Wheezing cough in a child: causes and treatment

Children are the flowers of our lives. But what if the baby is sick? We invite you to discuss wheezing coughing in a child, methods of treatment both at home and with the help of medicines in the hospital.

wheezing cough in a child

Note that the cough can be different: dry and wet, accompanied by whistling and tickling. Depending on the type of treatment, it is necessary to select treatment methods. A wheezing cough in a child, like other diseases, must be treated with the help of an experienced specialist.


Coughing is a very alarming symptom that signals us about the presence of an inflammatory process. What is he like? This is a protective mechanism, using the cough to clear the airways. Dry wheezing cough can signal the development of a disease such as bronchitis.

How is the patient examined? To make a correct diagnosis, you need to consider many factors. Many pathological conditions are characterized by a special characteristic perspiration. So, a wheezing cough in a child indicates obstructive processes in the bronchi.

What is the whistle talking about?

signs of bronchitis in children without fever

This is a very serious symptom. How does a wheezing cough appear in a child? This is due to airflow obstruction. Whistling when coughing can talk about serious respiratory diseases. It is caused by the fact that obstacles are formed on the path that arise for various reasons.

The appearance of partitions

Possible for some reason:

  • muscle spasm;
  • allergic edema;
  • inflammation, infectious damage to the bronchi;
  • accumulation of sputum;
  • traumatic lesion.

In all of the above cases, a partition forms on the airflow path. To feel good, a person needs a good, clean and wide clearance. Treatment of wheezing is required to begin immediately, because not only difficulty breathing, but suffocation is possible.

If we talk in general about children and adults, then the cause of cough can be:

  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • purulent abscess.

As for exceptionally young children, this may be the initial stage of whooping cough or measles. In any case, you need to seek help from a specialist.


signs of pertussis in a child

In other words, it is a disorder that entails a decrease in the lumen between the bronchioles and the bronchi, resulting from muscle contraction. To diagnose the disease, do not delay the visit to the doctor. The following signs of bronchitis in children without fever are found :

  • labored breathing;
  • choking cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • severity
  • insomnia;
  • feeling of fear.

This significantly affects the condition of the child, it is worth paying attention. The above signs of bronchitis in children without fever remain unnoticed by parents, but it is the early diagnosis that is the key to successful treatment.


This disease can occur in a more severe form. Seizures are possible, the symptoms of which are presented below:

  • anxiety;
  • cough;
  • rapid breathing;
  • nasal congestion;
  • discharge from the nose of a liquid consistency.

If you notice the following symptoms, then you urgently need to help your child. How to do this is described in detail in the next paragraph.

Help during an attack

treatment of wheezing

It is necessary to do everything quickly, but without unnecessary panic. First: put the baby in and take three deep breaths with an inhalation spray. If the attack does not reduce the speed, then give an intravenous injection of aminophylline. In a more severe case, if you notice that the nasolabial triangle begins to turn blue, an intravenous injection of prednisone is necessary.

What absolutely can not be done

We met with the nature of assistance in the last paragraph, now we focus on prohibited actions. In no case should you aggravate an allergic reaction. Do not rub with odorous substances, put mustard plasters and give honey as a medicine.

Do not use cough suppressants and refrain from taking certain allergy medications, namely Suprastin, Tavegil and Diphenhydramine.

Whooping cough

dry wheezing cough

First, let's figure out what it is. This is a disease caused by specific bacteria in the airways. The most acute problem concerns children aged three to six years. In our country, the risk of getting sick is reduced to almost zero, given the fact that vaccination for prevention is included in the mandatory vaccination schedule. Nevertheless, there is always a risk of getting sick, albeit minimal. Therefore, we list the signs of pertussis in a child :

  • dry cough;
  • sore throat;
  • runny nose;
  • reprise;
  • sputum discharge;
  • tear or sore frenum of the tongue;

Many people try to cure cough with expectorants, but this does not help. Be sure to consult a doctor. Note that the above signs of pertussis in a child appear gradually, since there are several stages of the disease. The following periods are distinguished: incubation, preconvulsive, convulsive coughing attacks, reverse development, recovery.

Symptoms appear gradually, the longest period, which lasts from two months to six months, is the recovery period, when the cough softens, but rare attacks are possible.


Hospitalization is for children with moderate or severe illness. This is necessary for proper treatment, the ability to ensure minimal exposure to various factors, as well as for preventing the spread of isolate people in groups.

Treatment takes place in several stages:

  • sparing mode;
  • etiotropic therapy;
  • pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy.


wheezing cough in a child Komarovsky

Many parents do not trust the treatment of their children with doctors, but listen to what is said in books or on television. Now we will talk about the opinion of the famous pediatrician and doctor of the highest category. What to do if there is a wheezing cough in a child? Komarovsky recommends first dealing with the cause. A lingering wheezing cough is otherwise called dry or barking. Before proceeding directly to therapy, it is necessary to know the reason for its appearance. Dr. Komarovsky identifies the following stages of diagnosis:

  • show the child to a specialist;
  • measure the temperature and examine the throat;
  • study the nature of the outgoing mucus.

In no case should you self-medicate, because a wheezing cough in a child can occur for many reasons, for example, allergies or digestive problems. In the latter case, taking an antibiotic simply does not help. The main thing in therapy is not the elimination of the problem, but the treatment of the cause. For many parents, the lack of temperature in such cases is misleading, they postpone a visit to the doctor, which is not worth doing. The sooner a diagnosis is made, the easier it will be to cure the disease. The lack of temperature does not mean that there is no infection in the body.

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