Favorite holiday, birthday, though once a year, but gives great pleasure. Birthday parties and guests are happy, having fun and interesting time. Delicious food, funny contests and games are the components of a successful holiday. But the main thing is the wishes addressed to the hero of the occasion. Be sure to mention his name in your speech, because it acts magically, immediately sets the person in a positive mood. Insert the phrase in the congratulation: "Happy Birthday, Tatyana!" Cool poems or serious prose - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is sincerely and sincerely! How else can you congratulate the girls named Tatyana?
A postcard will never go out of style. Quite the contrary, this printed product is being improved, modernized, and no longer looks like its counterparts a decade ago. Actually make a card with your own hand. Size and texture is up to you. You can use a sheet of whatman paper, on which it is worth placing not only the wishes and the phrase "Happy Birthday, Tatiana", poems, but also decoration elements. Beads, rhinestones, feathers, bows are well suited. Get involved in the creative process with your head, use bright colors, pencils. It will be a great surprise.
On your birthday, Tatyana,
I wish you
To have the sea
Only bright days in fate!
You live and enjoy
At work - don't bother
Have fun and relax
Sunbathe in the Bahamas!
You are beautiful and slim
Impeccable and sweet.
So stay so and smile more often!
Say these lines with expression, looking into the eyes of the birthday girl. Tell her the most important words: "Happy Birthday, Tatiana." Postcards remain for a long memory, they can be stored in a special album and periodically reviewed, raising your spirits.
Flowers - Women's Weakness
You rarely see a female person who does not like flowers. According to the name horoscope, Tanya's plant is blueberry. Of course, a bouquet of branches of this berry is a complete exclusive. But you can pick up something similar in color. A chic bouquet of roses stacked in a huge box will come in handy. The birthday girl will be delighted with such a presentation. Put a message with wishes in the box!
“Happy Birthday, Tatyana! I don’t know how to compose verses; I’ll say as I think, dare! You are a beautiful flower! Elegant, bright, beautiful, kind, people are drawn to you, like plants to the sun. Illuminate our life further, a radiant man! I wish you a huge bag of happiness and a container of health! Be loved, desired and faithful! ”
Such sincere words are suitable for women of any age. She will be delighted with such compliments.
Humor in life
Usually Tatyana is a creative and vibrant personality. Therefore, any manifestation of art is not alien to them! Present the birthday girl with a funny collage from her photo. To do this, you need to find pictures in which the girls are captured in funny poses and situations. For example, a lady who fell into a puddle, dressed in a funny fancy dress, in an embrace with the president of the country or something like that fell into the frame. Fill in the photo of the birthday girl and collect the pictures in a collage.
“Today we want to present you our congratulations on your birthday!” Tatyana, we collected funny moments of your life on one sheet of whatman paper. Enjoy and laugh while looking at this gift! ”
Such an unusual gift has not yet been received by any birthday man. It will turn out a merry congratulation, and this collage can be hung on the wall and admire it on gray weekdays!
Pop stars
Surprise Tatyana and guests with your extraordinary performance at the holiday. Not everyone can afford to invite pop stars to their parties. So dress up in a pop diva and a beautiful baritone vote: "Happy Birthday, Tatiana!" The song can be any, at your discretion. But you can redo the hit belonging to the star in your own way. And even better would be Russian folk or ditties with tributaries and hooks!
Tatyanka, Tatyanka is mine!
Oh red you are like a dawn!
Like a raspberry sweet
And like a pear smooth!
You bloom, bloom like a rose
Like spring mimosa
That there was no sclerosis and osteochondrosis.
Our Tanya laughs merrily,
Glasses ringing
Her birthday
Take a walk, e-mine!
Get a great birthday greetings. Tatyana will surely appreciate cool ditties. They can be sung in chorus, having tied scarves on the head. Well, if men participate in this action! It will turn out comical and original.
Fun party
Prepare your speech in advance, so you will not be confused and will not forget the words from the excitement. Give your loved ones as much attention as possible because on your holiday it is so nice to hear warm and kind words, get stunning compliments.
Say sincere words to the birthday girl and end with simple words your congratulation: "Happy Birthday to Tatyana!" Cool songs, ditties, verses will give a holiday of positive and solemnity. Do not skimp on compliments, because she deserves it!