Getting a dog, many are looking for a breed that does not fade and does not have an unpleasant odor. In addition to the breed, a few other factors affect the dog’s smell, which you need to know about. It should be remembered that choosing a dog, one must be guided not only by its appearance, but also by its ability and ability to properly care for it. Even dogs that do not molt need special care. Any pet is not a toy at all. Before buying, make sure that you have enough time and patience on the animal.
Choose the breed “odorless”
Are there dogs that do not fade or smell? Hardly ever. Depending on the breed, they produce a stronger or weaker “aroma”. Dogs that don't smell:
- Hairless breed. The most common Mexican hairless and Chinese crested dogs. They have almost no hair, which entails the absence of a smell associated with its presence. However, caring for such a dog is very troublesome: despite the apparent absence of hair, you need careful skin care, including permanent hair removal. In the summer, the pet's skin must be lubricated with sunscreen, and in the autumn and winter - wear clothes.
- Shorthair breeds without undercoat. These breeds include terriers, core terriers. Their wool, due to its stiffness, practically does not get wet and does not absorb surrounding odors.
- Longhair dogs with no undercoat. Today, the most beloved and sought-after breed in this category is the Yorkshire Terrier. He has hair, which is very similar in structure to human hair. In this regard, the dog’s smell is absent in this breed, but the wool absorbs the surrounding odors very strongly. You need to wash these dogs every week using special tools. After bathing, the hair must be combed and dried. These dogs, which do not fade and do not smell, need additional care products.
Healthy dog is the key to lack of smell
Choosing a dog that does not smell, you should not forget that such a dog will need careful and troublesome care.
Not only the breed of the dog affects the presence of a specific smell. If the dog is healthy, then it practically does not emit any unpleasant odors. However, dogs that have digestive problems or skin diseases immediately start to smell unpleasant. Any healthy dog that receives proper care is practically odorless. But besides this, many need dogs that do not fade.
Causes of Odor
- The gender of the dog. Females do not have such a pronounced smell as males. But during estrus, the situation changes, and the dog begins to smell unpleasantly. In order to get rid of such an olfactory stimulus, it is enough to wash the bitch with a special agent.
- Odor also depends on age. Usually old dogs that have health problems begin to smell stronger, and bathing for a long time does not change the situation.
- Contact with water. If a pet likes to swim in a pond or river, then after a week he will definitely have a dog smell. To get rid of it, you need to wash the dog with dog shampoo. In the autumn period, when the rain often drizzles and the dog gets wet, the problem of an unpleasant smell also often appears. After walking in the rain, the dog must be thoroughly wiped or dried. Even dog breeds that do not fade produce a special smell after rain.
Wool everywhere
Shedding is a process laid down by nature in the body of any animal. Old wool changes to new, and this process occurs a couple of times a year. People suffering from an allergic reaction to dog hair are deprived of the opportunity to make a four-legged friend in the house. But there are also people who do not want to deal with the lost hair. In this case, there is a way out - to get a dog that does not fade.
There are many breeds of dogs that do not fade. By purchasing such pets, you will not remove wool from the carpet and sofa every day.
Dogs with wool
The Boston Terrier has a tough coat. The process of molting occurs only once every few years. With proper care and combing out the fallen wool in the apartment there will be practically no. This is a medium-sized dog that lives only in the house, unpretentious in care. A dog of this breed is suitable for people who have very little free time - one half-hour walk per day is enough for it. Many people are interested in dogs that do not fade. Photos of these animals can be seen in our article.
The Basenji breed has a short coat, but sheds very rarely and mildly. This dog is suitable for people who are allergic to dog hair. But to avoid unwanted accumulation of fallen wool in the apartment, the pet needs to be combed out with a brush with stiff bristles, especially during molting. Basenji is very mobile, love long walks on the street. A feature of these dogs is the inability to bark. Dogs of this breed are very sociable, have a good disposition and are somewhat similar to cat habits.
A dog with a long coat, similar in structure to human hair, is a maltese. However, these dogs shed rarely and due to the structure of the coat, they do not cause allergies in people. Maltese requires very careful care. To comb the dog, you need to use several different brushes in order to comb the thick and long coat well. It is necessary to periodically trim the hair in the ears of the dog, because it can fall off and impair the hearing of the pet. Bathing a dog of this breed should be carried out at least 1 time in 7 days, followed by thorough combing.
These are the main breeds of dogs that do not fade, but have hairline.
Bald pets
A dog with a small amount of hair is a Chinese crested dog. Only the ends of the paws and the head of the animal are covered with wool. Due to this arrangement of the hair, the dog has a rather exotic look. It sheds extremely rarely and mildly. The dog should have water procedures every 15 days, while using special means for places that are covered with hair. Due to the lack of wool, these dogs are very cold, so it is recommended to buy special clothes for them. Attention is always drawn to small dogs that do not fade.
Mexican hairless breed is famous for the lack of hair on the body. Such a dog is hypoallergenic, does not fade, is not a host for fleas and other parasites that wind up in animals with hair, does not smell. However, the skin of such a pet requires careful care. Small breeds of dogs that do not fade are afraid of frost and various skin parasites.
Responsible step
When planning to get a dog, you need to weigh all the pros and cons of the selected breed. If a person is very busy and cannot pay due attention to a pet, then a more unpretentious dog should be chosen. If the smell and wool during molting categorically does not suit the future owner, then it is better to completely abandon the establishment in the dog’s apartment.
Even dogs that do not molt require special care and attention from the owner. Any animal in the house is first of all a big responsibility. After all, everyone knows the phrase from the famous story about the little prince: "We are responsible for those we tamed!"