Raccoon and raccoon dog: the difference between animals and their features

What is the difference between raccoon and raccoon dog? And in general - is it there? Someone suspects that these are different animals, but definitely not sure. Someone, on the contrary, thinks that raccoon dogs and raccoons are different names for one representative of the fauna. But they are most often not sure. Let’s clarify this issue together.

Who are raccoons?

These are animals belonging to the genus of carnivorous mammals. Raccoons are the indigenous inhabitants of American lands. The raccoon family consists of four species and 22 subspecies. But in Eurasia, in particular, in Russia, the only species was introduced once (biologists say introduced) - a raccoon-raccoon. This animal has taken root well and has even become popular with pet lovers. Therefore, it is precisely this species that we imply when they talk about a raccoon.


Representatives of the raccoon family, according to zoologists, occupy an intermediate place between martens and bears. Such a squirrel bear. Their oldest ancestors, unlike our contemporaries, lived in Europe, and then moved to America. Under the influence of natural selection, European raccoons became extinct. They are currently considered part of the American wildlife.

Raccoon strip. Appearance

Otherwise, this cute, unusual animal is called an American raccoon. It is usually the size of a cat, but visually it seems a little larger due to the thick fur coat of a greenish-gray or gray-brown color. Body length - something about 50 cm or a little more. The raccoon has a rather long tail - about half the length of the trunk (25 cm). The maximum weight of the animal can be 9-10 kg.

The fact that there is a difference between a raccoon and a raccoon dog is indicated, for example, by the legs of the first. They are very similar to human hands - the same five fingers, which is why the traces of the animal resemble human fingerprints. A similar structure of the paws is explained by the fact that the raccoon-striper, having clamped in the paws, rinses in the water.

The natural diet of this creature is diverse, the animal is almost omnivorous: it can eat animal food (small reptiles, fish, crayfish, rodents, insects, birds and bird eggs), and plant (berries, fruits, nuts and acorns). The choice of food depends on the time of the year: in the spring, the raccoon preys on small animals, and in the fall it harvests fruits. In winter, the animal goes into hibernation, but only in the north.


To understand how a raccoon differs from a raccoon dog, pay attention to the fact that the strip live most often in tree hollows, only very rarely can it choose a crevice in the mountains or an old badger hole as a refuge. Raccoons themselves do not dig holes for themselves - their paws are not suitable for digging. But the animals climb trees perfectly, jump, can, clinging with their paws, hang on a branch and even move upside down on the trunks.

Raccoons in the hollow

The character of raccoons is fearless, active and curious. They love to roam the shallow water and swim great. In addition, raccoons are not afraid of people and quite often settle near human housing, rummaging in heaps for food. Cases of penetration of these animals into human homes are known.

These animals can see very well, but the vibrissa - hard sensitive hair, provides them with the greatest help in orientation in space. Their bunches are located at the raccoon's head, legs, chest and belly. It is thanks to them that a raccoon is able to move quickly even in complete darkness.

About raccoon dogs

Now let's talk about animals, which are often confused with raccoons.

Otherwise, this beast is called a raccoon Ussuri fox or even a raccoon. Its pointed muzzle really resembles a raccoon. He also has thick fur of a dark brown color, sometimes with a grayish tint. On the belly, the fur is lighter, a dark strip passes along the ridge.

Raccoon dog

But the raccoon dog, as the name implies, belongs to the canine family. She has a stocky, but rather long body - from 60 to 80 cm, tail - 25 cm. At the same time, the legs of a raccoon dog are short.

The face of both animals is decorated with a characteristic "mask", which makes the ignorant confuse one animal with another. However, take a closer look: even in the photo of a raccoon and a raccoon dog, the difference is visible. Obviously, the second “mask” is not so contrastingly expressed, moreover, on the tail there are no transverse dark stripes characteristic of raccoons.

It should be noted that zoologists are also aware of the completely white Ussuri albino foxes.

Raccoon Albino Dog

Habits and diet

There is much in common between the animals discussed here. Raccoon dogs are also omnivorous and lead a twilight-nocturnal lifestyle. However, their shelters are not located on trees, but exclusively in the ground: these are fox or badger holes, pits, root niches. Occasionally, an Ussuri fox can dig a hole on its own, or even prefer an open bed.

Just like a raccoon, a raccoon dog feeds, exploring the surroundings. This, as zoologists say, is a typical “collector”. In the diet of the animal, the same insects, small rodents, cereal grains and various carrion, for example, wild fish. Also, the raccoon hibernates in especially cold winters.

The raccoon dog has nothing from the marten, whose habits are noticeable in the raccoon's lifestyle. It does not climb a tree; it cannot be found in a hollow. The closest relatives of a raccoon dog are wolves and foxes.

What is the difference?

And now, summarizing the knowledge gained, we list the main differences between a raccoon and a raccoon dog.

And it's a raccoon dog

Firstly, it is wool. In a raccoon dog, the fur is thicker, more plentiful and longer. On the sides of the muzzle of the animal you can see a kind of "whiskers". At the same time, the hair itself is coarser - that's why raccoon fur is valued higher.

Secondly, pay attention to the tail. In a raccoon, it is very noticeable thanks to the stripes. In a raccoon dog, the tail is shorter in relation to body length and has no pattern.

Thirdly, paws. This is also a kind of "chip" raccoon, by which it is easy to identify. As already mentioned, the five fingers of raccoon paws are separated, and they are very reminiscent of human hands. Thus, the difference between a raccoon and a raccoon dog is also evident in their fingerprints: if the former has almost imprints of small human hands, the latter leaves the usual dog-wolf tracks characteristic of all canines.

Raccoons on the tree

Well, the last thing, which, perhaps, is not so noticeable during ordinary observation. A raccoon dog is a burrowing animal, but a raccoon perfectly climbs trees and prefers to settle in hollows.

We hope you also realized what the difference between a raccoon and a raccoon dog is.

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