How to transfer data to iOS from Android?

After acquiring a brand new smartphone or tablet, the question always arises of transferring data from the old device to the one you just bought. Moreover, recently, the need to synchronize some other personal user information has been added to the traditional “moving” of contacts.

porting to ios

Serious problems will not arise if the new device works on the same operating system as the old one. Difficulties begin when you decide to "get over to the enemy camp", that is, you were on the Android platform, but you wanted to try iOS. These two operating systems are incompatible with each other and the usual synchronizing procedures will not help here.

So, let's try to figure out how to transfer your data from “Android” to iOS, and make it the most painless for both gadgets and the user himself.


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transfer from android to ios

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port from android to ios

«», . – Copy My Data. iOS , . «» , . , Gmail: «» , iOS .

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Gmail. «», « /IMAP» « ». @icloud, . iCloud.

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transfer data to ios

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port program on ios

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