Hyperachogenic focus in the left ventricle of the fetal heart: diagnosis, causes

During the second planned ultrasound, a hyperechoic focus is often found in the left ventricle of the fetal heart. This inclusion is a small point - an additional chord, which does not do any harm to the child, but provided that the presence of chromosomal pathologies is excluded.

hyperechoic focus in the left ventricle of the fetal heart

Diagnosis Description

In the place of localization of the point, a compaction of the heart tissue is detected, it can be caused by:

  • salt deposits;
  • the presence of pathology in the chromosome set;
  • the presence of an additional chord, which does not affect the full functioning of the heart.

If the cause of the appearance of the white dot in the heart cavity is a large amount of salts, then by the third trimester it disappears and does not bear any consequences for the fetus. The same applies to chords, it can cause heart murmurs up to a certain age (usually pass in 2-3 years), or disappears before birth. In any case, if it is available, you must regularly examine the child with a cardiologist.

The danger is only a diagnosis found in combination with chromosomal abnormalities. In this case, myocardial compaction is a danger to the life of the child.

heart pathology

A hyperechoic focus in the left ventricle of the fetal heart may indicate the presence of Down syndrome if pathological chromosomal markers were detected during a blood test in a pregnant woman.

At what period can the fetal heartbeat be heard

The bookmark of the heart falls on the fourth week of pregnancy. Within a week, transvaginal ultrasound can detect myocardial contractions. Ultrasound examination with an abdominal sensor can be carried out at the eighth week. If at this time there are no contractile processes of the myocardium, then we can conclude that pregnancy fades.

After the formation, the heart contracts with a frequency of 110-130 beats, then the number increases significantly to 170-190 (the peak falls on the eighth week), and after that the heart beats in the fetus again decrease to 120-160 in one minute and practically do not change before childbirth.

It is possible to listen to the heartbeat using a stethoscope only from the twentieth week, it is available only to experienced doctors. You can already listen to how a child’s heart beats already in the thirtieth week.

GEF Diagnostics

Detection of the syndrome "golf ball" is carried out by ultrasound. After this, it is advisable to visit an additional 3D ultrasound, the attending physician can also direct the pregnant woman to an echocardioscopy of the fetus. Most often, this study is prescribed:

fetus by week

  • pregnant women over the age of 35;
  • if the mother had infectious diseases in the early stages;
  • if the pregnant woman (or relatives) has pathologies of the heart or diabetes;
  • after detection on a planned ultrasound of pathologies in the heart;
  • with a lag in the development of the fetus and its size;
  • upon detection of markers indicating chromosomal abnormalities.

The hyperechoic focus in the left ventricle of the fetal heart can be examined using echocardioscopy for a period of 18-28 weeks, after which a full examination will fail, since the baby will be too large to qualitatively examine the size and condition of his heart.

Norm indicators for echocardioscopy

During the examination, all heart cavities are measured. Normally, these indicators should be within:

  • the length of the right ventricle is 0.5-1.75 cm;
  • the width of the right ventricle is 0.4-1.1 cm;
  • the length of the left ventricle is 0.9-1.8 cm;
  • the width of the left ventricle is 0.44-0.89 cm;
  • the ratio of the width of the left ventricle to the right is 0.45-0.9 cm;
  • aortic orifice - 0.3-0.52 cm;
  • the mouth of the pulmonary artery - 0.3-0.5 cm;
  • mitral orifice - 0.35-0.6 cm;
  • tricuspid opening - 0.3-0.63 cm;
  • the number of heart contractions - 140-160 beats / minute.

hyperechoic focus in the left ventricle of the heart of the fetus causes

The size of the fetal heart has its own indicators and differs significantly from the size of an adult, since all organs correspond to the size of the body. A heart pathology with such an examination is always detected, so do not worry about the unprofessionalism of the uzista, if the diagnosis is not confirmed or the doctor says that this does not pose a threat to the child.

What needs to be done when identifying the GEF

GEF in the fetal heart involves the appointment of additional routine examinations by a doctor. These include:

  • Ultrasound of the heart of a child with dopplerography;
  • CTG (cardiotocography);
  • 3D or 4D ultrasound.

If the diagnostic methods did not refute the presence of heart pathologies (that is, when there are pathological markers in the blood and ultrasound confirms these signs), it is recommended to visit genetics.

heart beats in the fetus

Such a study is a very serious step, as it carries a great risk of miscarriage or miscarriage. Therefore, it is necessary to draw cord blood or amniotic fluid only in the most extreme cases.

The pathology of the heart can be insignificant, then the geneticist will not refer to such a dangerous diagnosis. However, when confirming the diagnosis by volumetric ultrasound, it is better to consult with a professional about the danger of the GEF for the baby's life.

Hyperachogenic focus in the left ventricle of the fetal heart: causes

The appearance of an echogenic focus in a child’s heart can be a result of mineralization of the vessels of the heart muscle, an individual feature of the heart (in which an additional septum in the heart is found in the form of a small chord), or chromosomal pathologies, in particular, Down syndrome.

The fetus develops very rapidly by week and its body and vital systems of the body are further improved. That is why you need to regularly monitor the condition of the fetus, which will allow you to timely detect possible developmental problems or prevent them before the onset of the first symptoms.

additional left ventricular chord in a child

In the presence of pathological chromosomal markers in the mother’s blood, the presence of developmental abnormalities in the child is finally confirmed. In this case, parents must decide on the need for additional examinations or termination of pregnancy.

The consequences of the diagnosis for the child

Normally, the extra chord of the left ventricle in a child disappears at the end of the third trimester, but it can also be in the heart for life, without endangering health. You need to know about this and, if necessary, inform the pediatric pediatrician, since when listening, there is the possibility of making the wrong diagnosis due to the presence of heart murmurs.

It is also recommended to be registered with a pediatric cardiologist and be regularly examined for pathology. As a rule, by the age of three, any signs of inclusion in the heart muscle disappear in the child, then the doctor makes a conclusion about the absolute health of the child.

Is it worth worrying about this diagnosis

As a rule, hyperechoic focus in the left ventricle of the fetal heart is not dangerous for the child. After birth and a planned examination by a doctor, no abnormalities are found in children, only slight noise is possible with an additional chord.

GEF in the heart of the fetus

When the child reaches the age of 2-3 months, for greater peace of mind, parents can do an ultrasound of the heart, in which all sizes of cavities and valve openings, the number of additional chords and the general condition of the cardiovascular system will be indicated in detail. In conclusion, a diagnosis will be written about heart health and full compliance with age characteristics (usually up to a year in children an open oval window is found).

Only in a small percentage of cases an additional chord of the left ventricle in a child can lead to heart disease or other pathologies. But for this, the mere presence of the "golf ball" syndrome is not enough, accurate confirmation of the danger by taking amniotic fluid or blood from the umbilical cord and the presence of pathological markers after the diagnosis of blood indicating the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus are necessary.

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