Dog vocal cord removal: procedure description, result

Humanity continues to try to adjust the world to itself. Recently, the procedure for removing vocal cords in dogs is gaining popularity among dog breeders. Usually, owners of animals encounter difficulties in apartment buildings, where pets bother their neighbors with their barking. Often this procedure is forced, they go to it from hopelessness, when there is no other way to save a pet from an angry neighbor. And some create for themselves a "convenient" animal, or even several, making profit, for example, from breeding, and for convenience using the method of removing vocal cords in dogs.

Operation Technique

  • Complete removal. After the removal of the vocal cords, the dog completely loses its ability to bark, and the voice will never return to it. With this procedure, the ligaments are cut out and cauterize their edges.
  • Partial cropping. In this case, the dog is trimmed or cauterized by vocal cords by surgical intervention or by applying an electric current. After such a procedure, it is likely that the dog’s voice will recover, but will be very low and hoarse, more like a cough.
Dog vocal cord removal

All the pros and cons


  1. The pet will not bother others with a loud bark.
  2. The animal can no longer scare passersby with a sudden bark.
  3. The owner will have to take a closer look at his dog for a walk, as he will not hear her voice.

There are no more adequate arguments in favor of surgery to remove the vocal cords in dogs. Let's move on to the pros:

  1. Such an operation harms the psyche of animals. This can especially affect aggressive dogs of large breeds.
  2. Dog vocal cords are removed under anesthesia, which can be detrimental to decorative dogs of small breeds - it is most difficult for them to calculate the dose of anesthesia. In addition, decorative dogs very often have all kinds of hereditary diseases, which are often asymptomatic, but during surgery can lead to irreversible consequences and even death.
  3. With such an intervention, a consequence such as laryngeal edema, which leads to instant death of the animal, often occurs.
  4. Veterinary academies of Russia do not teach such operations, so it is not a fact that you can find a truly qualified doctor.
  5. Barking is a natural reaction of an animal, and voice deprivation is immoral and cruel.
  6. The operation for dogs to remove the vocal cords will lead to the disruption of the invisible connection of the animal with the owner. The dog will not be able to inform him of something or warn of danger.
  7. Such surgical intervention is not able to protect passers-by from the main threat of being bitten, because the dog can do this in silence. But the fact that the animal that underwent such an operation will become more aggressive - many veterinarians are inclined to this opinion.
  8. Even seeing the real danger, the dog almost always warns the enemy by barking. After removal of the vocal cords, the dogs will have the only way out of the dangerous situation - to immediately bite.
Dog after removal of the vocal cords

As you can see, there are many more cons. But is an operation for dogs to remove vocal cords always harmful?

Possible complications

  • Bleeding and swelling of the larynx.
  • Infection This complication is associated not only directly with the operation, but can also occur in the postoperative period. Since the larynx and trachea, this is an area that cannot be completely sterile. There is always a risk of infection with food.
  • Excessive scarring. This complication can only be detected some time after the intervention and significantly complicate the life of the animal. It will be difficult for him to swallow, difficulty breathing and fluid will accumulate in the larynx.
  • The risk of developing pneumonia. It occurs in case of an error during the operation, when, due to inexperience or carelessness, the nerve of the animal is affected.
Surgery for dogs to remove vocal cords

When such an operation is necessary

  1. An incurable disease of the larynx or the ligaments themselves, in which such surgical intervention is indicated.
  2. Incorrect animal behavior. Most often, the owners think about removing the vocal cords of the dog after constant complaints from neighbors. And if they also go on visits to the district police officer? First of all, decide if you did everything in order to avoid such a bark?

Adjustment Methods:

  • training, possibly with an instructor;
  • electric collar;
  • resection of the vocal cords in a dog.

There are some dogs whose behavior is almost impossible to correct. Perhaps the animal went to you already adults or some genetic mutations have occurred. If you really tried to correct his uncontrolled barking in all possible ways, if you devote enough time to your pet, and he does not get bored alone, then the operation may be the only way out.

Dog vocal cord removal surgery technique

Postoperative period

Within two days after the operation, you need to monitor the dog’s breathing, since it is during this period that the animal may develop laryngeal edema.

In the first few days after surgery, feed your pet with liquid and soft foods. Dry food can be given no earlier than five days, but subject to complete recovery.

If a laryngotomy was performed, then within two weeks it is necessary to process and monitor the condition of the sutures.

Dog vocal cord removal procedure


Anyone who decides to perform an operation to remove the vocal cords in dogs and cats (yes, there are some) should know that such an intervention will not correct the behavior of the dog in any way. That is, if the animal rushed at passers-by, then it will continue to do so, but it will sneak up unnoticed or bark in a “whisper”. And think about the fact that this procedure is irreversible. You will never be able to hear the voice of your pet, and he will not be able to turn to you, call you, tell you about some of his joy. Maybe the need for such an intervention, we justify our laziness and unwillingness to deal with the animal? Before you take this step, carefully weigh the pros and cons, because there will be no turning back.

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