If your relative or boss is soon 60, you can arrange a jubilee evening for him. This is not a simple matter, because after 50 years, men often oppose public celebration, especially in the workplace. In Russia, 60 years is the retirement age. You must admit that the hero of the retirement age may be unpleasant to the hero of the day.
If the celebration of the anniversary is still held, then appropriate funds will be allocated for this good cause. And if so, you should prepare thoroughly for the event, codenamed "Anniversary - 60 years old man".The first step is to determine the number of seats in the banquet hall, where the festive event will take place. Then an estimate is made, which will determine the scope of the celebration.
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Given the age of the hero of the day, we’ll write up the script, as in the good old days. In the "cap" of the scenario plan should indicate the goals, form and methods of cultural events. So, the goals: solemn summing up of overcoming the next life line by a citizen; the formation of a positive emotional perception of the onset of 60 years of age. The form of the event is literary and artistic. Methods - recitation, choreography, playing music.
So, the main setting of the document, which we will call the “Scenario of the anniversary “ 60 years to a man ”, is a holiday with a slight tinge of nostalgia. The host of the evenings and performing artists should“ red line ”the idea that the hero of the day served his country well in his youth and accumulated experience will help him do this now.. . "60 " , .
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In order for the scheme tested over the years to work, it is advisable to build an evening out of no more than ten semantic blocks telling about the life of the hero of the occasion. This scenario of the jubilee “60 years to a man” will be successful only if the chronological sequence of the story is strictly observed. This should be followed by the leader.The final part of the 60th anniversary celebration script is a cake with candles, fireworks and a group photo as a keepsake.