Cerebellar ataxia in cats: causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and advice of veterinarians

If a small kitten staggers when walking and falls, then this always alarms the owner. Especially strange is the situation when no other health problems in the pet are noted. The kitten has a good appetite, he is mobile and active, does not emit a mournful meow. But he’s not able to walk normally, as a rule, from his very first steps. This may be a manifestation of cerebellar ataxia in cats. This pathology does not affect the general state of health in any way. Poor coordination of movements is its only manifestation.

Why does a kitten walk poorly

Cerebellar ataxia in cats is a congenital pathology. It manifests itself at an early age when kittens begin to take their first independent steps.

Ataxia is a disorder of coordination of movements. Such a deviation may have a different origin. In this case, the cause of the pathology is cerebellum underdevelopment. This organ is responsible for the sensation of the position of the body in space and the coordination of movements.

In sick kittens, cerebellar damage occurs even during fetal development due to various adverse effects on the mother's body during pregnancy. Various factors can contribute to the birth of a sick kitten. Most often, cerebellar ataxia in cubs occurs if a pregnant cat has been ill with panleukopenia (plague). Parvovirus causes damage to the cerebellum, which leads to organ hypoplasia.

Ataxia in kittens usually develops if the mother gets sick with a plague in the later stages. Infection with panleukopenia at the beginning of pregnancy usually leads to fetal death. If the infection occurred closer to childbirth, then dead kittens and cubs with cerebellar hypoplasia may be born.

Other harmful effects on the mother’s body can lead to congenital ataxia in a kitten:

  • bacterial infectious diseases;
  • poisoning by food or poisons;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • poor nutrition.

There is also a hereditary form of ataxia in cats. However, such a pathology is not common.

Signs of pathology

The disease first appears in childhood, when the kitten begins to move actively. The kid walks, swaying violently ("drunken gait"), often falls and spreads his legs widely when moving. This is a leading symptom of pathology. In addition, the kitten's head trembles, especially when he is trying to focus his attention on a toy or some other object.

Lack of coordination of movements

Veterinarians distinguish several degrees of cerebellar ataxia in cats:

  1. Easy. The kitten has slight gait disorders, periodically the baby falls. But in general, the animal moves without any problems.
  2. Medium. The movement of the pet is very difficult, frequent falls are noted. But the animal is still able to walk.
  3. Heavy. The animal cannot move at all.

At the same time, no other changes in the state of health are observed in the pets. This disease is not accompanied by pain. Cats with ataxia eat well and do not experience malaise.

A kitten with ataxia develops normally. The defeat of the cerebellum does not affect the mental abilities of the pet. The disease also does not affect life expectancy. A cat with ataxia can live to a very old age.

This disease does not progress. In contrast, with age, the movements of the animal become more coordinated. If, over time, the cat’s gait worsens, then this is most likely due to other pathologies, rather than cerebellar ataxia.

Character features of sick cats

Sometimes on the Web you can find ads about the addition of kittens with cerebellar ataxia to the good hands. And many owners willingly accept such animals into their home. Why do people want to get a sick kitten?

Previously, these babies were most often euthanized. After all, the treatment of cerebellar ataxia in cats has not yet been developed. However, these days, these animals are increasingly finding loving hosts.

Cats with ataxia are not aware of their affliction. They do not experience any discomfort. These animals only need increased attention and care. With the help of the owner, sick cats can lead a normal life, especially with mild to moderate pathology.

Cats with ataxia are affectionate

Cats with congenital cerebellar hypoplasia are distinguished by kindness and increased affection. They are strongly attached to their master, as they largely depend on the help of a person. The popularity of these animals is due to their kind and friendly character.

In the video below you can see how two kittens with cerebellar ataxia play. The disease does not prevent them from being mobile and active.


An experienced veterinarian can detect the disease already when examining a kitten. A characteristic sign of this pathology is the onset of problems with coordination of movements at an early age.

However, ataxia may have a different origin. This symptom can occur with injuries, infections, and tumors. Therefore, the veterinarian collects an anamnesis and may ask the owner the following questions:

  1. Have there been any cases of falling or traumatizing the kitten?
  2. Did the cat have poisoning?
  3. What infections did the cub have?
  4. Are there other health problems besides poor coordination of movements?
Veterinary examination

An accurate diagnosis will help the kitten with an MRI scan. With the help of such a diagnosis, it is possible to establish the underdevelopment of the cerebellum.


How to treat ataxia in cats? If the pathology is associated with congenital underdevelopment of the cerebellum, then at present, effective methods of therapy have not been developed. A sick kitten can never move as confidently as healthy animals. However, it is very difficult for most owners to come to terms with this situation. How to help the baby?

Treatment of ataxia in cats at home can only consist in the development of movements through games. This will be a kind of physical therapy for the pet.

How to play with a kitten

To develop coordination of movements, it is useful to arrange games with "prey" in the form of a toy mouse or other object suspended on a fishing rod with a rope. It must be moved on the floor or slightly raised above the surface. No need to force the pet to reach for the toy, such a kitten does not hold well on its hind legs. Also, do not force the pet to jump, otherwise it may end in a fall.

Toy for kitten

But the throwing moves are good for kittens with ataxia. The animal can throw an ambush at the toy. In this case, the kitten usually turns on its back and captures the prey with its paws. To develop such movements in a cat is very useful.

We must not forget about games for the development of fine motor skills. These days, there are special puzzles for cats on sale with balls and toys hidden inside, as well as labyrinths. Such toys are very useful for animals with ataxia, as they help to develop the accuracy of small movements.

Puzzle game for cat

All educational games must be held under the supervision of the owner. After all, cats with ataxia very often fall.

How to make your home safe for your pet

Since there is no effective treatment for cerebellar ataxia, it is very important to protect the pet as much as possible from getting injured in the fall. After all, a violation of coordination will accompany the animal throughout life. To prevent the kitten from injuring, the following rules must be observed:

  1. It is very important that the floor is not slippery, otherwise the legs of the animal will move apart. Wooden flooring should be smooth so that the pet does not get a splinter. An ideal surface is a carpet. It will be convenient for the cat to move around. You can also cover the floor with rugs.
  2. It is necessary to remove from the floor all the large excess objects that the cat may stumble upon when moving.
  3. Many cats like to climb the bedspreads and curtains. Such vertical surfaces must be firmly fixed. It is necessary to pay attention to the length of the claws of the pet. After all, with their help, the animal clings to the tissue. You cannot cut the claws too short, otherwise the pet will not be able to stay on them. At the same time, claws should not be allowed to be crocheted and stuck in the fabric.
  4. Feeding cats with ataxia should be supervised by the owner. An animal with a movement disorder often sprays water and scatters food. Therefore, the bowls should be positioned so that the feeding place is easy to clean. After eating, you need to wipe the paws and face of the animal.

It is important to remember that with ataxia, independent walks are strictly contraindicated for cats. Such animals can get under the car, they cannot defend themselves from aggressive relatives and run away from dogs. However, ataxia pets usually love movement. They can be walked, but only on a harness.

Walking a cat on a harness

Veterinarian Prevention Tips

How to prevent cerebellar ataxia in cats? It is necessary to protect a pregnant pet from any harmful effects. It is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations of specialists on keeping a cat, which is "in an interesting position":

  1. Do not let the pet out for walks.
  2. Coming home, the owner should immediately change shoes and wash his hands thoroughly. Often people bring the plague virus on the soles of shoes.
  3. It is necessary to exclude contact of a cat with infected animals.
  4. Before mating, it is necessary to pass an analysis for parvovirus and proglistogonet animal.
  5. A pregnant cat needs proper nutrition.
  6. It is necessary to monitor the quality of food and protect the animal from poisoning.

Compliance with these rules will significantly reduce the risk of having a kitten with ataxia.

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