The Intel Atom D2500 processor unit is a universal solution and can be used both as part of a desktop computing system and in an entry-level mobile computer. At the same time, the energy consumption of this chip is minimal, and it is suitable for solving the simplest tasks. It is about this CPU that will be discussed in this material.
CPU Specialization
As previously noted, the Intel Atom D2500 is a universal microprocessor. It can be used both in a stationary system unit, and in a laptop or netbook. It has low performance and excellent minimum power consumption. Therefore, you need to pay attention to it only when it is planned to solve the simplest tasks on a computer. These include office applications, browsing the web, banking programs and playing various low-quality multimedia content. Also, such hardware allows you to run the simplest toys.
Main settings
The CPU of the Intel Atom D2500 belongs to the generation of the Cedar Trail semiconductor chip. This chip includes 2 processing units operating at a fixed frequency of 1.86 GHz. Additionally, it should also be noted that this chip does not support NT and TurboBust technologies. The first of them allows you to process two streams of program code on one computing module, and the second changes the frequency of the CPU depending on the degree of heating of the semiconductor system and the level of complexity of the program. Its silicon crystal was manufactured using 32 nm technology. CPU power consumption is limited to 10 watts. That is, in some cases, such a microprocessor can work quite stably in conjunction with a passive cooling system. In this case, the maximum allowable temperature value of this chip is 100 ° C.
RAM. Cache and graphics accelerator
The RAM controller of this microprocessor can only work in single-channel mode and is capable of addressing 4 GB of memory. If used in a stationary PC, DDR3 format modules can be used, and in mobile computers - DDR3L.
In addition to this, this CPU model is equipped with a cache memory, which consists of two levels. In the first of them, 128 Kb of data and instructions can be placed in total, and in the second - 1 Mb.
The features of the Intel Atom D2500 indicate that it is equipped with an integrated graphics accelerator. Its model is GMA 3650. According to the documentation, it can display an image on two screens and has a very, very low level of performance. Therefore, it is great for processing text documents, playing multimedia content in low resolution and even for the most simple games.
Owner reviews
The owners of the Intel Atom D2500 CPU included energy efficiency, reliability and low cost. Also, the ability to install a passive heat removal system can be considered another plus. The disadvantages are experts attribute low productivity.
Although quite a long time ago by the standards of computer technology, the Intel Atom D2500 was released, but it can still successfully cope with its tasks. Such a microprocessor specialized in running the simplest programs. And to this day, their requirements for hardware resources have not changed.