How to give birth to twins according to plan

A wonderful gift for a woman is a child. And if two or three miracles, then it is several times more pleasant. Moreover, the twins attract the attention of others. And many couples often wonder how to give birth to twins. Statistics show that out of only 2% of newborns, similar babies are born. This pregnancy (multiple) is not very common. As a result, identical little men or twins appear.

True, it happens that one of two children does not come into the world. The baby simply ceases to develop in the mother’s womb. It is believed that for every woman in childbirth there are 10-12 women in the womb, which was a twin.

Science tells you how to give birth to twins without much effort. Of course, the natural way will not work. Especially if the conception process is already running, then no one can change what happened. Because in case of fertilization, information about the baby is already laid down. And also about how many babies will be after childbirth.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the conception of twin eggs. But the birth of identical twins does not depend on hereditary or external conditions. Successful multiple pregnancy rate is only 0.3%.

For example, women whose age is well over 30 are easier to get pregnant with twins. An interesting fact is that during the late childbearing period, the female body increases the amount of the hormonal substance responsible for the maturation of the egg.

Thus, if a woman thinks about how to give birth to twins, she should be ready for the maturation of several eggs at once. Surprisingly, the production of this hormone directly depends on the duration of daylight hours. Therefore, in the spring, the likelihood of becoming pregnant with twins increases several times.

The highest chances of the appearance of identical babies are observed in families where twins have already been born. Moreover, this genetic feature is transmitted only through the female line.

Women with a short menstrual cycle can also expect replenishment - two babies at once. The same applies to women with uterine pathologies.

Today in gynecology it is very clearly presented how to give birth to twins, thanks to contraceptive drugs. They treat infertility by stimulating the egg. Not surprisingly, as a result, two or three twins appear immediately. And this happens after long days of waiting.

It became not so difficult to become pregnant with twins, especially after the in vitro fertilization system appeared. In this case, the twins appear heterogeneous, and increasingly heterosexual. Each child with his own appearance and character. It is believed that a record number of identical children appears during shocks of a social scale.

In the old days, giving birth to twins was a big surprise. After all, they learned about the gender and number of children only when a happy moment approached. In order to recognize a multiple pregnancy, some signs must be taken into account. For example, during pregnancy with one baby, the uterus increases much more slowly. In this case, the volume of the uterus of a pregnant woman does not match the size of the baby’s head. Another feature - with multiple gestation, the area of ​​the uterus deepens greatly.

But today, the conception of twins and their birth is not such a big secret for parents. Ultrasound investigation will help to cope with the task. Already at the 5th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother will find out how many babies are in her stomach. Thus, the doctor will easily identify two embryos. If a woman decides to have an abortion, but then finds out that she expects twins, then a cruel operation is usually postponed.

It should be noted that most of these pregnancies occur without complications. But for a period of 37-38 weeks, a woman in labor should lie down for preservation. The hospital will conduct a full examination of the expectant mother, right up to the day of birth.

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