White fluffy dogs only at first glance seem cute and harmless animals, designed for fun, like toys. Some breeds grow impressive size, very aggressive, adapted to help people in the most severe climatic conditions. Let's look at the characteristics of some breeds in order to understand what really are such cute fluffy dogs, our soft brothers are smaller.
English Shepherd Dog (Bobtail)
The shepherd has a thick wavy fluffy hair, at a dog show it can become a real star. Often serves the owner for grazing sheep, not afraid of harsh weather.
Dogs that are amusing at first glance are considered to be excellent watchdogs, steadily perform their service in spite of any bad weather, because thanks to the long white wool rolling down into the cords, the fur becomes waterproof and windproof.
Caucasian Shepherd Dog
This white fluffy dog (breed shepherd) is simply charming, looks like a cute teddy bear. But, growing up, he develops a rather severe and formidable disposition, is able to withstand even a wolf, and can rush into battle with him. The coat of dogs is thick, long, helps to survive in any weather, even in high mountainous conditions.
Tibetan mastiff
Tibetan mastiffs are very similar to shepherd's liking - large fluffy dogs in the shape of a lion, specially designed for living in the highlands. The mastiff has a beautiful rolling black-brown color, a luxurious mane on the head and collar, as well as strong jaws. The dog is always serious, different ferocity and distrust of the enemy.
As you can see, it is the coat, powerful and fluffy, which means that animals need it first of all for survival in harsh climatic conditions, and not for constant joy.
Bolognese breed
White fluffy dog (breed Bolognese) looks like a cute little dog, once brought from France. These soft little animals look like a Bichon Frize, are very gentle, mobile, always perky and playful. The coat is thin, wavy, thick, not more than 30 cm. The weight of a dog with drooping ears is not more than 7 kg, and its height is only 25-30 cm. Black eyes and nose contrast with the white hair of animals. The gait is light, graceful, flirty, which causes just one tenderness and tenderness.
Lapdogs occurred by crossing a dwarf poodle and a Maltese lapdog, their fur was curly, and the undercoat was very thick and soft. A great toy for children and adults, requires affection, but it can also be the best friend.
Small white fluffy dogs belong to an ancient and exotic breed. Weight - 4-5 kg, height at the withers - up to 25 cm. Fluffy dogs are playful, always cheerful and mobile. They can be great companions for young children. The breed was bred in Italy, but in Russia it is considered to be French.
Coton de Tulo
Coton de Tulo also belongs to the category of small and very beautiful white fluffy dogs. The dog looks like a fluffy cotton ball. Always cheerful, playful, well trained. The coat must be constantly looked after. The coat is white, long and silky, with spots on the undercoat. The provocative dogs used to be used as watchdogs for their sonorous and restless barking and temper, also for climbing into burrows, mousetraps. It’s impossible not to love dogs with provocative faces, they will bring joy and fun to any home, play well with them, it’s nice to comb their hair.
White fluffy dogs belong to a rare breed, are smart, intellectuals, always sensitive and understanding, relate to their owner with trepidation, have an open disposition. Despite their average size of 51-56 cm and a weight of no more than 25 kg, they are very strong and powerful, they will carry the load 2-3 times their own weight. Dogs are endowed with a strong figure, correctly set muscular paws. By nature, Samoyeds are cheerful, playful, and quickly find contacts with other animals.
Fluffy dogs are distinguished by hunting skills, can be used as sled dogs, quickly join the team, are not lazy when hunting, hiking in the forest. Samoyeds are a flock breed, they can’t stand loneliness, they are very sad, so when you start them you should take into account that you need to pay more attention to them, talk and play with them. The dog needs walking, grooming, but it is often impossible to wash it. A dog sheds a couple of times a year, which requires careful combing of its coat during these periods.
Pomeranian Spitz
It has an exclusively white color, wadded printed wool, a short elongated muzzle. Spitz are a decorative breed, rarely grow medium size. Very fluffy dogs, with kind understanding eyes, but sometimes willful and picky. They require care and constant care.
Pyrenees Mountain Dog
Large fluffy dogs of the Pyrenees have a pedigree, descended from the Abruzz shepherd and Hungarian kuvas. Considered an aristocratic breed, relatives of Newfoundland and Serbernard.
In the photo of fluffy dogs you can see a powerful elegant up to 1 meter tall dog. A wide muzzle looks like a bear. Her ears are triangular, hanging. The character is very hardworking, devoted, obedient. The Pyrenees are simply born for the highlands, are well trained for grazing, work as lifeguards, are good guides in snowy mountainous areas. They quickly adapt to family life, become loyal friends, trouble-free security guards of the owner’s personal property.
Hungarian Kuvas
Kuvas was bred in Hungary, the coat is short, designed to move through vegetation, high grass cover. Kuvas has an exclusively white color, which helps him track down wolves, bears at any time of the day, even at night. This breed requires a professional approach. It is necessary to teach a puppy the role of a guard from a young age, furry dogs become fearless and selfless defenders of their owners, acquire a tough, restrained character, and need careful and attentive education.
The variety of these wonderful white dogs allows you to choose the perfect companion for life. Just pay attention to him and you will be generously rewarded with sincere love on his part.