How to inflate a long balloon without a pump using improvised means

No children's holiday is complete without multi-colored balloons. The easiest way to inflate them is with a pump. But he is not always at hand. How to inflate a long ball without a pump?

how to inflate a long ball without a pump

How to inflate a balloon with your mouth?

Previously, the balls were inflated with the mouth, using the power of their lungs. But a long narrow balloon is harder to inflate than it might seem. Before proceeding directly to inflation, it must be carefully washed from the outside, water should not get inside. Then you need to pull the ball well in different directions, so the material will stretch and inflate it will become easier.

The inflation process is simple. It is necessary to fix his neck with his lips. Then you need to take a deep breath and exhale the air inside the ball. Repeat successive inhalation and exhalation until it is completely inflated. At the same time, one should control the degree of its swelling; it is better to leave a small margin. Otherwise, the ball may burst directly during the inflation process. What can cause injury to the eyes and hearing aid.

how to inflate a long balloon without a pump at home

There are several rules for how to inflate a long balloon without a pump.

  1. You need to watch your cheeks - they should not swell. Otherwise, there is a risk of injury.
  2. The greatest difficulties arise at the very beginning. As soon as the ball is able to inflate a little, it becomes easier. When inflating a sausage ball, you should step back a few centimeters from the neck and squeeze with your fingers. Having inflated a small ball, you can remove your hand and continue to fill it with air. So it will be much easier.
  3. You need to stretch the ball when you blow air into it.

Handy pump

How to inflate a long balloon without a pump at home, if physical skills are not so well developed? You can use a regular syringe, it will serve as a pump. To inflate a ball in this way, you need to put it on the nose of the syringe and pinch the neck. Sharp pressing should inflate the product with air. It is worth being prepared for the large time costs.

Using gas

Many care not only about how to inflate a long ball without a pump at home. I want the balls to fly regardless of their shape.

The easiest way is to use a purchased helium bottle. But often there is no time left for such an acquisition, and it is quite expensive. Therefore, you can use a gas stove. First you need to remove the burner and find a rubber hose of suitable diameter. It must be connected to the gas pipe inside the burner. Insert the other end of the hose into the ball and turn on the gas. Before inflating a long ball without a pump in this way, it will need to be stretched and inflated with ordinary air. After a quarter of an hour, the ball must be blown off and then connected to the gas stove. If this is not done, he most likely will not inflate, since the gas power is quite low. Due to impurities in household gas, the balls will not be able to lift any load, but they can fly independently.

how to inflate a long balloon without a pump at home

The most affordable and easiest option is to inflate the ball with your mouth. Before inflating a long ball without a pump, it is recommended that you first practice round ones.

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