Stroke in Photoshop: how to make and configure it

When processing and creating images with inscriptions and without them in a graphics program, it is often necessary to highlight the boundaries of objects, separate them from the background, or simply draw a contour. For all this, you can use Photoshop to stroke or brush the outline. This article is dedicated to how to do this.

Two ways to create a stroke

There are two ways to make strokes in Photoshop: selecting the borders of a layer using one of the specially provided effects and drawing a vector outline. The first method is often used to visually emphasize the boundaries of objects and to separate them from the background (most often this is necessary, for example, in order to highlight text on a motley background). The second method is more used for drawing, especially when creating clear geometric shapes.

how to stroke in photoshop

Layer Stroke in Photoshop

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contour in photoshop

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The two stroke methods described above do not interchange, but complement each other. The advantage of the first is that the line can be adjusted and then returned to the adjustment, as well as copy and apply to other layers, including other files. The advantage of the second is that the stroke in Photoshop will look more artistic, since there are no restrictions on the choice of brushes.

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