“Alien vs. Predator” - a game based on the eponymous movie in the genre of first-person shooter. The project was launched in 2010. The game did not receive high marks, but all fans of the universe were satisfied with it. In this article you will learn all about passing the shooter.
What is the game about?
The game does not retell the events of the original films, but offers a separate story to the player. In “Alien vs. Predator,” the passage is divided into three full story companies. In each of them you will have to accept one of the parties - people, strangers and predators. This article describes the passage for each of the parties.
Campaign for people
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The campaign will lead you to the pyramid, where you have to solve one fairly simple puzzle. Next, kill the main Alien and watch the final video. Congratulations! Now you completed the game completely for all three sides.