In a woman’s life, pregnancy is a special period. The body of the expectant mother has to cope with unusual loads. Problems can begin with those organs that never caused trouble. Quite often, women in an interesting position encounter tooth problems. In this article, we will consider what should be done if the gum swells during pregnancy.
Let's dwell on them in more detail. So what is the reason for this condition? The fact is that pregnancy leads to serious changes in the hormonal background. It can also significantly impair metabolic processes. An important factor is also the lack of nutrients and vitamins. All of them are primarily spent on the development and growth of the fetus. In this case, the body of the expectant mother can be significantly damaged. Of great importance is the increased acidity in the oral cavity. This is due to the fact that when carrying a baby it is observed due to heartburn or toxicosis. As a result, a problem often arises: swollen gums during pregnancy. What to do? How to cope with this condition? Let's try to answer this question.
During pregnancy, a woman has to revise her diet so that it contributes to the proper development of the baby's body. All the nutrients and nutrients the fetus receives from the mother. The heart of the future mother in pregnancy has to pump more blood. So that the kidneys can hold more fluid, the adrenal glands are stimulated. They begin to produce more cortisol and aldosterone. As the volume of fluid in the body increases, it begins to settle in the tissues and cells. Therefore, quite often, expectant mothers complain that the gum is swollen. During pregnancy, such a manifestation is not at all uncommon.
Gingival tissue can accumulate a huge amount of fluid. She swells first. Therefore, symptoms such as gum swelling and pain often appear. What to do in this case? There are several simple and effective methods that can help eliminate symptoms such as soreness and bleeding gums. They will be discussed in this review.
Preventive actions
So what are they? In order not to experience problems with teeth and gums while carrying a child, all hygiene procedures in the oral cavity should be more carefully carried out. Cutters must be cleaned not only with a brush, but also with dental floss. Special rinse aid is also recommended.
So that the body of the expectant mother does not experience a shortage of vital components, it is worth carefully approaching the selection of a diet. You can also take vitamin and mineral complexes. A pregnancy doctor will help you choose the right vitamins.
At the first manifestations of unpleasant symptoms in the tooth cavity (the gums begin to hurt or the cheek is swollen), you should contact a qualified specialist. Before visiting a dental office, it is best to consult your gynecologist.
Very often, gum disease during pregnancy is associated with abrupt changes in the hormonal background. Also, such a manifestation can be caused by a significant decrease in the body's resistance. Swollen gums in the back of the jaw may indicate teething wisdom or “eights”.
Can I visit the dentist?
Often expectant mothers are interested in what to do if the gum near the tooth is swollen. What to do in this case? The older generation often discourages seeking medical attention. In their opinion, visiting a dentist during pregnancy can be dangerous. However, their opinion is erroneous. Previously, when obsolete drugs were used for pain relief, dental treatment during pregnancy was really undesirable. The medicine through the placenta could easily penetrate the baby's body and cause him harm.
Today, medicine has taken a big step forward. Now you can treat your teeth during pregnancy without any harm to the baby. In fact, unhealthy incisors can pose a great danger to the child. In conditions of weakened immunity during pregnancy, the inflamed gum can become a real gateway for the penetration of more serious infections. Therefore, when the slightest ailment of this kind appears, you need to contact a dentist as soon as possible. Experts believe that dental treatment is best carried out from 14 to 27 weeks, but if necessary, you can visit a doctor in other months.
What should you pay attention to first of all? Of course, pregnancy is considered a wonderful time in a woman's life. During this period, she is faced with many changes. However, not all of these transformations are pleasant. The problem with teeth refers to just such.
Many women panic when they notice that the gum is swollen around the tooth. During pregnancy, this condition may seem extremely dangerous. Another major concern is bleeding gums. In order to avoid discomfort, the expectant mother begins to brush her teeth not as intensively as required. As a result, the problem begins to progress.
The condition when the gum swollen during pregnancy is called gingivitis in the language of dentists. The process of inflammation usually triggers a buildup of plaque in the gum area. Most often, the gums begin to hurt at 3-4 months of pregnancy. This is usually expressed in the appearance of edema and discoloration of the gums. At the first stage, they can be reddish, and then gradually become cyanotic. The signs of gingivitis are especially acute during eating and brushing.
Often pregnant women also complain of the appearance of pain at rest. In severe cases, plaque sores may even appear on the gums. If you do not treat the condition in time, the problem is exacerbated. As a result, the edges of the gums begin to grow gradually.
What to do?
What to do if the gums are swollen and sore? What to do? Is there any way to alleviate the condition? Rinsing with infusions of herbs such as sage, linden or chamomile will help soothe the pain for a while. Dentists recommend thoroughly treating the oral cavity after each meal. In this case, problems with the gums will not make you worry during pregnancy.
Many expectant mothers do not know what to do if the gums are swollen. Gums during pregnancy can bother quite often. Experts even call this phenomenon gingivitis of pregnant women. Treatment of this condition usually involves a whole range of procedures. All of them are aimed at eliminating the causes that caused this disease. The sooner gingivitis is treated, the better it will be for both the mother and the child. This will help minimize negative impact. Experts recommend that even at the stage of pregnancy planning take care of therapeutic measures.
The treatment process, regardless of the cause of the disease, should always begin with professional cleaning of the incisors. This procedure will help remove dental deposits such as stone and plaque. After that, anti-inflammatory measures are carried out. For this purpose, special preparations and means responsible for the normalization of vascular permeability should be used. Most often, drugs such as Novembikhin, Glucose, and Lidazu are used to restore the size and shape of the gums. For the treatment of gingivitis, pregnant women may also be recommended massage, electrophoresis and darsonvalization.
What to do if a pregnant woman has toothache, swollen gums? What to do? Many experts recommend normalizing the diet. It should contain all the nutrients necessary for the body and trace elements.
Very often, pregnant women face such a problem - the gum swelling in the tooth. In the case of severe tissue overgrowth, the only right option to solve the problem is surgery. During it, the doctor will be able to remove hypertrophied tissue.
Gingivitis often occurs against the background of other inflammatory diseases. Therefore, it is extremely important that within the framework of complex therapy not only the elimination of symptoms be carried out, but also the treatment of the cause that caused them.
Gum bleeding
Is this condition of the oral cavity dangerous? Quite common among pregnant women is bleeding gums. At first, this symptom may seem quite simple and harmless. However, over time it leads to significant problems. What to do if the gum swells during pregnancy? What to do with bleeding? This should stop in more detail.
Fir oil stops gum bleeding well. This tool must be applied to a bandage or cotton swab and applied to the affected area for 5 minutes. The procedure is carried out daily until the symptoms disappear completely. Kalanchoe juice is also an excellent folk remedy for bleeding gums.
A warm infusion of linden and oak bark can also remove inflammation and reduce swelling. Dried herbs are mixed in a ratio of 1: 2 and pour a glass of boiling water. For 2-3 minutes, the mixture is heated on the stove, and then insist for another 4-5 minutes. It is enough to strain and cool it, and the remedy for bleeding gums is ready.
An excellent prophylactic for bleeding gums is the most ordinary sauerkraut. Pregnant can eat it as much as you want. It contains a lot of vitamin C, which is especially useful for expectant mothers. In addition, doctors recommend eating as many fresh apples and carrots as possible. These products contribute to a peculiar massage of the gums, and also help to clean the spaces between the teeth.
In any case, bleeding in the oral cavity during pregnancy is an occasion to consult a dentist. A specialist will help determine the cause of this condition and prescribe treatment.
Swollen gums during pregnancy? Unfortunately, this is not the only tooth problem that a future mom may face. With gum disease, the incisor cavity remains stable. Periodontal pocket in this case is not formed. However, in some situations, the tissue of the tooth well becomes inflamed and destroyed. This can lead to accumulation of pus under the tooth. This is the main difference between periodontitis and gingivitis.
What if the gum is swollen near the tooth? What to do to prevent complications? Dental treatment should begin at an early stage of the disease. Otherwise, the disease can lead to infection of the fetus.
How to choose the most effective? Special medications can be used to treat gum disease during pregnancy. A good result gives the use of tinctures "Rotokan". A teaspoon of the product must be diluted in a glass of water and used as a rinse. You can also rub Kalanchoe juice into the gums.
An excellent drug for the treatment of the inflammatory process in the gums is Metrogil Dent. Before using any medicine, you should consult with your dentist as well as with your doctor.
Gum swelling after dental procedures
In some cases, the urgent help of a qualified specialist may be required during gestation. Then gum disease is not just an unpleasant consequence of pregnancy. It develops as a result of dental procedures. So, for example, such a problem often arises when the gum swells after tooth extraction. In this case, a similar symptom is likely to be temporary. Over time, when the wound begins to heal, the swelling will decrease. To alleviate the discomfort in the oral cavity, you can use special medications. Rinses with herbal infusions are also good.
Why else could the gum swell? A wisdom tooth often causes this symptom to appear. The eruption of the eights is characterized by extremely painful sensations in the gum area. In some cases, getting rid of unpleasant symptoms helps only a complex operation to remove the tooth. Sometimes the pain goes away on its own. To relieve unpleasant sensations, you can use special medications with anesthetics. They cause numbness of the sore gums, significantly reducing pain.
A condition such as pregnancy can affect your oral health. Women at this time often encounter such an unpleasant problem as swelling of the gums. Every second woman in labor has this symptom. Hormone hormones are to blame. Estrogen and progesterone contribute to the formation of favorable conditions for the formation of the fetus, but at the same time they can have a negative effect on the state of the organism of the expectant mother. Nausea in the morning, fluid retention, back pain and swollen gums are not all the symptoms that cause significant discomfort in a pregnant woman.
The main cause of gingivitis is the activity of pathogenic bacteria at the base of the teeth. Subject to oral hygiene, you can rid yourself of such unpleasant manifestations as bleeding and gum inflammation. Teeth should be brushed with a soft brush. Food particles often remain in the space between the incisors. To remove them, use a special thread. An electric toothbrush is also great for this purpose. With increased sensitivity of the gums, gels and pastes should be used. The correct diet is also of great importance. It should contain all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.
Keep an eye on the health of your incisors not only during pregnancy, as toothache causes significant discomfort to the general condition.