  • Squats

Legs are wider than shoulders, socks look to the sides. It is necessary to sit down very slowly and as deeply as possible, as far as the physical condition allows, while maintaining the position of the trunk and to extend the knees to the sides. Return to starting position. Perform 15-20 times in two sets.

  • Push ups.

Sit on the floor with your knees bent, rest your feet on the floor. Palms should be at the back. It is necessary to bend your elbows, while leaning back to the floor. After straightening the hands you need to return to the starting position. Repeat 15-20 times in two sets.

Exercise therapy during pregnancy, 3 trimester

The third trimester always requires a reduction in any load, since due to the active growth of the fetus, weight increases. Yes, and exercise therapy during pregnancy will be quite inconvenient, since the stomach will be very in the way. But even in this phase of pregnancy, physical activity is required. You can sign up for simplified yoga courses, walk more and visit the pool a couple of times a week.

But if there is no desire and strength to go to courses, then you can perform some exercises at home.

  • Stand straight with your knees slightly bent. Tighten the tailbone so that the stomach is slightly tensed. During inhalation, you need to pull your hands up, and as you exhale, fold them on your chest.
  • Stand upright, with the legs wider than the shoulders. The toe of the right foot should look directly, and the left - to the left. It is necessary to bend the left leg, while substituting a hand on the thigh as support for an attack, pull the right arm up. Hold in this position for five cycles of exhalation and inhalation.
  • Get on all fours. When you inhale, bend your back very carefully. When exhaling, round the back, while squeezing the chin to the chest .. Perform 5-10 times.

Posture is the foundation of a good pregnancy. The back is very suffering due to a shift in the center of gravity, so pregnant women need to exercise, which involves a small load on the back. There are some very convenient, simple, and proven exercises that can help you avoid back pain.

  • Sit on a chair, align your back. Reduce the scapula 10 times. Perform three approaches. After this, you need to join your hands in the lock and pull in front of you, lift up again, while slightly bending the top of the back. Run 10 times.
  • Get up against the wall. Bend your knees so that the lower back and shoulders are pressed to the surface. Raise your pelvis slightly, straightening your knees. Repeat 5-10 times.
  • In the end, you can perform an exercise to strengthen the legs. To do this, it is necessary to lie on a special ball, spread your legs shoulder width apart and carefully move forward and backward in this position.

I would also like to draw attention to the fact that any physical activity for pregnant women can cause uterine tone. If this happened, then do not panic, it's just physiology. If during the lesson the pulse rate and any painful sensation are monitored, then at the same moment it is necessary to stop physical exercises. Instead, it is quite possible to perform exercises for the respiratory system, which can also help in the course of pregnancy.

Respiratory system exercises

Respiratory system exercise

Exercise is undoubtedly necessary, but also do not forget about the respiratory system. Thanks to such training, childbirth can be simplified, since everyone knows that breathing can slightly anesthetize this process. Also, proper breathing will not only help give birth painlessly and quickly, but also serve as relaxation during pregnancy. Therefore, breathing exercises must be performed regularly.

  • Diaphragm breathing training. It is necessary to perform deep breaths and exhalations, while putting one palm on the chest, and the second on the stomach. You need to breathe through your nose. The chest must be motionless, and the stomach must be raised with inspiration.
  • Training chest breathing. This exercise is not particularly different from the previous one, but here the opposite is true. The tummy should be motionless, and the chest should be lifted when inhaling.

Is it worth it to exercise therapy?

Is it worth it to exercise therapy?

The health of the expectant mother is always reflected in the birth and condition of the baby. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully deal with your physical condition and think about exercise therapy during pregnancy. This will not only help ease the period of pregnancy, but also help to give birth to a healthy and happy baby. But even after pregnancy, one should not forget about physical exercises, since exercise therapy after pregnancy can very quickly return a young mother to her previous form.

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