The most stupid breed of dog. List of dog breeds that are difficult to train

An employee of the University of British Columbia named Stanley Coren conducted a very unusual study, the purpose of which was to identify the most stupid breed of dog. His list includes Afghan hounds, basenjis, basset hounds, chow chows and many others. A brief description of these animals can be found in today's article.

1. Bloodhound

The history of this breed dates back several centuries. The first mention of bloodhounds is found in English manuscripts dated to the 13th century. They were brought to the territory of Russia during the reign of Peter the Great.

These strong and powerful dogs are distinguished by their unusual appearance. They have a proportional, slightly stretched body with a wide skeleton. On an elongated, narrow and flat head, deep folds form, hanging down to the very neck. Under the harmonious body are straight straight limbs. The entire body of the bloodhound is covered with short coarse hair. As for the color, it can be black with a red tan, brown with yellow marks or solid red.

the most stupid dog breed

Of course, bloodhounds are not the most stupid breed of dogs. But they have a highly developed hunting instinct, so a professional should deal with their training. From the first days after buying a puppy, he should show the boundaries of what is allowed, so that it is easier for him to adapt to new conditions. Do not indulge the baby's whims, because adjusting his behavior is much more difficult than creating the right habits. These animals are quite stubborn and do not tolerate cruelty. In the process of their training will have to show patience and firmness.

2. Basenji: breed description

This is one of the few dogs bred without human intervention. Their graceful, thin-boned body is covered with a smooth silky coat of red, black or tiger color with white marks. Also, the standard allows three-color suit. Basenji is easy to recognize by large erect ears, high legs and forehead wrinkles. The height of the adult is 38-43 centimeters.

Basenji breed description

Basenji (the description of the breed cannot be placed in a few concise paragraphs) has a cheerful and cheerful disposition. She will never bite, snap, or attack people. This dog is quite stubborn and difficult to train. Therefore, the owner must by any means achieve obedience. Otherwise, he will lose credibility in the eyes of his pet. It will be very difficult for a beginner to raise basenji, therefore, in order to avoid possible difficulties, it is better to seek the help of a professional trainer.

3. English Bulldog

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by a rather specific exterior. They have a strong stocky body with a heavy skeleton and well-developed muscles. The hind legs of the animal are slightly longer than the front. Moreover, they are not so powerful and thick. The wide neck of the English Bulldog smoothly flows into a well-defined withers and a short strong back. The height of an adult is 38-40 centimeters with a weight of 22-25.5 kilograms.

Of course, the English bulldog is not the most stupid breed of dog. But it is quite difficult to train. The reason for his natural clumsiness and slowness. Therefore, in the process of training such an animal, you will have to show maximum patience. To achieve perfect obedience from the English Bulldog, you need to deal with it regularly, paying attention not only to working out new teams, but also to repeating long-passed material.

4. Chow Chow

This is one of the oldest breeds. The history of these animals is estimated at two millennia. According to one of the most common versions, their ancestors are the northern wolves who lived in cold regions, and then migrated to China. In the process of the formation of the breed, blood of dogs, Tibetan mastiffs and Spitz was poured to it.

chow chow

Chow Chow has a strong compact physique. This dog has a straight back, a powerful chest and a massive head with a sharp transition from forehead to wide muzzle. Representatives of this breed are easily recognized by the blue or purple tongue and the same gums. The animals themselves are covered with a thick coat of cream, blue, red, red or black.

In terms of training, these dogs are a bit lazy. Therefore, they need to be constantly motivated and interested. Education of representatives of this breed should be dealt with literally from the first days after buying a puppy. It is important to be persistent and consistent. In addition, these dogs need early socialization.

5. Russian greyhound

These are very tall lean dogs with a narrow elegant body. On a long flattened head are large dark brown eyes and small pointed ears, covered with short hair. Russian greyhound has a narrow, but well-developed chest and a long saber tail. The height of the adult varies from 68 to 86 centimeters.

Despite the fact that the Russian greyhound is considered the most stupid breed of dogs, it has a subtle psyche. She is very touchy, sensitive to pain and intolerant of aggression from the owner. This animal is characterized by a strong throw, lightning reaction and the ability to develop rapid speed. From the owner is required from an early age to show the dog what is the difference between domestic reality and hunting. So that during the walk the greyhound does not rush in pursuit of any moving object, it is necessary to work out the command “next to it” with automatism.

6. Basset Hound

Representatives of this breed have French roots. The first mention of dogs similar to a basset appeared in the Middle Ages. According to one version, they are descendants of bloodhounds, terriers and dachshunds. They are easy to recognize by soft long ears and a sad look.

Basset Hound is a breed of dog characterized by a massive body and well-developed muscular paws. Despite the apparent disproportionality, these animals are perfectly balanced and graceful. They have a broad back, convex in the lumbar region, and a wide chest. The height of the adult does not exceed 40 centimeters, and the weight is about 30 kilograms.

dog breed basset hound

Raising bassets is a rather troublesome task. The training process should proceed in a playful way. During training, the owner will have to reckon with the self-sufficiency and bright personality of his ward. So that the dog does not lose interest in training, you do not need to constantly repeat the same command. The animal can not be scolded and punished, otherwise it will lose confidence in the owner. To achieve the desired result, praise your basset more often and encourage it with a treat.

7. Pekingese

The birthplace of these pampered decorative dogs is China. A few centuries ago, they were considered sacred animals and lived in imperial palaces. Over time, they came to other continents and gained immense popularity among dog breeders around the world.

These squat stocky doggies grow to 25 centimeters. Their small body is covered with thick chic wool in plain or spotted color. Representatives of this breed can easily be identified by a large head with a low forehead and a short flattened muzzle, which must necessarily have a dark mask.

Pekingese training

Pekingese training is complicated by the narcissistic and independent disposition of this dog. You can overcome this feature with the help of goodies and perseverance. It is strictly forbidden to shout at the dog and apply physical impact. Otherwise, the cute Pekingese will turn into an aggressive wayward dog.

8. Afghan Hound

This is a fairly ancient breed of dog. Her images can be seen on the rock frescoes found in the caves of Iran. In their homeland, these animals are considered a national treasure of the country.

The Afghan Hound is distinguished by an elegant, sophisticated article and a royal gait. It is easy to recognize her by the proud bewitching look of beautiful eyes. The harmonious body of the dog is covered with thick, straight, silky hair. Regardless of the color, there should be a dark mask on the face.

Afghan hound character

The specific character of the Afghan Hound leaves an imprint on the educational process. It is generally accepted that this is a very wayward, stupid and vengeful dog, practically not amenable to training. In fact, everything is somewhat different. Inexperienced owners often make a lot of mistakes and do not get the desired result. Therefore, those who want to get an obedient Afghan Hound need to turn to a professional instructor for help.

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